Of course Pablo couldn't say that they didn't do well.

If someone could say it, he would not only be the first to object, but he might even fight the guy who said it. No matter who it is, as long as he can say this after witnessing the bravery of the astral army, Pablo will definitely let him taste the taste of his fist.

A group of mortals, against the orcs all over the mountains, came here first, and fought with them for half a month, what more do you ask for? What more can you ask of them?

Are you asking them to kill all the orcs here? Ah, that's fine, unless all of them are given a transformation package to transform all the 80,000 astral armies on this planet into Astartes.

He was just depressed about it, the Imperial Fists and their subgroups regarded honor as their life, and the extreme among them even deliberately put themselves in danger for some glory. The more peaceful ones will also do their best to fight for the vanguard position before the battle.

But, on the other hand, their observance of discipline is also well known.

What's more, this is a primarch leading the Crimson Fist warriors to know his identity, which is something Steve explained as early as the first day they met. This matter has not been fully disclosed within the Empire, so the warriors of the Crimson Fist are very honored.

A primarch.


Pablo glanced at the long sword burning with golden flames on Steve's right hand without a trace, his throat rolled up and down, and he wanted to ask himself if he could touch one. But his rationality persuaded him to touch it in time? crazy?

"Let's go back to the front."

Steve said, leading him back. Along the way, I can see that many Star Forces are collecting the magazines that were emptied and thrown on the ground. They have been replaced with new weapons from the Vengeance. The star warship and the black flying dragon have become some kind of sacred relics, and it is no longer easy. use.

The former is because the casting line on it is irreplaceable, and the latter is because it is too precious. No one can afford to lose it. Although Steve was very critical of it, there was nothing he could do about it. After all, the only man who can repair the Doom of the Deep is not here.

Back to the topic, the weapon the astral army is wearing is an energy weapon. Unlike the light guns used by the empire, it fires air bombs constructed from complex patterns inside. Don't think the name of air bombs sounds less lethal.

You wouldn't think so if you saw them smash a main battle tank with a salvo.

This weapon has almost no recoil, and the projectile is invisible. Even if it is a sneak attack, there is no need to worry about exposing its position like a laser gun.

No maintenance is required, as the materials it is composed of are unimaginably strong. It can even be used as a blunt weapon for empty bullets, and more than one soldier splattered the brains of some orcs with it.

At the same time, it has a huge magazine, fifty rounds of ammunition, and a fast rate of fire. If you have to say, there is only one shortcoming. It's their magazines.

The magazine is fixed with a recovery pattern, and magic power is automatically generated inside. It is designed to a series of complex principles, but the final result is that the magazine can be used indefinitely, it just needs time to recover. The magic power of fifty bullets can be recovered in about half an hour. Therefore, empty magazines have to be picked up one by one.

Moreover, the main advantage of this weapon is that it is cheap.

Compared with the production price of war mechs, the raw materials and time required for this weapon are ridiculously low. Three hundred can be made in one hour, what is the concept?

Guilliman laughed crookedly at the time, and immediately decided to replace the laser gun with this kind of firearm throughout the empire.

Anyone who has a concept of war will not ignore the huge potential of this firearm, and because of this, it is given a somewhat heavy name.

Imperial Revival R1 style.

R, taken from the first letter of the Revenge, 1, it is easy to understand, the first work to be installed by the whole army.

As he walked, he greeted the soldiers. Everyone knows him,

And he seems to know most of them. Pablo was once again amazed by this scene, and Steve was the first Primarch he had ever seen who could even remember the names of most mortal soldiers.

No one had done this before him.

It only took seven minutes to reach the position. It was a position, but it was actually a fortress. A thick and serious black building, square and chilling. There are dark gun barrels in the observation hole, and troop transports keep coming and going at the door, bringing the wounded in or taking soldiers who are still fighting to other positions.

There are four more such positions on the planet, and Steve will go to each of them, if nothing else.

In fact, they didn't exist in the first place. But the new technology is really useful. If possible, Steve really wanted to give He Shenyan a kiss. He knew that the latter would not accept it, but he had to do it.

What is the concept of building a solid building strong enough to withstand hundreds of shelling in twenty minutes? The concept is that there is no need to spend a lot of sacrifices to clear a position when fighting such troublesome wars in the future.

Just sit on the ship, choose one or a few locations, drop them in the air, and wait. Not to mention the speed, it can even kill some of the enemies in the process, and the fortress will not mind converting some fresh flesh into magic power to speed up the process when it rises.

Entering the interior of the fort, the first thing you see in the hall on the first floor is not a row of beeping instruments or officers who are constantly communicating with various positions. Their spaceships stay above the planet. The new communication has been able to undertake this kind of task. .

Therefore, the rest of the hall on the first floor and even the rest of the fortress was basically occupied by the medical cabin.

Except for the necessary canteens, toilets, and dormitories for soldiers to rest, there are medical cabins everywhere.

These things are also good baby ah.

Pablo couldn't help sighing. When he first learned about the medical cabin and its efficacy, he was shocked for a while. Because a brother wounded enough to pray to the Emperor was put in, an hour later he came out alive and well.


It was intact in the true sense, and even the missing hair at the back of his head was healed. This bastard kept his long hair while fighting, which made several people want to cut him more than once.

However, from another perspective, Steve and Pablo didn't want so many medical cabins here. There are about 700 medical cabins in the fortress, all of which were requisitioned from three spaceships. The advanced teleportation technology allows them to appear instantly.

However, more of them means more casualties.

Seeing this scene, Steve's expression turned gloomy: "Go and tell your brother to get ready, Pablo."

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