Sha Qing

Chapter 70: Untouchable

Ep57 cannot be touched

To shut up! To shut up! To shut up! Shut up ... countless reverbs echoed in my ears, and howling like a ghost. They fluttered wildly in his head, reaching out their sharp claws and tearing their brains. He was shocked, shaken, suppressed by the huge shadow behind him, unable to move, weak and weak, and could do nothing but scream and cry.

He wept, screamed, immersed in the venom of pain and fear, and pain and fear never end.

His side face was deformed by the squeezing of the palm and the countertop, only a pair of frightened and bewildered eyes were hidden in the cracks of the messy hair, and the focal length was loose because he kept shaking.

The shards of light and shadow jumped frantically in front of him, and the swarf lawn spread out from the window, extending to monster-like trees in the distance, and finally dissolved into the deeper darkness together.

The woman's head was staring at him on the lawn, covered with long cobweb-like black hair, with round, straight eyes, like a newly unearthed mushroom.

She stared at him. All the ridicules, lusts, and atrocities, all the begging, crying, and pain, she stared at it. Just staring.

Don't look at me like that! Don't look ... He begged her, scolded her, called her, but didn't respond.

Her scarlet lips stretched wide.

He heard her wailing. No matter how many years have passed, he can always hear her sorrow, echoing in this courtyard, all over the house all day and all night ...

Leo noticed something wrong when he started retching and cramping. The black hair under the palm was thoroughly wet with a lot of sweat, and the back of the prison clothes became dark due to the wet, making the man lying on the window sill look like a floating corpse just rescued from the water.

Leo hesitated and let go of his hand. The other's spasmodic muscles tightened him tighter, and he held back his increasingly intense pleasure and opened his wet hair to look at the person's face below him.

The spasm stopped shortly, the blue face was as pale as a wax figure, and the vitality was fading away, and his eyes were not radiant, like a pair of tan stone beads, and his eyes were fixed in another space, and his eyes were full of physiology Sexual tears.

Anxiety and panic rolled up Leo's neck, as if a cold wind, dissipated the cold, malicious black mist at the bottom of my heart. He felt that he had just awakened from a twisted dream, in which he was completely unlike him, and clearly he was him.

The blood fell drop by drop, and he seemed to be scalded by something hot and drew back the part deeply buried in the other person's body.

"... Say it?" Leo called a deep, hoarse voice, turning over the weak body under him.

He stroked his forehead. Those handsome, but dull eyes widened, like gray rock formations that had condensed after the magma had completely cooled, and spread on uninhabited wasteland. This made Leo feel an unprecedented fear, and his whole body and body shivered because of this fear, and his throat was so tight that he could hardly make a sound. An indescribable urge pushed him down, trying to kiss the tears in his eyes.

Then the rock formation burst suddenly.

It was as if a fiery, sharp, indestructible force had broken the rock formations and burst out from under the ashes.

Leo didn't have time to see this look clearly, but the vigilance that had been sharpened for many years in the rain of guns and bullets hurt his nerve, causing him to tilt his upper body back at this moment.

The attack failed. It was supposed to follow a precise arc, pierce the carotid artery of another man, and eject with a jet of blood. Tiny but deadly.

In fact, it is nothing more than a sharp plastic toothbrush handle, but any object is a lethal weapon in the hands of the infiltration of killing. Even those hands were shackled.

One miss missed, followed by a second. Leo was caught off guard, but the conditioned reflex formed by long-term training rescued him. He grabbed the handcuff chain between the killing young wrists and pressed it to the opponent's chest.

"Kill the blue—" he whispered. The opponent's stiff limbs were strangely matched with murderous eyes, making him feel that he was not facing a person, but a bloodthirsty ghost devoured by hatred.

Killing the youth was as shocked as a dream.

He blinked slowly for a few moments, and it seemed that he could finally see the man in front of him, as if disappointed, and fortunately he narrowed his lips. "... It's you," he said lazily, with the exhaustion and annoyance that seemed to heal his illness. "Why, do you want to continue, just **** away from the window sill and going to bed."

Leo looked at him from within his feet, his expression complex. After a few moments of silence, he grabbed the chain of handcuffs and drew towards himself, then hugged Shaoqing vigorously.

"This posture is so stupid, pretending to be tender and so on," Sha Qing taunted, "aren't the two men **** each other with their bare butts?"

Leo held him tighter. "It's not me you hate, it's not me you want to kill. That's right, all your deceptions, teasing, and persecution against me, trample on my feelings for 'Li Biqing', no matter what the reason, it's not hate."

"You're so confident, handsome." Killer Qing replied, "Actually, I almost ruined your reputation-maybe even after the new newspaper is released tomorrow, it will be more uncomfortable than death. I did it on purpose, you know very well , Otherwise I wo n’t be so mad and run to violent / violent me. "

"I admit that I am very annoyed and hate you, not only because of opposing positions, but also because I cannot perceive you, but you see through me." The black-haired agent said bitterly, "I opened your face. However, I ca n’t touch the true heart. Although I do n’t want to admit it, but ... Yes, I always have unrealistic fantasies about you, after you break them again and again. "

"Then you better stop fantasizing about me, because I will break it again."

"Why--why force me to hate you?"

Sha Qing thought with a tilted head and smiled, "Because, as you said, I am a crazy, stubborn, arrogant, perverted neuropathic killer."

Leo was silent again.

After sighing long and silently, he reached out and pulled up pants for Sha Qing. "You better go to the infirmary to stop bleeding in time."

"Thanks for the advice from the **** / rapist," said Sha Qing.

"In fact, you can not talk like this with a gun and a rod. After I see this, you can't irritate me anymore." Leo tidy up his clothes and recovered his calmness and self-reliance from the outside to the inside. "It's true that you found me a big / trouble in court today, but I can work it out. I'm sorry you still have to stay in prison-maybe for a lifetime-but rest assured, I will visit you often. Do you know, just now, I suddenly wanted to understand: there are always some people in this world who are entangled in their relationship and are different from others. They cannot be viewed with common sense. If you and I are one of them, accept it Reality, no need to resist. "

"The visitation time is over, I have to leave." The black-haired agent walked to the door, suddenly stopped, looked back to kill blue, his eyes were unusually soft, and he seemed worried about what might be hurt, but had to pay attention. "What happened on the window sill?" He asked, "I feel that it is a nightmare-nightmares are always difficult to get out of, and I have also experienced nightmares. You pulled me out. Now, it's my turn Pulled you. "

The handcuffs between the killing wrists made a small noise. At this moment his eyes were cold and dark, like the bottom of a sea that could not be illuminated by any light, and buried the innumerable remains of death. In his eyes, Leo felt a kind of suffocation, but soon realized that it was an illusion. The other person just shrugged casually: "What happened? A law enforcement officer raped / violent me, just now. Need to call Is that sir? "

"... I know what I did was wrong, but I don't want to apologize for it." Leo finished, closed his lips, opened the door and walked out of the room.

Sha Qing stood in place and watched Leo leave blindly. It wasn't until the jailer came in and asked him to return to his cell that he exhaled a long breath and shoved the small weapon between his fingers back into his sleeve.

Alessio lay bored on the bed, straightened his toes, and pressed against the upper floor board all at once. Hearing footsteps from far and near, he rolled over and greeted the roommate who came back.

"You look terrible, are you sick?" He asked with concern, while the prison guard escorted with his eyes hurried to close the door and get out.

"A bit tired, I want to sleep," said Sha Qing perfunctoryly, climbing on the foot of the bed frame.

When his eyes touched behind him, Alessio's face suddenly gloomed, and suddenly he reached out and took hold of his prisoner's hem.

Sha Qing turned his head and looked at him impatiently.

Mori cold is fleeting, and the Italian man with brown hair and blue eyes is still a gentle and refreshing look, like a college graduate who has not yet entered the world. "It's all blood behind the pants," he worried, "are you hurt?"

"It's okay, you don't need to worry."

"But you are bleeding and injured. I have to call someone to take you to the infirmary."

Killing Qingyu opened his hand: "It's all right! I don't want to go to the infirmary, can you let me have a good night's sleep?"

"Of course ..." Alessio got back into his bed a little embarrassingly, then poked his head a moment later: "I have anti-inflammatory pills, hemostatic ointment, gauze, do you need it?"

The young man who just closed his eyes sighed helplessly: "Give me."

Alessio immediately jumped out of the bed, turned over the box to find a handful of medical supplies, and piled up on the bedside: "If it's out of reach, I can help you get medicine."

"No need, I'll do it myself." Sha Qing lay on the mattress tiredly. Half of his roommate's somewhat frustrated face appeared along the edge of the bed. He sighed, propped up half of his body, and leaned over to appease: "Sorry, Alessio, I'm not feeling well today."

"Because of the meeting just now? Did they bother you? For the case? Well, I already know your identity. From the newspaper, to be honest, I still can't believe it. You are the famous 'serial killer killer'. Alessio said with emotion. "You look so ... Sven, handsome."

"You don't look like a mafia who kills and doesn't blink. The world is different," said Sha Qing. "I was tossed enough, but not because of the case."

"Why is that?" Alessio's gaze fell on his prone chest. From the gap in the placket, a silver-gray short chain hanging from a metal brand is similar to a dog tag of a soldier. The difference is that the two-inch square brand is not engraved with a name, the outer shape is a weird pattern, and the center is The dark red round pits sunken in, like blood dripping on the mirror, and the edges radiate a sun-like outline, "because of some old grudges, such as between gangs?"

Sha Qing immediately reached out and held the metal chain card obtained from Shane on Luna Island, stuffed it into his clothes, and replied, "No, I don't mix gangs."

Alessio showed a look of "even if you deny that I know it well" and said, "Relax, although there was a period of unpleasantness between the New York Mafia and the Blood Gang, it is an old thing. .Old Vaughan has died for so many years, and no one will be able to live with his adoptive sons. "

"Old Vogan's adopted sons?"

"Isn't it? As one of the most powerful founders of the Blood Gang, the old man's most regrettable thing is that he has not left offspring, so he sought psychological balance from a large number of adopted sons. It is said that he once customized seven blood cards and gave them A few favorite foster sons, isn't this one of them? "

"It sounds terrific, but unfortunately I never thought that this ghost brand was of any use."

"Every time changes, untimely things will always be eliminated. Perhaps 20 years ago, someone would recognize and fear this brand, but now it can only be used in the gangster museum, if there is such a museum."

"So, it doesn't matter if I wear it all the time? After all, it's a family heritage, and I don't want to lose it casually."

"It should be, after all, the big guys of that era are dead and retreating, even if there are still a few activities, they are getting old soon ... oh yes, one is still locked in the 'grave' , More than 30 felonies, over 800 years in prison, it is estimated that even bones will rot in prison. Maybe you heard his name, Rafael Stoke, is also one of the adopted sons of Old Wogan. "

"'Grave'? You mean the Rex Island Prison?" Killing blue eyes glanced at the faint glare.

"It's that island. There are ten prisons with varying degrees of alertness, five of which are jail prisoners. By the way, my unfortunate brother is locked in one of them."

"You also said, those are old things, why do you know the inside story?"

Alessio smiled with a shy smile: "Like what you said, the family inheritance." He said, while twisting the lid of the anti-inflammatory ointment, carefully piercing a small hole in the sealing of the cream tube. "I don't really need my help? In fact, this kind of thing is not a big deal. It's almost like being stabbed a few times. When I was fifteen years old, I almost stuffed the barrel into my mouth, but then I wanted to understand. It's stupid to punish yourself for a **** who deserves to go to hell. "

"... What about those people later?"

Alessio shrugged: "The meat grinder works really well." He pulled up his trousers and let the young man look at the deep old scar on the heel. "I haven't removed the scar just to remind myself : If you are hurt by someone, it's simple, get rid of him. "

Sha Qing blinked, like a good student troubled by the problem: "But I don't want to kill him."

Alessio wanted to touch his long, straight black eyelashes, but he held back, "then eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

Killing nodded: "That's right-there will be one day."

Leo walked out of the MCC building and saw Rob sitting in the car waiting for him. The green-eyed detective couldn't wait to ask, "How about, strangle him without anger, then your job can't be guaranteed!"

"Rest assured, he's alive. But," Leo paused, "presumably uncomfortable for a while."

Rob patted him on the shoulder: "Don't show this guilty look, that's what he asked for. By the way, while you are going to teach the little bad guy, I dug out Canning's 36 years of life. Over and over, I found a good breakthrough. He has a beautiful wife, two daughters, and a son adopted in an orphanage. In fact, this nominal adoptive son was born of his young mistress, and this mistress It ’s his wife's niece-is n’t it challenging ethics? Life is really bloody. You said that his model wife and rich old man would slap him hard if he knew about it And throw the divorce agreement on his face? "

Leo nodded, "As a faulty party, he not only loses the custody of his children, pays a large amount of alimony, but also is held liable. If he commits adultery with his wife's nephew, the girl is still young and he dies. deal."

"Compared to his wife, Ion San, the consequences of the crime of" providing false evidence due to negligence "were much less serious." Rob stepped on the throttle and whistled happily, "I can't wait to beat He did, this selfish, scheming old crocodile! "

Two hours later, in Canning Gonzalez's office, they looked at the restless lawyer who looked across the table and had the thrill of a strong comeback.

After struggling, Canning finally clenched his hands in frustration and messed up his well-managed hairstyle: "Well, you won, but we have to sign an agreement ..."

Just then, his cell phone rang. Cunning pulled out his phone with a violent look and pressed the call button. A few seconds later, the expression on his face suddenly solidified, and then, a look of inconceivable, yet in the middle of his arms. After hanging up the call, he smiled at the two FBI agents on the opposite side: "I think you can't compete with me anymore. Big fish caught the net, do you still need to embarrass me, this little shrimp?"

"What do you mean?" Rob asked.

"Meaning, the case you care about most, the most difficult suspect-Mr. Killing Youth, just agreed to plead guilty."

"What the **** is going on?" Rob returned to the car and asked Leo incredulously. "The diehard guy actually pleaded guilty? Leo, what did you do to him before, and purify his soul with holy water?"

Leo frowned unconsciously: "It's completely unlike his style, unless ... he has some new layout and plans. In short, I don't think it's right."

"Me too," Rob said. "But to confess his guilt, he has to explain everything, at least we can know his true identity."

"His so-called 'real identity', do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway." Leo laughed, turned the steering wheel, and headed for the FBI office building. All the information was transferred to me. "

"You want to investigate it yourself? Then this case ..."

"Entrust it to you, after all, he has pleaded guilty, hasn't he?"

"Anyway, he has already pleaded guilty, why do you want to be so real? The data of more than two decades are like needles in the sea, enough to keep you busy for months without eating or sleeping. Despite his deep understanding of the stubbornness of his partner, Rob still persuaded.

Leo was silent for a moment, and said lowly, "Because I want to know what happened on the windowsill."

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