Sha Qing

Chapter 92: Force Majeure (2)

Returning to the rented apartment, the Phalanx wrapped bandages on their heads, while watching with interest how Sha Qing could cope with a series of interrogations from Leo's inmate.

"The day before yesterday, I received a summons, and the publisher was a square array."

"Phone? Mail? Why don't I know?"

"Using the internal password of the 'Arctic Fox', it can be seen all over the world." Sha Qing extended a finger and shook at Leo. "Don't ask the way, I won't say."

"Well, so you pretend to be a pick-up and go to that nightclub, that's your contact point."

"One. And this time it will be deprecated."

"How many Arctic Fox members have gone?"

"Most of the survivors."

Leo turned his eyes on the **** man: "You said the convener was a square matrix, but why did he appear **** to me?"

"I also want to ask why he didn't show up. It turned out that ... Captain."

Sha Qing turned his head and looked at his former comrades: "You don't seem to be surprised by this? I think you owe us an explanation, Phalanx."

The Phalanx felt the bandaged wound. "This has to be told by Interpol hanging my wanted order-Damn is just a **** rider on the wall, slaughtered and killed, can it be so careless!" He Fiercely glaring at the dark-haired detective: "I know it's your secret, only you know the inside story, the treacherous government hawk, the dog leg!"

Leo sneered: "It has nothing to do with the deal between us. Do you want a law enforcement officer to turn a blind eye to the killings that occurred under the eyelids?"

The Phalanx roared: "It's nothing to do with shit! It's obviously a killing by a knife! If something goes wrong, you **** will complete a fart transaction!"

Leo said: "If you go to jail or get killed, I will go to your prison or tombstone and tell you everything I have investigated. Rest assured, I am a trustworthy person."

The Fang Zhen had an old blood stalk in his throat, looking angrily at Killing Youth, the latter shrugged at him, with a helpless expression of "He is this style, you better understand more before talking about the deal".

"Since you're alive, let's put this one in advance and continue to talk about the subject." Leo urged.

The Phalanx took a deep breath for five or six times before suppressing their anger, saying stubbornly: "Anyway, they are chasing me. I fled. The last time the situation was critical and was rescued by the captain. At that time I really believed that he was the captain and was in the explosion Wan Xing was alive. Then he asked me to come forward and call all the players, including the detached, to reorganize the 'Arctic Fox'. "

"How did you find something wrong?" Sha Qing asked.

The Phalanx asked: "How did you find out? I have been with him for almost a month, and you have only contacted him for only a few minutes."

"He looks so much like it, it can be said to be almost the same. But there is always a sparseness in Bai Mi-he should not take off his clothes. Yes, every scar on his body is the original shape, where it should be, other players They are also convinced because of this, but he spent the last part of his life with me. Only I knew that before the explosion, he was ironed in order to stand up to the falling gate and give me a chance to escape. The frame hurts. If he is the real captain, there should be a triangular scar on the shoulder blades. "Qing Qing tried to cover up his low mood with a bland tone, but this time it was not so perfect.

The Phalanx is very clear about his feelings for the captain and also the master and father, so he can understand that even if he did not enter the party, he was still shocked and mixed.

"I smelled a huge conspiracy." Leo said, "Someone has done everything possible to spare no expense, but also forged a dead and resurrected" Arctic Fox "captain, called all the team members, what do they want? These people are top International mercenaries are as amazing in combat and destructive power. "

Sha Qing got up and poured himself a glass of wine and drank it. The glass pinched around his fingers, his emotions completely calmed down, and he said, "He needs to gather the power of the" Arctic Fox "to do an extremely difficult and extremely important thing. This period of effectiveness It will not be too long, and the time when the square matrix detects that something is wrong will not be compared for more than a month, otherwise there is a danger of revealing stuffing. As of today, in addition to me and the square matrix, a total of 12 players arrived, I do n’t know if there are any Latecomers, but from what I observed at the time, everyone was convinced of this 'captain', except for Snowfield ... but he accepted it later. "

"Xueyuan didn't notice it?" The Phalanx was a little surprised. "I thought he was on the team with the same agility as you."

"According to his character, if he finds something wrong, he will definitely leave alone, but he did not leave. It can only be said that he chose the latter among three points of doubt and seven points of faith." Sha Qing put the wine glass on the table and returned On the side of the sofa, "We can't count on Snowfield for the time being. The only thing that can solve this problem is me, you, and him." He pointed to the dark-haired agent at the other end of the sofa.

"He?" The Phalanx glanced at Leo, his face full of anger. "He wanted to do something earth-shattering about the" Arctic Fox ", so he just threw us all into prison!"

Leo shook his head: "No, you're wrong. Thinking of how painful the so-called" shattering events "can do to the people, I hope that the crisis can be eradicated. As for whether the members of the" Arctic Fox "go to prison, the law It's up to me. "

Killing Qingyu laughed: "No, no, you are wrong, you have the power to decide. I bet they can't go to prison, and they can't hold them."

Leo hated staring at him, "Don't forget that you are now an FBI consultant, pay attention to your stand!"

Killing the youth with two hands, he replied without sincerity: "Sorry. Can we return to the truth and talk about what you found about the inside / outside of the 'Arctic Fox' that year? Although two years later, I always feel the same as the present This matter is inextricably linked ... "

Leo said: "The Phalanx has said that someone has united employers, middlemen, and targets to put the Arctic Fox in an ambush. That's right, that task is a trap in itself: from southeast Sierra Leone under the control of brutal rebels In the region, rescued the top management of the multinational mining company held hostage, and seized a batch of blue diamonds weighing more than 100 carats, FL (perfect), with a total valuation of 600 million pounds. The client is the board of directors of the mining company, the middleman is The IX security company, which is known as the "bloody broker", and this company has close relations with the local government forces, everything seems reasonable. But in fact, the mining company, IX and the anti-government armed forces are basically a group. Lan Drilling is just a bait, while hostages are flesh bombs / bombs. I used some internal relationships to talk to a senior executive at IX that year, and he admitted that this plan from the senior management of IX was called 'Polar Fox Hunting' In order to elicit and combat the extremely sharp and mysterious 'Arctic Fox' in the mercenary organization and clear the leader of the organization 'Captain'.

"Blow ... remove the captain ..." Sha Qingning contemplates.

"I think this is only part of the truth of the events of that year, and there is a deeper inside / outside, but I need more time and resources to continue the investigation," Leo said.

The square array gritted its teeth: "Anyway, these three parties are all our enemies, and none of them can run away! The leader of the anti-government armed forces has already hung up; the mining company has been burned by us and lost several diamond mining rights. Go bankrupt; it's time to turn to culprit IX! "

Leo stunned: "Last year, the anti-government militants committed anger because of the kidnapping of UN peacekeepers. The leader, Senk, was arrested and went to the UN Tribunal. He died bizarrely in prison without a verdict. The United Nations declared It was a stroke ... was it your hands? "

The Phalanx fangs at him, revealing a **** grin.

"Is this fake captain also related to IX company?" Sha Qing said, "If this is the case, we need to dial out in two: I will stay with the counterfeit goods and see what he will do to assemble his teammates; The Phalanx did not respond to this assembly order. It is difficult to guarantee that the other party could not be suspicious and simply responded from the periphery. "

Leo waited for a while, and found that there was no text, and raised an eyebrow at him with a certain meaning: What about me?

Xiao Qingxiao: "Go back to your class, detective. Oh, don't forget to untie my foot ring."

"It's impossible." Leo refused, "I won't let a prisoner wearing a tracker out of surveillance."

"Then expand the monitoring scope to a thousand diameter, no, ten thousand kilometers?" Sha Qingyi serious.

"Why don't you say that it will expand to one light year?" Leo sternly said. "I will apply to the bureau to wear a microcontroller on my body, and then no matter what you do, don't expect to be one kilometer away.

The long-headed "Arctic Fox" quickly gathered for the second time. A total of 17 members, including the captain, participated, including the killing of the youth and three other leavers-they left because of the captain. Now also returned due to the captain.

"We want to vote for the big one as a fund for the restart of the" Arctic Fox. "The captain's announcement received a warm response from all the team members. As professional mercenaries, their love of war is their voice, their profit is their nature, and "whoever pays for their lives" is the principle they adhere to.

Many members shared their mission resources, but they were rejected one by one due to too few people in demand and insufficient remuneration. In the end, the captain provided a domestic mission.

"Gennady Zhukov, fifty-seven years old, Russian-American." The captain nodded the old man with gray hair, a very high nose, and rimless glasses on the projection screen. The man in the photo looks like a profound and stubborn old scholar, staring impatiently at the camera. "He is a professor at George Washington University, and worked with SRC Strategic Resources Corporation of the United States two years ago to research a new technology that can significantly improve the performance of memory chips. A major breakthrough has been achieved recently. Next Friday, he will carry a manufacturing based on this technology. Prototype product from Washington DC to Ohio for an international academic conference. "

"So we want to protect this old man from being killed before the meeting?" Aurora brushed a dice up and down, and hippie interjected with a smile.

"No, we have to kill him before the meeting," said the captain.

"Wait, I heard you right." Wolf screamed anxiously. "Who doesn't know that SRC has a military background! You mean, on Uncle Tom's site, kill a scientist who works with the U.S. military. This task is not difficult to accomplish, but the hard part is that whether we succeed or not, we will become the nails of this behemoth. We better think clearly, and the rewards and consequences are trivial. "

The captain stretched out his palm and squeezed it in the air. The whispering noises stopped abruptly. "A little patient guys, listen to me. In fact, this guy is not only a scientific research expert, but also a deeply hidden technology spy. The technology was leaked to Russia using an international academic conference. So SRC hired us to kill him before that. "

"Why doesn't the military do it themselves?" Wolfe asked.

"Gennady enjoys a high reputation in his field of research. They did not intend to disclose his true identity so as not to cause adverse effects. Even SRC Company will apparently send a team of unknown security personnel to protect him. Later, he dumped the black pot on the Russian side, saying that the Russian side hired people to assassinate American scientists in order to manipulate international public opinion. "

Aurora grabbed Wolf's neck with a smile and pressed his head down with a smile: "This is not normal, let's help the government to do black and dirty work, Sierra Leone, Iraq, the United States-all the same. "

"Each $ 250,000, pay a deposit of 100,000 first, and pay the balance after the event. How about it?" Asked the captain.

The team members said, "Do it!" "Do it for money!" "250,000 a week, why not do it?"

The captain turned his eyes to the silent snowy field and killed the youth. The former stood in the corner and rubbed his love gun intently, a sign of acquiescence, while the latter leaned lazily on the chair and nodded with a smile.

Professor Gennady Zhukov stated that he would fly on Thursday. In fact, he was on a special train to Ohio on Wednesday under the tight protection of a group of professionally trained security personnel.

The wild mountains and forests passing by the window have sunk into darkness, and the light inside the carriage 3 is still daylight. The stewardess wearing a uniform skirt and good looks pushed the dining car, and the rich aroma of various foods floated in the air.

"The oyster steak you want." The tall, dark-skinned female flight attendants respectfully set the plate on the table in front of the old man.

The freshly-fried steak was steaming, Gennady took a deep breath, took a good breath, cut a piece and put it in his mouth. Dozens of security personnel wearing black combat uniforms were on standby at the ends of the carriage and at the tables at the front and rear.

On the aisle of carriage 1, two male flight attendants wearing blue hats walked one behind the other with their feet close together.

Sha Qing reached out and pressed his hat, and whispered: "This is not about you, why should you follow the car!"

Leo answered behind him: "You are one kilometer away from me. The train is currently traveling at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour. I won't get in the car. Can I follow a helicopter? Besides, you can do this without my friends in the Railway Administration. Easy to get on the car? "

Killing the youth was dumb, and in the end had to say, "Don't get involved. Don't forget that our goal is not the professor of spies, not the fake captain, but the black hand hiding behind the scenes."

"While achieving the goal, I hope to avoid the casualties of innocent people." Leo said.

"Impressive justice!" Killing Qingzhang laughed, "But when the war comes, justice is the first victim." He went to the end of the carriage, suddenly broke out, knocked down and stunned the two security personnel outside the door of the cab, He looked up at the emergency stop valve near the top of the wall, then raised his wrist in silence as the stopwatch quickly counted down.

Three kilometers ahead of the train, a military Hummer stopped on a low slope. Two big men in camouflage combat suits and oiled faces jumped out of the car, and one of them carried a Russian-made RPG-29 rocket launcher.

Wolfe held the bazooka on his shoulder and aimed at the rails not far away. The quicker next to him looked down at the watch, and whispered in the fast countdown of the stopwatch: "... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, launch!"

The armor-piercing bomb flew in response, with strong light and loud noise, directly blasting that section of railroad track out of a large pit with a radius of tens of meters, and an iron stone was sputtered in the air.

Quick passenger whistleed: "It's rude, the railway administration is about to cry."

Wolhaha smiled: "We are Russian mercenaries now, fighting nations, it's so simple and rude."

At the same time, Sha Qing pulls down the emergency brake valve. The pressure gauge pointer next to it dropped rapidly, and when it dropped to zero kilograms, he let go of his hand. The train coasted for more than two kilometers due to inertia, and stopped completely three or four hundred meters from the broken track.

There was a commotion in the carriage.

He unscrewed the door of the cab, and said to the train driver in the bun, "If I were you, leave right away, the farther the better." At the same time, he snapped the button to open the whole door.

Several Hummer off-road vehicles rushed out of the wilderness on both sides of the railroad tracks, directly below the roadbed, and more than ten camouflage-wrapped mercenaries carried machine guns and climbed from the open doors.

The two sides exchanged fire in the blink of an eye, the gunfire in the carriage was dense, the bullets were flying, and the female flight attendant screamed.

When Sha Qing went out of the cab, Leo grabbed his wrist and stared sharply.

"This is the military's intention. The Arctic Fox will not take over, and another group of mercenaries will take over," said Sha Qing. "They used to be my teammates."

"I know. But I don't want you to meet with Gun Lin Danyu again." The black-haired agent insisted.

After killing the young man for a while, he laughed, "Well, let's wait and see how it changes. Anyway, these former blackwater security guards are not the opponents of the Arctic Fox at all."

Gennady was guarded by a group of security personnel during the train's sudden stop. Trained security guards fired a counterattack while calling for support. They found that the attackers were extraordinary and fierce firepower. They were just a "mini-gang" rapid fire machine / gun, six barrels spinning, and a rate of fire of 6,000 bullets per minute. The whole car was utterly unrecognizable. The security guards had to cover the movement of Gennady out of the train, trying to seize an off-road vehicle and escape.

The flight attendant who was serving at the table at the time of the incident was frightened, and her makeup was distorted, curled up and hugging Gennady's thigh. The security guards dragged it twice and did not pull it out. Although Gennady was flustered, he was not easy to break away because of his male self-esteem, so he had to ask the security guard to bring her.

People were constantly hit and fell to the ground in the blood spray. Under the attack of the thunder, the security guards were either dead or injured. The remaining six or seven guarded Gennady rushed to the off-road vehicle and pushed him up.

The captain led the members of the "Arctic Fox" to jump in the following cars and continue to hunt, leaving only the aurora's slyness to remain in the carriage, and dragged a metal code box from under the dining chair where Genaj was sitting.

He opened the box with little effort, took a laptop out of it, plugged it in, and turned it on. "New electronic technology can significantly improve the performance of memory chips? Can you sell a lot of money?" Aurora took off the huge earrings, inserted one of them into the USB port, and prepared to copy the data.

With countless research theories, design drawings, and simulation presentations on the screen one by one, Aurora's eyes widened in surprise, and the dangling color that always hangs on the face also disappeared.

"What is this?" He murmured, "new helicopters, fighter airborne electronic warfare systems-'Prophets'? Using digital radio frequency memory technology to implement multi-beam antenna arrays, jamming and countering any enemy defense system, including' patriotic "Air defense missile system ... Radar intelligence collection function can effectively identify electromagnetic radiation from other countries. The built-in database responds to different types of electronic facilities, can quickly determine the type of target, implement effective reconnaissance and interference ... What the **** is this? The memory chip technology is clearly a military secret combat system! When we move this, we will be wanted by the superpowers worldwide! Fuck, fuck, be fooled! "

He yanked out a half-copy of the earring USB flash drive, shoved it into his pocket, jumped out of the compartment and ran towards the captain.

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