Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 83: burn! burn! burn! The flames are burning!

"One day, I will make you the most despicable ghoul, and then I will torture fiercely for ten thousand years!" Alsace looked at the skyrocketing fire in front of him with a sullen expression, using a gloomy and hoarse one. The voice said word by word! Well, in fact, since he became a death knight, his face has always been this pale and iron face...

Standing outside the huge fire field burned by flames like apocalypse, the embarrassed Arthas made a vicious sword and cut a ghoul who dared to get too close to him directly in half, before it came out slightly. A little bit of evil in my chest!

   If Kel'Thuzad hadn't reminded him in time, he would have been trapped in the fire. If that was the case, it would definitely not be enough to just be burned to look a little embarrassed now!

  Originally, he just wanted to fight his Ma Invincible to be killed by the flame giant once, and also to hack the demigod little girl mage first! But who would have thought that, in the end, he would still be exhausted!

   In the end, not only did he not kill the little girl mage, but he also caused his beloved horse to be burned to ashes by the huge fireball that fell from the sky. I am afraid that there is no chance of resurrection! Unless, he can retrieve its ashes after the fire is extinguished, but...

   But, look now! The soaring fire turned a radius of several kilometers into a sea of ​​flames, and the soaring flames burned higher than the golden oak tree in Quel'Thalas! Now, half an hour has passed, the magic circle inside is still operating as usual, and the energy dissipated from the surrounding Sunwell is still continuously gathered by it, and then from time to time, one or two large fireballs are dropped from the sky. , This is still endless?

   In this situation, I am afraid that even the casting Anne didn't expect it? In her original plan, after the magic circle had emptied the surrounding energy, the fire would gradually stop by itself.

   But now? The fireball hit it! The magic energy consumed by the surroundings was quickly filled by the energy of the Sunwell. Then, before the energy of the magic circle was exhausted under no one's control, it would operate as usual, so a new formation Regardless of whether there are any undead underneath, the big fireball still slammed down to the predetermined location...

   In this case, what exactly would Arthas do to retrieve the invincible ashes? At that time, the fireballs smashed down from time to time, I am afraid that the ashes of his beloved horse and the ashes of tens of thousands of undead have been mixed together? After a while, even the ashes will be burned!

   That is the invincibility of his Arthas...

   That **** mage!

   That **** fairy!


"Give up, Arthas! The magical energy here in Quel'Thalas is so abundant. Under the sunwell energy, this fire may even last a whole day! We don't need to spend precious time. Waste here! Give up early!"

   Seeing that Alsace was still hesitating before the fire, he even wanted to use the ice energy of Frostmourne to try to extinguish the fire in front of him. Kel'Thuzad, who stayed in his rucksack, hurriedly advised.

   He Kel'Thuzad is still awkwardly nestled in a small columbarium, waiting for the death knight Arthas to go to the Sunwell to perform its resurrection ceremony! And now, look, this guy thought about putting out the fire first, then pacing Silvermoon City, and finally going to the Sunwell Heights on the Isle of Quel'Danas!

   This is turning the cart before the horse, can you Alsace do something reliable? Didn’t the little girl burn you a horse? As for being so hard-hearted to fight with that powerful demigod mage? Are you holding her? Maybe it's anxious, someone could fly to the opposite side of the mainland with just one teleport! What can you do?

   Besides, now they have already teleported back to Silvermoon City. With support, they can safely cast spells to accompany you to play slowly. When will you hit Silvermoon City with a complete defense shield? How much force will it consume? Even if you strike down Silvermoon City, how many undead will die? Do you want to go to Quel'Danas?

  The most important thing is: You, a death knight, led a group of melee cannon fodder to attack a magic city with demigods without the aid of spell-casting troops. Are you sure your brain is not sick?

   It really fought, that scene, Kel'Thuzad was scared to think about it! Only Faye can understand the horror of Faye! Don't talk about the demigod, even when Kel'Thuzad is alive, if you let him garrison Silvermoon City, you Arthas will have to die at least half of the undead to attack the city!

   Kel'Thuzad can't figure it out! Isn't it just a death horse? What's the big deal, burn it when you burn it! After his Kel'Thuzad is successfully resurrected, he will be able to summon a hundred horses for you at will, fat, thin, tall and short, you can choose from Alsace, there should always be one that you like? If you like the name Invincible so much, when the time comes, just call it Invincible. Can you be so persistent?

"shut up!"

Arthas held the hilt of Frostmourne tightly, and didn't care about Kel'Thuzad's nonsense. This lich was killed by himself once when he was alive. Now, he is dead, even if he is dead. Want to point your finger at yourself? I don't know the so-called! Who does he think he is?

   For Alsace, the position of Invincible in his own mind is not as simple as a horse. In his heart, its position is extremely important!

After experiencing so many things, Arthas has walked step by step to the present. On the road to becoming a death knight, he has tasted the piercing pain of being rejected by his lover, and he has suffered from it all the time. The endless torture of killing masters and killing fathers and ruining the country and ruining the family. At the end of this, who else will still be with you without any complaints? not a single one! Only this horse is left: Invincible! There is only it, even if it turns into an undead, it will stay by your side without any regrets! Invincible is the last clean place of humanity in his heart! Has a special meaning!

   And now, it was burned by a fire from a mage? There is no chance of resurrection! How could he let Arthas just let it go? The high elves are immortal, the Silvermoon City is not leveled, and if those **** elves are not turned into ugly ghouls, he will definitely not be able to swallow the breath in his chest!


   Arthas, my death knight..., now, obey my orders, turn immediately, find another way to Quel'Danas Island! Take down the Sunwell with the fastest speed! Make no mistake!

When Arthas was about to send a little gargoyle out to survey the terrain to see if he could find another way so that his army of death could bypass the fire and go straight to Silvermoon City, Frostmourne in his hand From the magic sword came the voice of his master, the Lich King Ner'zhul.

   "Yes! Lich King, my master, I will obey your orders..."

   Although I am very unwilling, I don't want to let go of those murderers who killed Invincible! However, the order of the Lich King was not something that Arthas could resist, so he could only be forced to obey the order and temporarily let go of Silvermoon City, which was less than half a day away in front of the fire, and the army looked for another way and turned. Quel'Danas Island, first take down the Sunwell Heights!

   Then, when his army returns, he will not let go of that Silvermoon City, the elves in it, and the **** little girl! He Alsace swears! In the name of the Lich King! I will never let them go!

   "The whole army obeys the order! Goal: northwest, fast forward!"

Finally turned his head, crossed the fire field bitterly, and stared for a while in the direction looking at Silvermoon City in the distance, Arthas finally waved his magic sword and pointed to the northwest, where is the western temple of the elves. direction! Under the control of Frostmourne, the undead army completed its turn in an instant, and then walked forward in silence.

   Silver Moon City! I will definitely come back Alsace! I swear! You must wait for me...


   Silvermoon City, thousands of years ago, after the high elves landed on the continent of Lordaeron, they built Silvermoon City here as their main city. The architectural concept of this city did not use the white milkstone or living plants of the ancient Kaldorei Empire, but used the natural terrain and the environment to interweave.

   Now, after thousands of years of washing with the magical energy of the Sunwell, Silvermoon City has become a peaceful and beautiful magic city. The color of the entire city is dominated by golden yellow and red. Even the trees, flowers and plants, except for a small part of them are still turquoise, the others have been transformed into golden or red magic trees by magic, shining in the rays of the sun. Below, those leaves reflect the golden light, and the buildings that also have golden or red roof decorations complement each other, and they are as beautiful as a fairyland...

   This was supposed to be a beautiful and peaceful magical city, but today, there is no usual hustle and bustle on the streets. The people who come and go are hurried-looking citizens and Silvermoon Guards transporting strategic materials.

   "Lor'themar! Don't tell me! Now the entire Silvermoon City is left with less than two thousand ranger troops?"

   After being teleported back to Silvermoon City by Annie, Sylvanas Windrunner, the ranger general, unaware of physical exhaustion, rushed to the city defense hall of Silvermoon City the first time! She wants to remind them that they must plan for the worst. In her opinion, Silvermoon City is definitely unable to hold it!

   However, what surprised her was that the highest officer in charge of defense here turned out to be her former ranger adjutant, the current ranger lord Lor'themar Theron? What's this kidding? Where is the royal family? Where are the elders? What about the members of the council? Where did they all die?

   In a big city, a former lieutenant of the Ranger General was in charge of defense? Is there not a single senior official in the entire city? This joke is a bit big! Oh! In fact, it was not right. The moment Sylvanas came back, the Supreme Chief became her now, because she was the Ranger General! Lor'themar Theron's immediate boss!

   "That..., General, because the council and the royal family have discussed that the target of the undead should be the Sunwell on the Isle of Quel'Danas, and the Sunwell is extremely important to our high elves, so..."

   Lor'themar Theron shrank his head and explained. Facing his own general, he was really a little embarrassed! Because Sylvanas Ranger General is notoriously grumpy, for fear of accidentally touching her!

   "So they left Silvermoon City, took all their troops, and ran to the Sunwell Heights? They left a group of old, weak, sick and 200,000 people just like that?"

   Sylvanas is going crazy! Isn’t it true that in the eyes of the royal family and the parliament, 200,000 people can’t compare to a mere sun well? Don't they know the terrible army of the undead? What are they thinking of those dogs?

"General..., after discussion by the council, they thought that with the barrier of Silvermoon City and the Sunwell, which continuously provides energy, the undead cannot penetrate the city. Therefore, in their opinion, two thousand ranger troops should defend the city. Enough! As long as the Sunwell is still there, nothing will happen to Silvermoon City."

   Lor'themar hurriedly defended. In fact, he thought the same way. He wanted to come, as long as he stayed in the enchantment and didn't go out, then the undead would definitely not be able to help them. Then, as long as there is nothing wrong on the Sunwell, there will definitely be nothing wrong here! This should be the case. The resolutions of the parliament are correct.

"Stupid! What I need is a large number of ranger troops and elite magic-breakers, royal guards, and a large number of high-level mages! Not the old, weak, and disabled people now! You, you will never know which death knight and his undead The terrible part of the army! And..." Sylvanas remembered the fact that the undead could easily break through the gate of the elves. She subconsciously felt that there was absolutely something wrong with this matter!

   It is very likely that a traitor has emerged from the inside of the elf, and it is also a high-level traitor who has betrayed all the secrets of the elf! The barrier that their elves were proud of is no longer so reliable!

   However, the general ranger did not say this sentence. She was afraid, afraid that at this critical time, her sentence would cause unnecessary riots and panic! There are traitors inside the high elves, and the city barrier is no longer reliable. This is a fatal blow to morale!

   "Okay! You report now, I need to know how many troops are still available in Silvermoon City?"

With a sigh, Sylvanas sat on the main seat of the hall and poured a large cup of Elf Flower Stuff in one breath. She decided to stop worrying about these messy things for now, they only had less than a day to prepare. Time is up, we must use this hard-won time to prepare for the city defense work as soon as possible!

"Uh... this, originally there were only 1,800 Silvermoon Rangers in the city, and there were about 300 low-level mages in charge of the mage towers throughout the city, and they were presided over by three high-level mages. Then, there seem to be more than two hundred Silvermoon guards and about dozens of royal guards in the city, but we don't have the right to transfer these guards. They are mainly responsible for guarding the palace."

   Lor'themar quickly finished the report. After all, he was just presiding over the defense. These things have been sorted out long ago, all the data have been recorded, and the materials are almost ready.

   "Not enough! This strength is far from enough!" Upon hearing the data returned by Lor'themar, Sylvanas immediately couldn't sit still, and quickly stood up from her position.

"Lor'themar, now, go and post a notice! Immediately recruit militiamen and hunters to help defend the city! Then, post a notice so that the citizens should prepare early so that they can abandon the city at any time retreat!"

   "Retreat? But, General! We do not have this authority! This is illegal! In case the king and the council are held accountable..." Lor'themar was shocked when he heard the general's words! Is this the rhythm of preparing to abandon the city and escape? This guilt is great! Whether it is Lor'themar or General Sylvanas, no one can afford this responsibility!

   "Do it now! As for the king and council, I will give them a reasonable explanation! Go." After waving Lor'themar out, Sylvanas looked at the city defense layout on the desktop with a headache.

   After seeing the power of the undead and the almost infinite number, she now has no hope of defending Silvermoon City with the strength of less than three thousand people! Besides, ordinary attacks are of no use to the undead. Only mages, a large number of mages can cause considerable damage. But now, in Silvermoon City, there are only low-level mage troops of less than 300 people. What can these people do?

   Maybe, looking for that powerful little girl for help again?

   Thinking of this, Sylvanas suddenly remembered the little girl named Annie. She burned at least a thousand undead in her first shot. Before leaving behind, she set off a fire and successfully stopped the undead! Until now, on the high towers of Silvermoon City, you can see the end of the line of sight in the distance, the sky full of flames and the huge fireballs that fall from time to time!

   That is a powerful demigod mage! Maybe, she should help again, right? Always have to try...


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   It's okay, today I have updated two chapters with nearly 10,000 words!

   To commemorate the invincible that has been brushed for a year, I decided to let it survive the third chapter!

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