Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 93: King's return?

The first moment    was transmitted, Kael'thas and his team immediately realized that something was wrong! Because, they found that between the sky and the earth, the gray clouds covered the sky, all blocking the afternoon sun. Above. There is still a big one...mushroom that has not been scattered? I look around, where I enter my eyes, the sky is everywhere, and the air is full of suspended smoke...

"This, this is impossible! How is it possible? It shouldn't be like this... Who can tell me what is going on here! Where is Silvermoon City in the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas? Where is our Eversong Forest? Why did it become like this?"

   On the top of a mountain not far from the former site of Silvermoon City, this place was originally an external belt transmission circle outside Silvermoon City. Under normal circumstances, this place is guarded by a few garrison mages, double the number of elite guards, and a small number of rangers. Only those who are allowed or have permission can send here! This is like Prince Kael'thas, he must have this authority!

   Kael'thas and several of his followers just used Dalaran's teleportation circle to teleport back to this position. Originally, they thought that when they came out, they would be warmly welcomed by the wizards and guards stationed here. After all, their respected Prince Kael'thas had not returned to Quel'Thalas for many years.

   But, what about now? It's completely different from what they imagined! Now here, not only there are no mages, Silvermoon Guards, and Rangers who are in charge of garrisoning, but even this teleportation platform originally paved with tough marble slabs has become completely unrecognizable! Including a beautiful red-roofed wooden elf-style hut next to it, they have all disappeared!

   The smooth floor originally inscribed with the magic circle has now become a pile of broken and charred gravel, and the beautiful hut has even disappeared! There, there were only a few charred wooden stakes that were buried deep in the soil, emitting a little smoke...

  At this moment, it should have been a sunny afternoon. Under the light of the sun, the golden oak trees began to reflect the golden light, and the beautiful city complemented each other. It was time for the high elves to have a leisurely afternoon tea!

   But, the sky here is gray now. What is scattered in the air is those floating dust like mist. They smell and exude a disgusting smell like rusty metal, which is simply disgusting!

   Prince Kael'thas even felt the residual radiation energy from the air. He didn't know why it was so! Where did the radiation dust come from? What happened to the huge mushroom cloud above the sky that has not yet dispersed?

  The most important thing is: who can tell him Prince Kael'thas! Where is the magnificent, beautiful and luxurious magic capital of his house, the Silvermoon City of the high elves? Under this teleportation circle platform, why is there only a pile of broken walls in the original location of Silver Moon City? What happened to the big pit in the middle of the city? Could it be that a big meteorite fell from the sky?

   Had it not been for Kael'thas to compare the unrecognizable terrain around him, he could basically tell that if it was indeed their Silvermoon City, he would almost think he had teleported to the wrong place!

   "Why is it like this..., in just a few days, what is happening here in Quel'Thalas? What about the others? What about the father?"

   Kael'thas seemed to have received a huge blow. He immediately slumped on the ground, lowered his head and murmured, letting his beautiful blond hair hang down on the dirty ground. Now, his lips trembled a little.

Just a few days ago, he had contacted his father in the palace of Silvermoon City once. In the magic newsletter, they chatted with each other about some anecdotes that happened on both sides of Dalaran and Silvermoon City, Prince Kael'thas While still joking at the time, they reported the great changes that had taken place in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. At that time, their father and son had sighed many times, gloating, and they were still laughing at the stupid Menethil royal family in their communications. The Danlun Kingdom was destroyed overnight...

   But now, look, the retribution is coming! He Kael'thas came back today to see that their Quel'Thalas was the same as the Kingdom of Lordaeron. In just a few days, it was gone? Is it true that the prophet Jaina met was right? The eastern continent is destined to be a dead world?

   No one cares about Prince Kael'thas who is sitting on the ground. The entourages next to him are all looking uglier now! They were looking around with a sad expression, and they didn't know why Silvermoon City had become the way before them!

   Their home and their relatives are in Silvermoon City, but what about now? The entire Silvermoon City was gone, and the surrounding area was burned to a flat area! Not only the city, but the tall and beautiful golden oak trees in Yongge Forest were all burned down! Looking at the past now, it's all scorched earth...

   "Who is there? Who the **** is it! Undead? Or elves?"

When Kael'thas and his entourage were in panic and helplessness, almost crying out, in the distance, dusty up the hillside, there was a sudden scream of interrogation, and then a few arrows from The shot came from below and nailed directly to the ground in front of a few people. If they dare not answer, the next round of arrow rain is probably aimed at their bodies!

   "I am Kael'thas! Kael'thas? Sunstrider! Who are you again?"

   After hearing someone in the distance questioning himself and the others in familiar Salas, Kael'thas quickly stood up and answered loudly.

Since the other party was using the language of the high elf and shot a special arrow for the high elf ranger, then he must be his own person. He desperately wanted to find an informed elf. Kael'thas wanted to know immediately. What happened here in Silvermoon City and in the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas? !

   "His Royal Highness Prince Kael'thas?"

After hearing the reply, the group of about a dozen high elves slowly approached the teleportation platform above from the dusty fog. Each of them was covered with goggles and thick numbness. Snout.

  Today, after the big bang, the high-ranking mage Filendre took the initiative to ask Ying to follow a group of ten ranger troops to Silvermoon City to investigate the situation.

  As a high-level mage, Filendre really knows what an explosion of this level means! Knowing that the explosion was caused by a special bomb thrown by Master Anne, he realized that it was probably a new type of magic weapon!

   Therefore, as a mage, of course he should find the opportunity to come here to study it in the first time! Besides, after the big explosion, he didn't think that there could be any undead here that could threaten them, and they were only reconnaissance, if they really encountered a large group of undead, just run away! There is no danger anyway!

At that time, after they received the order of the ranger lord Lor'themar, when the explosion slowly subsided, more than 20 of them were divided into two groups and set off. One group was responsible for investigating the movement of the undead in the south of Yongsong Forest. Lundley's group is responsible for investigating the vicinity of Silvermoon City.

  Wait until they approached here, and after some simple investigations, everything turned out to be exactly as Filendre had guessed. There were no more active undead in and outside of Silvermoon City! Presumably they were all destroyed by the big explosion of Silvermoon City, and the hundreds of thousands of undead who had been aggressive in the morning are now in vain! For the high elves, there is simply no better news than this!

   When the rangers dispersed to investigate, Filendre also stealthily analyzed and sampled a part of the nearby soil and floating dust in the air. After a short period of simple research, he quickly discovered that these ups and downs actually contained strong radioactive energy. Could that kind of powerful weapon be made of radioactive magic materials? Therefore, when he was temporarily unclear, he quickly asked them to cover their faces with linen cloth and wear goggles to prevent further damage by the radiation dust.

After observing the situation in the ruins of Silvermoon City from the periphery, Filendre did not dare to lead the rangers into it rashly. He is a high-level elf mage, inside Silvermoon City, especially near the big pit. , Now that the heat and deadly radiation are still dissipating, he will not be so stupid to lead the team in to find death!

   Therefore, after confirming that the undead were basically annihilated, he planned to directly lead the team back to Darth Wisse Bay. After all, the peripheral radiation was still quite powerful, and there was no need to stay here anymore.

But he never thought that when they passed through a small road under the original teleportation circle outside the city, Filendre suddenly found that there was a wave of teleportation from the circle that should have been blown up, so, He quickly took the rangers and touched it up to find out...

   "It's really your Royal Highness! Great! It's really you!"

   was wary of Filendre, who was slowly approaching, and after seeing the wool and clothing of several people on the ruins of the teleportation circle, he finally shouted happily! Great! Their Royal Highness Prince Kael'thas of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas is back!

"His Royal Highness! It's me! I'm Senior Mage Ferendre! You are finally back!" Ferendre whimpered, tearing off the masked linen and goggles at directly He rushed to Kael'thas and made a half kneeling salute.

   "Filendre? Alright! No need to be polite! Get up! Now, please tell me! What is going on here?" This is what Kael'thas desperately wants to know! As for Filendre? He couldn't remember such a person, he had forgotten that he still had this name long ago!

"His Royal Highness, this has to start with the invasion of the undead. It's a long story. I won't be clear for a while. Let's go back to Darth Wisse Bay as soon as possible. Our people are all over there now. Lord Sylvanas will tell you everything you want to know..."

   After putting on the goggles and burlap to cover his nose and mouth again, Filendre intends to put his Royal Highness in this terrible place first!

The current Ferendre can be regarded as completely convinced by Sylvanas. If she hadn't forcibly ordered all citizens to prepare for evacuation as soon as she came back yesterday, he would not have dared to imagine that he would still be able to escape from the fangs of the undead. The 200,000 people who escaped under the claws?

"Sylvanas? Isn't she a ranger general? When did she become a duke? How is this possible?" Kael'thas was sad and suddenly felt what happened to Quel'Thalas during this period of time. It is absolutely beyond his imagination!

"Your Majesty! Let's leave here first and go back. You must have discovered that the dust in the air here has very deadly energy radiation. If you inhale a large amount of it, I am afraid it will be troublesome! After all, we have too many wounded now. The priests are almost too busy, and the radiation damage can be very troublesome to treat without the help of the priests!"


  Because it needs to be divided into volumes, let’s cut one chapter into two chapters today, there will be more later

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