Shaman from Afar

Vol 6 Chapter 234: The emperor is here!

"No, never!"

Almost didn't wait for Dracis to finish his speech, Connord had categorically refused, "I understand what you mean, but I can never do this-Dracis, the Dragon King family, there is no deserter, nor is there an emperor who is a deserter. ! "

"His Majesty--!!!!"

Dracis, anxious, shivered almost from head to toe.

In fact, when he heard that the outer wall was falling and the city gate was broken, Dresis was still calm-because of the special structure of the Boundary Mountain, even if the city gate was broken, it was not equal to the fortress; not to mention the narrow ones The terrain, which can only be passed by two people side by side, is enough to block the Azore's soldier front.

Even if the enemy has 40,000 troops, how many troops can you deploy in the heavy fortress of the organization, how wide can you stretch the frontline? Even if there are millions of troops, there are two or three thousand troops at the same time!

Moreover, the city break was not the result of a strong attack by the enemy, but a sneak attack; the enemy ’s preparations were also insufficient, as long as they stood firm while waiting for reinforcements while fighting against the enemy, it was enough for them to understand that they captured the city gate, not It is equal to victory, and it is likely to be a fiasco.

What really turned the tide of war was news from the capture of the office.

The enemy's frontal assault and attack are just a guise. From the beginning, they knew that their target was in the machine room-the Azores who captured there not only opened the city gate, but also locked the gate of the inner city wall.

This directly led to the complete defeat of the army fighting on the front line of the outer city walls. Even the sudden increase of enemies and the front and rear attacks led to not only a miss of the front, but also the defeated army!

The collapse of the inner city gate means that the defenders at the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain can no longer rely on the outer protective walls and the various fortifications designed for the invasion of foreign enemies. They must fight in front of the enemy in the open area in front of the innermost fort, Until the fortress fell completely.

For Dresis, such a battle is almost planned, and the soldiers guarding the fortress have practiced similar situations countless times; even if the castle is deep, it is no big deal to die in death, because The enemy will certainly pay ten times to one hundred times, or even a heavier price.

But the situation is different now because Connord, the emperor of the empire, is here!

Once the enemy attacked the inner fort, Dresis could not guarantee that there would be no elf warrior breaking through the direction, rushing into the tower to slash Connold; and according to the elf's attacking method, such a situation is very likely.

Even the purpose of their raid on the Boundary Mountain Fortress is only that there is a high probability of killing the emperor of the empire!

Just like what they did in the Sky Vault not long ago!

"I understand your loyalty and respect your ideas, but Dressis, I will not leave." Connor said in a deep voice. "I can't abandon my soldiers at this time, and escape alone. -That ’s not what the emperor did. "

"If" Sage "Brandon I can fight with the legionnaires at the last minute, if" Queen Dragon Queen "Charlotte I can charge if, if my father ... my father Eckhart II can be brave Facing his own death ... "

"I, Connor I, the thirteenth generation of the emperor's supreme emperor, have no reason to fail!"

Dracis kneeling in front of the emperor was motionless.

"I understand your thoughts, but I know what my duty is; if I was the first emperor of" Let's Escape "in history when the Sakran Empire and the Vault of Heaven were stormy, The fatal blows of the Empire and the Desalion Royal Family! "

Facing the loyal adjutant, Connold sighed very rarely and showed a serious expression "So Dresis, I ask you to perform your duties as the commander of the legion-if necessary, to protect the strength first."

"His Majesty……"

"Don't be so sad, Dresis, we haven't experienced such a battle together." The emperor's stiff mouth squeezed out a smile.

"As long as Brandon's reinforcements arrive in time, we still have a chance to fight back and win, and of course I can't help but abandon the Fortress of the Boundary Mountain-do you still remember the battle of the ice-warped cliff?"

"Of course I remember!" Dresis nodded heavily.

"I was too confident that time, and I was defeated in the evening. I was killed by dozens of desperate icefield werewolves; but I won again after two quarters, because I knew that the Rangers you led were there. You can be there in time nearby. "

In the discourse, his memory seems to be traced back decades ago, when he was still young, and was appointed by his father to experience the fortress of Jiejie Mountain.

At that time, Brandon had become a dragon rider. At that time, he was still a young man with strong blood and blood. In order to restore his face lost in Jufeng Mountain, he tried to wipe out the largest icefield werewolf tribe in Shannan.

Then ... I knew for myself the price of self-discipline and excessive pride.

The robes that fought side by side on weekdays one by one fell down to protect themselves; the servants who desperately shouted, pulled their sleeves and wanted to take themselves away, were pushed down to the ground, and turned into food in the werewolf ’s mouth. ;

But in the end he still won-not because he was commanding properly, but because he was so lucky that Dresis' cavalry was actually nearby.

"This time ... the same!"

Connold stood up, and the fiery fire was burning in those bright red pupils.

"Let ’s execute the order, Dracis-the enemy has entered the inner fort, and the extra force is meaningless; the hussars who lead the wounded and Poe are ready to retreat; tell them not to have any worries, and be safe as soon as possible. retreat."

"If you encounter elves, don't entangle them and let them go; if they want to destroy or **** the materials in the fortress, just let them rob them, which can delay the speed of the attack."

"That's right, especially to ensure the safety of Grand Duke Salika Jonah and the Bain wizards. Baine and Boye are very important to the empire; no matter what happens, they can never hurt their cold hair. "

"... Observe."

Dracis got up hard and gritted her teeth.

It wasn't until the other party left that Connold's eyes finally softened a little; the thoughtful expression looked at the ring on his hand that symbolized the royal power of DeSalyon.

Eckhart II ... the twelfth emperor of the empire ... his father, who knows everything and can do all his life as a chess piece, is facing the blade of the Azores How do you think about it?

Or is he even expecting his own death?

That ’s right ... no matter how much self-proclaimed grooming, in fact, the essence will not change-I ca n’t bear the humiliation of defeat, and I ca n’t accept being a coward in the eyes of the soldiers; I would rather die than be willing to be like that. Yourself.

It is better to glorify death than to live in shame ... nothing more.

Now that the situation has fallen to this point, let's see if this time we can still defeat the victory at the last moment like the battle of the ice warp cliff many years ago.

Connor De Salion, silently holding his sword, took a battle flag from the corner of his body and strode out of the room.


The cold wind roars, the battle flag hunts!

After the elf warriors who poured into the fortress of the Boundary Mountain rushed through the city wall desperately, crossed the defense line and rushed into the inner fortress, then they collided head-on with the legionary soldiers in a stern battle. .

Both the elves and the defenders of the Boundary Mountain are fighting in desperation. Everyone at this stage of the battle knows clearly that neither side can afford to lose;

If the defenders are defeated, the Boundary Mountain Fortress will fall;

If the elves retreat, only heavy casualties and injuries, the bottom of the load can make them collapse in place; frozen to death, starved to death, died in a glacier wasteland.

So you can only win, not lose!

As time passed, the initial stalemate soon began to change-the soldiers of the Empire ’s legions were more enduring, but their number was far less than the elves that poured in crazy; faced with almost impossible to kill, tricky and terrifying Elf warrior, defending soldiers are sliding down quickly.

Although the elder warriors who are scarce and scarce are physically inferior to the defenders of the Boundary Mountain, the quantity and morale are their advantages; especially when their morale breaks through the city wall and tears a line of defense into the inner fortress A little advantage becomes more obvious.

Even standing behind the queue, the elf warriors surrounded by flags have begun to figure out how long it will take to capture the fortress and whether they can reduce casualties as much as possible.

After all, although every elf warrior is very happy to dedicate his majesty to the eagle king, but only when they are alive have value in existence ...

"Your Majesty, it is His Majesty--!"

Just as the enemy began to figure out how to win, an excited cry suddenly broke out in the array of defenders on the Boundary Mountain; a flag-bearing officer waving a battle flag excitedly pointed to the top of the tall tower behind the inner castle, a lone figure standing There, the Iron Crown Banner was held high in his hand, overlooking the entire battlefield.

"Your Majesty Connold, he did not leave!"

"Your Majesty did not abandon us, he was still watching them on the tower of the fortress!"

"Your Majesty did not flee with the wounded soldiers, he is still fighting alongside us!"

The excitement shouted one after another, and many of the Veterans of the Boundary Mountain who had fought with Connor for many years even had a sore nose and tears in their faces.

"Imperial soldiers, believers of the Holy Cross!" The **** vowed knight shouted loudly with his sword

"The agent of the Holy Cross in the world, the guardian of her teachings, your emperor is still here, he has not left, he is still watching how we fight! He entrusted us his life and the future of the empire to us, entrusted Give us the sword, shield and flesh and blood! "

"Warriors of the Empire, please fight for the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor —————— !!!!!!"

Roaring thunderously, resounding through the Boundary Mountain!

The soldiers of the Boundary Mountain who had been forced to retreat suddenly had a sudden increase in morale and fell into a state of furious battle; even many officers directly dropped the shield and raised the war halberd. To push the front line back to its origin.

But this momentum did not last long, because the number of disadvantages was too obvious; even if the Jiejie Mountain defenders had really reached the point of dying for life, it could only slow down the pace of the enemy's attack.

"What is that emperor of the empire ?!"

Watching the news come back suddenly, with an excited guard, the elf warrior was also excited to flush his cheeks.

In fact, when the morale of the Empire suddenly changed, he vaguely felt the possibility, but he was not sure; after all, an emperor had died in the hands of the elves, and the Empire would definitely try to avoid this from happening again. Times.

But now there is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and a good opportunity to slash the emperor on the frontal battlefield is in front of him.

This is not a sneaky assassination, but a fair and just defeat of the opponent on the battlefield, and then take his head from the opponent's body-for the samurai, even a one-on-one duel cannot be more glorious than this Too.

This is the glory that even the four court warriors, the princes of the Azores royal family, and even His Majesty the Eagle King himself could not get!

With a slight swipe, you will become the biggest hero of this war!

"Pass my order, the Thousands, Thousands, and Thousands are in charge of the cover. The fourth, fifth, and sixth immediately start assaults, and you must try your best to tear the enemy line-even if only A person rushes over, even if it is a victory! "

The elf warrior was so excited that he could n’t roar to his side. “Tell every elf warrior who can rush into the tower first and behead the warrior who wielded the flag. He is the greatest hero of the Azores, I ’m willing Give him all my glory! "

"Take down the Boundary Mountain ~ ~ kill the emperor! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The guard was also excited and trembling all over

"Take down the Boundary Mountain and kill the emperor!"

Soon, the orders of the elf warriors were reached in the ears of every thousand people. The elf warriors who got the news were even more excited than the fanatical imperial people on the opposite side; "Sense" makes every elf warrior desperate.

The battlefield that was originally "orderly" became chaotic for a while; the elf warrior who no longer took care of his comrades in arms and the guardian of the broken mountain who forgot to die collided together. Pushing the other party back, the two sides fell into a very strange situation.

On both sides of the melee, only a handful of officers and soldiers still remember their original mission, and finally let the fighting front maintain a little bit of "order", but it was only a little bit.

The outcome of the battle no longer depends on discipline and order, but on which party's fanatical morale collapses first.

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