Reborn Harry Potter

Chapter 56 1 Snowflake

..Chapter 56 A Snowflake

In the Gryffindor common room at night, the fires are bright and the voices are loud. (.

Flames blazed in the fireplace, warming the living room.

It's a Gryffindor celebration!

Apart from lamenting how good the environment in foreign countries is, and being able to play like this in the dormitory, Harry didn't have the kind of joy that other people deserved to celebrate.

So Harry only stayed for a while, and returned to the dormitory on the grounds that he was too tired today.

They understood Harry very well, so they didn't persuade him to play for a while.



After Harry left, Hermione also smiled and told her female companions to go back to the dormitory to rest first.

Upon entering the spiral staircase, there is a chill that settles down on you, a world away from the warmth of the lounge and the noise from behind a door.

Harry walked quickly up the stairs and into the house.

"Meow..." Cutie raised her head and looked at Harry who pushed the door in.

Harry was indeed feeling a little tired. He took off his clothes and rushed into the bed like a monkey, and was immediately gasped by the cold bed.

With some trembling, he hugged the little cutie into his arms, only to feel a little warmth.

The cutie was startled by Harry's rough action, and "meowed" a few times.

Then, Harry slowly fell asleep, and even Ron and Neville didn't know when they would come back, so they didn't meditate.


When you open your sleepy eyes, it's another new day.

Harry let out a big yawn, and stretched his hands out of the bed.

It was cold now, and Harry had already put on his winter school uniform, which consisted of a white shirt, a blue plush shirt, and a black winter robe.

Harry took the Nimbus 2000 from under the bed and went down the stairs.

After leaving the tower, Harry boarded the broomstick and flew into the sky. This is something he likes to do very much. Every morning, he would fly over Hogwarts, look down, and fly to Hagrid's cabin , flew to the Whomping Willow, and flew to the distant mountains. .la [Marshmallow Fiction]

He saw a lake frozen into ice, but he didn't know when it would snow.

Stopping in the sky, Harry breathed heavily. The weather at this time could easily make people wake up. After a while, Harry felt his fingers become cold.

He flew slowly back to Hogwarts, hovering outside their dormitory window.There was a thin layer of ice on the outside, making it impossible to see inside.

Harry let out a breath, and the ice flower melted into water, revealing the scene inside.

Harry gently opened the glass from the outside, and the cold wind howled. Although they were still asleep, they felt the sudden chill clearly.

Dean snorted, "It's cold."

Harry took out a letter from his pocket, threw it in, smiled, and quickly ran away.

After a while, a huge roar came out:

don't hide in there

I know you are at home

If you have the ability to sleep late, why don’t you have the ability to open the door!

Open the door!

You have the ability to sleep late, you have the ability to open the door!

Don't hide in there and make no noise I know you're home


You have the ability to sleep late, you have the ability to open the door!

Don't hide in there and make no noise, I know you're home

Pooh! !

open the door!open the door!Open the door, open the door, open the door! !


Harry listened to the songs he recorded in the sky, overjoyed.

After Harry entered, Harry saw the resentful eyes of each of them.

Neville said: "I'm not well, you have to be responsible."

Ron said, "Me too."

Dean said, "Me too."

Seamus said, "Me too."

Harry: "It's your sister's responsibility!" Harry threw his broom at them and ran away without a trace.



During breakfast, the little cutie walked back and forth on the table, sniffing everyone's food, disdainful, the arrogant one didn't eat anything, and walked away with her neck raised.


A crisp sound.

Suddenly a house-elf appeared, a small man carrying a plate full of small fish.

He respectfully brought the plate in front of Harry, and the cutie immediately smelled the smell of fish, and ran over excitedly, whimpering to eat.

"Thank you."

Hearing Harry's words, the elf was moved and burst into tears: "The great Harry Potter actually said thank you to me!"

For elves, the owner's praise is their best gift!



Everyone is familiar with this scene. I don't know when it started. The elf in the kitchen will bring food to Harry's pet every day.

Looking at Harry's cutie every day, walking around in the restaurant, I don't know how many girls' love has been aroused.They regretted one after another, why didn't I want a cute cat at the beginning?Not an owl.

Harry had already become immune to the elf's touch, so he asked casually, "What's the matter with your injury?"

The elf said embarrassedly: "In order to compete for the opportunity to deliver food to Harry, we use force to solve the problem every day."

Harry: "(⊙o⊙)..."

"Ahem, then go back to work quickly."


The elf teleported away very obediently.


Harry still runs back and forth between classrooms every day, herbal room, charm class, potion class, transfiguration class... and the library.

Although I don’t know what other people think about this kind of life, Harry feels that his life in the wizarding world is infinitely more exciting than his life in the Muggle world. The mysterious Hogwarts and the wonderful magic make him completely intoxicated. ...

Although the daily life is tense, it is very fulfilling.

Harry felt like he was improving every day.



Before you know it, time flies by.

It's been a month since the Quidditch match in November.

The rumors that were spread wildly because of Harry's words in the school were rarely mentioned.

It's not that I forgot, but... Everyone already thinks it's true!

Flint and Higgins are great friends!

Since then, when the two saw Harry from a distance, they both walked around.



At night, the lights are bright.

After the most important dinner of the day, many students choose to go back to the lounge. Although they can go to the library to study, they prefer to go back to the warm lounge in this cold weather.

Harry and Hermione were among the crowd, walking towards the Gryffindor dormitories.

At this temperature, when an opening is opened, the water vapor will condense into ice.At night, the white mist appears more pronounced.

Harry saw that many students in the lower grades seemed to think this was funny, they kept exhaling, and let out a long white pillar.

And Hermione was doing this slightly naive thing.


Harry stopped suddenly while walking, and Hermione was a little puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Harry raised his head and looked up at the dark night sky, where there seemed to be dots of white light appearing in the night sky.

He couldn't help laughing, and looked down at Hermione: "It's snowing..."

Hermione was attracted by Harry's inadvertently clear smile, and after realizing it, her voice raised in surprise: "Is it snowing?"

Hermione's words caused confusion among the crowd. They all raised their heads in surprise or bewilderment, and repeated unconsciously: "Is it snowing?"

Harry stretched out his hand, and a white snowflake fell on the warm palm, bringing a slight cold feeling, and slowly melted into water and disappeared.


Luobei: I want to collect, I want to recommend tickets.


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