Reborn Harry Potter

Chapter 71 So Much Money!

..Chapter 71 So Much Money!

After confirming that Harry had taken all the Galleons he needed, the goblin stared at the large amount of money in the cave. [.la is updated quickly, the website page is refreshing, there are few advertisements, and there is no pop-up window. I like this kind of website the most, and it must be praised]

Harry almost wondered if the goblin was showing off his big eyeballs to himself.

The goblin stretched out his hand, and suddenly there was a "wave" sound in the air, and the piles of Galleons, Silver Sickles, and Bronze Nats in the cave disappeared without any sign.

Only a strange blue smoke floated in the cave, proving that a teleportation magic was used here.

Harry was very envious that goblins were born to use space magic, even if wizards worked hard to learn this kind of magic, they might not be able to match them.

"Your coins have been transferred to the statistics room of Gringotts, let's go and have a look."

"Then can you use teleportation magic to bring me up there?"

The goblin simply said, "No."

Harry: "...then let's go."



In front of a whole row of identical doors, the goblin leading the way pushed open one of the doors very accurately.

The inside of the house was not what Harry had imagined: it was a small house with his gold coins piled in the middle and some weighing tools beside it, and there were no other goblins in the house.

The real situation is: you don't expect this to be behind a door at all. This is a very wide hall with a bright floor on the ground, and many goblins are sitting on the workbench doing their work.

A goblin is like a craftsman, with a monocular lens on his eyes, carefully scraping some powder from a piece of natural silver ore with a long and thin knife, and then began his research...

A goblin is holding a gray parchment scroll, using a long quill pen dipped in ink to record a pile of accounts spread out on the table...



What else can Harry say besides lamenting that Gringotts occupies such a large area?

In the corner of the hall, Harry's gold coins were piled up, and the goblin who was with Harry pushed out a large wooden tool out of nowhere, like a pile of messy wooden boards piled up randomly...the

Harry looked at it for a long time before he was sure that it seemed to be a very large weight.

This weight uses the lever theorem many times in layers, which makes it look bulky, but in fact it is a very precise balance for mass measurement.

The goblin first used a palm-sized balance to measure the mass of about twenty gold Galleons, and calculated the average mass.

Then the goblin used the floating technique to move some of the gold coins piled up on the ground to a large measuring tool. There was a small floating code at the bottom, and as long as it was gently moved, it could cause the balance to fluctuate.

After the balance stabilized, I don't know what kind of calculations, the goblin recorded a number, and then repeated it until the gold coins on the ground were reduced by more than half, and the gold gallon was counted.

The silver Sickles and bronze Nats were then calculated in the same way.



The goblin was writing and drawing on the record book in his hand, then raised his head and said to Harry: "Sir, according to calculations, you have a total of 691283 Gold Galleons, 138240 Silver Sickles, and 135997 Bronze Knuts!"

Harry was a little confused. All along, his impression of his gold coins was always a pile. He never thought that after digitization, it would have such a big impact on him, nor did he think that there would be so many!

This is really a huge sum of money!

70 Galleons!and 14 silver Sickles, and 14 bronze Nats.

However, ordinary wizard families can only earn about [-] Galleons a month!

Harry quickly calculated in his mind how much wealth he had.

"Oh, oh, got it, please put the money back in my safe," said Harry.

The goblin nodded: "Okay, sir."



When Harry walked out of Gringotts, the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew on Harry's face, shaking his spirits.

"So much money, how should I spend it?"

According to the exchange rate of money exchange, a gold Galleon is equivalent to 5 pounds, which is about 50 yuan.If you just look at Galleon, it seems that Harry's wealth is not much, but once it is exchanged into RMB.

Look again, it has become as many as 500 million!

If all calculations were based on bronze Nats, it would be an astronomical figure. After all, 490 and seven Nats can be combined into one Galleon!

"I remember seeing Aunt Rowling on the Internet saying that the total wealth of the Malfoy family should be in the hundreds of millions in US dollars. It's a big gap, but it's no wonder, they are an ancient pure-blood family after all. ’” Harry said to himself.

Then he merged into the crowd in Diagon Alley, with snowflakes flying behind him.



Buying gifts is a time-consuming, costly and costly process.

But Harry had no such qualms.

Because what he has to do is actually very simple.

For the students of the wizarding family, as long as he buys some common things in the Muggle world, it is the most joyous Christmas gift for them.

As for the students from the Muggle world, Harry believed that Diagon Alley definitely had a lot of weird things that could surprise them!




Luo Bei: Regarding the issue of Harry’s property, I have been searching on Baidu for a long time. First, the exchange rate between Galleon and GBP, USD and RMB is different from that of more than ten years ago, so there are many answers. Finally, I found one for everyone to compare. Approved, and also appeared in the original book, Aunt Rowling is also the official answer.

Another very important point is how I calculated Harry's wealth!

There are debates on this issue on the Internet. Some people think that Harry's money is small, about tens of thousands of Galleons.

Because Harry had said that he had to figure out what it would take to get through school.

Another wave thinks Harry is rich.

Well, I support the latter, hehe...

There was such a scene in the original book, Harry casually threw out a purse with a thousand gold Galleons in it!This showed that Harry didn't care much about a thousand Galleons.

And don't forget, Harry is a rock-solid fortune.

Not stuffed though, but a heap.

Just consider a stone cave as big as it appears in the movie.

Suppose we pile up all the money, now think about a space as large as a public toilet, it doesn’t need to be bigger, it can be filled up.

It covers an area of ​​3 meter by [-] meters and is [-] meters high.

The piggy bank we usually use can hold about 800 one-yuan coins in one hand.

It is 13.5cm by 13.5cm on the base and 17.5cm high.

A roadside green bin holds 250l.

A total of 4.5 cubic meters of public toilets.

Can fit 18 trash cans.

A piggy bank has a volume of 0.003189375.

A trash can can hold 78 piggy banks, let's record it as 80.

In this way, Harry has a total of 1152000 coins.

Suppose three-fifths of them are Gold Galleons, one-fifth Silver Sickles, and one-fifth Bronze Nats. In this way, we get the data in the article...

Huh... thanks to my math teacher.


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