Above the nine heavens, in Wa Palace.

Fuxi frowned tightly, his face was filled with irritability.

Especially, whenever he looked down, Li Yang talked about the so-called division method without any haste.

This irritability seems to be increasing.

Angry and restless, Fuxi looked at his sister who was practicing with her eyes closed.

He wants to leave the palace.

"Go if you want! Brother, you are in such a state that you can't cultivate with concentration!"

Nuwa fell silent.

She could see her brother's restlessness.

"Hey, oh..."

In the blink of an eye, a figure disappeared from Wa Palace.

Buzhou Mountain, a human tribe, in front of Liyang's house.

The second child, Xia An and the others sat cross-legged, watching the eldest brother explain what division is.

"Division is equivalent to multiplication in our daily life!"

"It should be said that the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the most used in our daily life!"

A Xi's heart moved slightly, the meaning of what big brother said, could it be that there is a higher level algorithm?

Her mind was only a little distracted, and then she listened intently, concentrating her attention and not thinking too much!

If you have any questions, you can ask for advice after the course taught by the elder brother is over!

"For example, I have 30 yuan of taro stems here, and I will distribute them to Xia An and Atao. On average, how much should each of them have?"

"Brother, why are the ten taro stems only distributed to Xia An and A Tao? I want it too!"

The second child raised his hand, he wanted to eat taro mangan.

Li Yang: "..."

"Hands down, I'm just giving an example! It's not really divided!"

"That's it! Brother, give me an example, give it a try!"

The second child resentfully put down his hand.

Xia An and A Tao stared at the second child quite speechlessly.

They don't like the second child interrupting in the middle, which will affect their study.

Back to the topic, Li Yang looked at the few people.

"Can any of you answer the previous question?"


Second child raised his hand again!

This time, not only Xia An and A Tao, but also A Xi and Zhu Meng looked helplessly at the second child.

They don't believe that the second brother, who is usually slow, can know the answer!

Li Yang also looked at the second child.

"How much for each person?"

"Brother, I won't ask you questions!"

"Second brother!"

Ah Xi scolded softly: "Why don't you raise your hand!"

The second child is not afraid of Xia An, nor Zhu Meng, but he doesn't dare to talk back to Ah Xi.

Maybe it's because he often eats Axi.

"I... I don't know the meaning of the average in the question just now?"

Ah Xi was slightly stunned, she was only thinking about the elder brother's question just now, the meaning of these two words, she doesn't know what they mean when she thinks about it now.

Xia An, A Tao and Zhu Meng, the three of them also looked blankly.

The reaction of several people made Li Yang shake his head slightly, he was negligent again!

This problem already involves finding the average.

I didn't say what an average is, the problem is seriously out of bounds!

"It was my negligence, I forgot to tell you the average!"

This question is not only to find the income of Xia An and A Tao, but also to find the average income of the two.

Different situations have different meanings.

Earlier, Li Yang reflected on himself, he would leave a lot of knowledge in teaching.

Whenever I touch something unknown to my tribe, I may remember that I have ignored it.

This time it's like an average.

In arithmetic, the importance of the average is self-evident.

After self-reflection, Li Yang said softly: "Before answering this question, please remember what an average is!"

The second child, Xia An and the others listened carefully and attentively.

"Average, the sum of several numbers, divided by..."

After the words fell, Li Yang frowned again!

The clansmen don't understand 'divide by', and they don't understand when they say so!

First four operations, and then talk about what is the average.

The division should come before the average.

These contents are what he learned in elementary school in his previous life, but now that it is so old, he has long forgotten it.

Where will I know whether to learn the average or the division first.

He also knows the definition of the average, according to the definition, the division should come first, and the average should follow?

It should be said that I asked the question inappropriately!

Sighing lightly, Li Yang said softly: "You guys remember the three words 'average number' first, and I will talk about it after I finish explaining division to you!"

Since division may be before the average, Li Yang naturally chooses to teach division first!

"To change the question, I have 90 yuan of taro man stems here, and I will distribute them to Xia An and Axi. They get the same book, how much do they get?"

There is no need for the three characters of average here, they can understand the same two characters.

Although this is also an average evaluation, but few people can understand what he said.

"Give it to Xia An and A Tao, but not to me!"

The second child muttered, thinking about the question of the elder brother.

"90 yuan……"


Ah Xi, Xia An, Zhu Meng and A Tao were also thinking.

Xia An and A Tao were thinking, how much would they get?

The scene was very quiet.

Li Yang took the branch and slowly wrote a number '45' on the ground!

The second child scratched his head, how did he come up with this number?

The same is true for Axi and the others.

"If you learn to divide, you can also quickly calculate the result!"

Li Yang listed the formula.


Seeing the symbol '÷', Xia An and the others suddenly realized how the symbol that brother talked about that day was used.

The original division is this '÷'!

"That day I talked about the four symbols '+-x÷', let you remember them one by one! They correspond to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division respectively."

"I have already finished the first three methods, and I am going to finish the last '÷' today!"

Li Yang took the branch and wrote 'dividend', 'divisor' and 'quotient' under '90', '2' and '45' respectively.

"I say, remember it by heart! Remember, the number before '÷' is called the 'divisor' and the number after it is called the 'divisor', and the result obtained by dividing the 'dividend' by the 'divisor' is called the 'quotient'!"

"So 'dividend'÷'divisor'='quotient'!"

Speaking of this, Li Yang's words paused slightly.

He thought of the difference between 'divide' and 'divide by'.

Multiplication and multiplication by are changed by the class, division and division by are different.

"Note the symbol '÷' in the middle of the dividend! It reads 'divided by' in this formula!"

Li Yang didn't mention the difference between 'dividing' and 'dividing by'!

He directly asked the clansmen to read 'divided by'!

If you read 'divided' and 'divided by' in the future, it's not too late to talk about it later!

Anyway, today he's going to finish his lecture on division.

The knowledge involved in division is slightly more complicated than multiplication in teaching.

Multiplication only needs 'factor' 'factor' 'product'!

Division involves 'factor' equal to 'product' ÷ 'another factor'.

There is also a link between 'dividend', 'divisor' and 'quotient'.

If the time is running out, I will finish the lecture if I can finish it. If I really can't finish the lecture, I have to postpone it.

After setting the word 'divided by', Li Yang was ready to continue.

"Can we talk later?"

Fuxi, who was hidden in the air, slowly revealed his figure.

He left Wa Palace to hide here!

Seeing Li Yang, a human race, explaining the knowledge of dispelling the law, he didn't disturb him for the time being, and planned to wait until he finished speaking before disturbing him!

But when Li Yang talked about it, there seemed to be an endless trend.

He had to show up.

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