Yesterday we talked about the definition of division, and today we talk about cognitive division.

In fact, the order is reversed, and it should be recognized first and then defined.

The discrepancy occurred because Li Yang didn't memorize the knowledge firmly.

In the previous life textbooks, it was just step by step, from easy to difficult to most people would not know.

Realizing his mistake, Li Yang then supplemented the definition of yesterday's division with his cognition.

Talking about the definition of division again, the second child, Xia An and the others looked relaxed.

Without cognitive impairment, learning is naturally more effective.

After Li Yang explained the definition of division, he paused for a moment.

Regarding numbers, he did not explain integers and decimals to his tribe.

There are not only integer division in division, but also decimal division and fraction division!

In addition to algorithmic rules, there are also operational properties.

Division involves 'quotient', and the quotient also contains several variations.

Li Yang doesn't know whether to speak or not?

Because some of them changed, he couldn't follow the textbook.

He can only use these, now let him reverse the law!

Isn't this embarrassing someone else?

Let him talk about pinyin of Chinese characters.

He went to Honghuang to teach the tribe to speak Chinese, so there should be nothing wrong with it, right?

Since Chinese is taught, there is nothing wrong with speaking Mandarin, right?

After thinking for a while, Li Yang sifts through the integers and decimals for now, let's talk about integer division first.

Let the tribe use it, and solve the problem after encountering it!

"The 'dividend' ÷ 'divisor' = 'quotient' as mentioned yesterday!"

"In addition to this formula, we can get the following formula: 'a factor' = 'product' ÷ 'another factor'!"

Speaking of this, Li Yang paused slightly.

I used to think division was simple, but now I want to explain it simply, why is it difficult?

It's a pity that no one can help him, only himself.

"Next, I will tell you about the division operation..."

Time passed.

Li Yang didn't stop talking until lunch time.

Although the time was long, Li Yang didn't talk too much about ingenuity.

He only taught the second child and Xia An to perform simple division operations.

In the end, he still didn't escape, giving integers and decimals.

There are 'odd' and 'even' after all!

Even numbers are divisible, but odd numbers are left with decimals.

"Take a break and sort out what you have learned! After dinner, I still have something for you to do!"

When building the log cabin yesterday, Li Yang was moved to arrange for the clansmen to carry out their own responsibilities.

In the previous life, the assembly line was considered to be a kind of destruction to human beings, and there were only people without souls on the job...

But no one denies its great promotion to society.

To build the first batch of log cabins, the human race must not be responsible for the construction of a log cabin alone.

Efficiency is too slow.

Getting the clansmen to live in the house as soon as possible is the real business.

Divide areas, allocate houses, and each is responsible for teaching!

Li Yang is going to divide the responsibilities of each part of the clan into smaller parts!

It can only be said that there will be a general overall plan, and some clansmen will be left to deal with changes.

For example, clothing manufacturing.

It's not a problem for the clansmen to be naked all the time, and readers can't enjoy watching it all the time.

Why are you still running naked?

Is it wrapped in leaves anyway?

In the previous life, maybe it would be regarded as an artistic act, so why is it a hooligan?

There are still people wearing crotch pants at the age of four, and the human race has not come for more than ten days.

Having said that, Li Yang still needs to prepare for this part.

The other is breeding and farming, these are also to be put on the agenda!

It’s okay if you don’t want to, it’s all about thinking about it.

There are also traps outside the territory, and the construction of the guard tower has been completed.

Traps need to be moved further away.

Digging traps is like digging wood to make fire, Li Yang asked all human races to know how to do it.

In case of exile, these two are very likely to make people survive.

But Li Yang doesn't require all the clansmen to dig traps, just learn it.

Now there are plenty of fish in the stream, which can guarantee food for the tribe.

Some people prefer to catch fish, Li Yang naturally will not force these people to catch fish.

It is required to make it learn, but whether it is used or not is another matter.

Let it learn, and only consider it later.

Now it is urgent to ensure the current life.

This is how the tribe catches fish in the stream!

The people's food sources are now divided into four parts, wild animals outside the territory, fish, shrimp and loach in the stream, peach groves across the stream, and taro stems excavated.

Li Yang doesn't know how much food there is, he only has a lot of food stored inside and outside the house.

Storage is a concept.

Ability to cope with crises when food is scarce.

As for the storage, Li Yang didn't ask his clansmen to do it, everything was done spontaneously by the clansmen.

However, Li Yang adopted the method of 'collecting taxes'.

The human race divides the work, and the guards and Axi and other management tribes are in the direction, and they don't have time to collect food.

Li Yang collected part of the harvest from the rest of the tribe and stored it in the warehouse!

This warehouse is not only used to distribute food to the guards, but also to deal with the food shortage crisis in the future.

Even if the food in the warehouse is moldy, Li Yang doesn't want to encounter it.

If it happens, Li Yang doesn't know how to describe it except using the word 'disaster'.

The clansmen can be short of clothes, but there must be no shortage of food!

Li Yang has received nine years of compulsory education, and has also endured social friction against him. He dare not speak out of human nature.

There is a saying that 'rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry', let alone human beings?

The second child, Xia An, and the others didn't have a long rest time, especially Axi, after sorting out her study results, she went to get food.

Every time she went to visit her elder brother after studying, she could always see him sitting on a rock in a daze.

Ah Xi doesn't bother Li Yang, she should just be thinking about something!

She has never seen her eldest brother being idle, perhaps his mind is also busy.

Axi cooked the fish soup, and took a few pieces of taro stems steamed in a 'steamer' by the way.

Naturally, the steamer was also made by Li Yang.

He missed the buns in his previous life, so he took out the steamer.

The steamer was out, but the steamed stuffed bun conditions did not allow it.

He didn't know how to make flour, and he tried to grind it into flour and squeeze it!

The result was a failure of course. The taro stems were very 'sandy' and seemed to be very sticky when held together, and they split apart as soon as they were steamed in a steamer.

The reason is that Li Yang doesn't have a Douyin account here, and he can't understand the video if he can't find it.

"Thank you!"

Li Yang took the fish soup and taro stems, and stopped thinking too much.

"Brother, eat slowly!"

"Well! Don't worry! I'll chew all the fish bones!"

Axi doesn't know why the eldest brother has to say thank you every time. She doesn't understand what thank you is, but she feels very happy every time she hears it.

After eating the fish meat, Li Yang spat out the fish bone, but chewed the middle fish bone into pieces and swallowed it into his stomach.

Good teeth, like to eat hard!

After Li Yang drank the last sip of fish soup in the bowl, he went to the house and rinsed it with clean water.

There is not too much oil and water, and the edge is clean after flushing.

After Li Yang washed his own pottery bowl, the second child, Xia An and the others started to eat.

He never said that he had the priority to enjoy the right to food. The reason why the second child, Xia An and the others did so was out of respect!

They didn't know how to treat their eldest brother well, so they could only let him eat first in this respect!

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