Martial arts: longevity from the deer

Chapter 42 Qin Ran's Private Army

Afterwards, Qin Ran leaped directly onto the roof beside him, and then stepped on a row of roofs one after another. With the help of the elasticity of the roof, Qin Ran jumped up again, and quickly jumped onto the city gate.

After casually killing several soldiers on the tower, his body bounced again, and his whole body was like a rocket, leaving Kunming City with a whoosh, disappearing from everyone's sight.

The soldiers who were chasing after Qin Ran could only watch his disappearing figure, feeling very annoyed!

Qin Ran's speed was extremely fast.Especially when he was on the ground, he had huge internal strength and a strong physique blessing, which almost allowed him to span a distance of several meters in one step.

Ten minutes later, he quickly moved away from Kunming City for more than ten miles.Came to a valley with a beautiful environment.

At this distance, even if Wu Sangui had an army and cavalry, he would not be able to catch up here in a short time.

Qin Ran looked around and ran towards one direction, which was the direction he had agreed with the one-armed nun.

After arriving at the appointed place, Qin Ran waited for a few minutes, and soon the one-armed nun, A Ke and all the disciples appeared in front of Qin Ran.

"Brother Aran!"

Seeing Qin Ran, A Ke was overjoyed, and with an excited look on her face, she ran towards Qin Ran and jumped into his arms.

"I didn't expect you to share the main pursuit for us, and the speed is so fast, I was worried that something would happen to you!"

"Silly girl." Qin Ran patted Ah Ke's slender beautiful back and said with a smile: "I believe in your future husband, there are not many people in this world who can hurt me!"

The one-armed nun looked at the two with a little relief. She was extremely optimistic about Qin Ran, and A Ke was her most beloved disciple. The closer the relationship between the two, the happier she would be.

After Qin Ran and A Ke hugged each other and finished expressing their heartfelt feelings, the one-armed nun coughed softly, "Ah Ran, you said earlier that you asked me for help, what exactly is it?"

Hearing this, Qin Ran let go of A Ke who was blushing, and smiled lightly at the one-armed nun:

"Senior, Wu Sangui has been turned against me. For the big plan, I still need to go undercover to the emperor of the Qing court to gain more power and influence. Before that, I formed some private troops, and now they have gradually formed a large scale. , but I can’t trust those outsiders, I hope to have a reliable elder who is skilled in martial arts to help me take care of it.”

While speaking, Qin Ran looked at the one-armed nun with a smile. It was self-evident that he hoped that the one-armed nun would help him take care of the private army.

The one-armed god nun gave Qin Ran an angry look.

"I knew, you little brat, you definitely wanted to order me!"

He said so on the lips, but the one-armed nun was very happy and benefited in his heart.

For such a big matter as raising a private army, Kieran told him without hesitation and even entrusted it to himself. What kind of trust is this?

Thinking of this, the one-armed nun was even a little moved.

"Would you do more work if you can!" Kieran said with a smile.

The one-armed god nun thought for a moment, and immediately replied: "Okay! But I want to see what your army is like first!"

"Okay! Then I will thank Senior first."

Hearing what the one-armed nun said, Qin Ran was slightly happy.

Although the one-armed nun has good relations with anti-Qing forces such as the Tiandihui, she is the only one who does not belong to any force, and her purpose is the purest. As a princess of the former dynasty, whether it is the little emperor Kangxi or Wu Sangui , all have a real national hatred and family feud with her, and they are irreconcilable.

In Kieran's consideration, the one-armed god nun is the easiest one to win over.

While the two were talking, they controlled their feet and headed towards Sichuan Gui all the way.

All the people present are masters who come and go, so it only took a few days to rush to the Sichuan-Guizhou area.

Qin Ran led the crowd all the way to a group training place near Chengdu.

This is usually the place where militiamen and labor are trained.

Doubt appeared in the eyes of the one-armed nun. She didn't quite understand why Qin Ran brought him to such a place?

Qin Ran didn't explain too much, but went straight to the regiment's barracks,

"grown ups!"

The soldiers guarding the gate saw Qin Hou and knelt down on one knee to salute him.

"Get up! Is Wu Guangde there?"

Qin Ran asked in a deep voice to the two soldiers in front of him.

"My lord, General Wu Shen is training soldiers!"

Wu Guangde was originally a low-level member of the Tiandihui. Before his family was in decline, he had read military books, but he had been depressed for a long time because of his Han nationality. After Qin Ran took control of Qingmutang, he quickly discovered this talent, single-handedly promoted him, and appointed him as Participating in training.

Qin Ran nodded and ordered, "Okay! Open the door, we're going in!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" The soldiers slowly opened the gate of the general camp.

The one-armed nun looked at the scene in front of him curiously. Walking in the barracks, all the soldiers who looked at Qin Ran saluted him one after another.

This made the one-armed nun couldn't help asking: "Aran, haven't you always stayed by the dog emperor's side? How come there is an army here?"

Seeing the curious look of the one-armed nun, Qin Ran revealed a faint smile, "Senior, I don't know that this private army was found by me after gathering all the heroes from Qingmutang and Tiandihui. A hero who knows military affairs in Tiandihui.

Then it was established with millions of taels of silver. All the people in this barracks are the children of the Han family who have been oppressed by the people. Before they joined here, they all went to the capital to meet me!I paid for them to settle their family business, so everyone is loyal to me. "

While speaking, Qin Ran's tone was slightly smug.

The one-armed god nun's eyes were amazed. Looking at the large number of soldiers coming and going along the way, she couldn't help asking: "Aran, how many soldiers are there in your barracks?"

Qin Ran chuckled, "Senior, allow me to play tricks."

The group moved on.

The one-armed nun carefully observed her surroundings, she was not a person with little knowledge.

She was originally a princess of the former dynasty. Although she was not proficient in military politics, she still had basic knowledge.

The soldiers who came and went had ruddy complexions, and they were upright and powerful, obviously a good source of soldiers, and the barracks were arranged in an orderly manner, obviously, the man who governed this place was a man who knew how to fight.

A Ke on the side didn't think so much, she was looking at everything around her curiously at this moment, and was sincerely happy for Qin Ran.

Everyone passed through several horizontal and vertical roads, and soon, the eyes suddenly became clear.

A huge open area appeared in front of everyone.

Ahead, in the huge fence, countless soldiers were practicing. They moved in unison, some were using long knives and spears, and rows were using long poles.

"That's..." The one-armed god nun showed surprise, she pointed at the soldier and looked at Qin Ran.

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