My Demon Lord was summoned by the school flower

Chapter 58 The Summoner Never Surrenders

An endless green jungle undulates with the mountains, and the high mountains in the middle are thousands of meters high.

The entire space is accented by the green of the trees and the brown of the mountains.

This is a space with mountains as the background of the battle.


"Choo Choo Choo!!!"

A flock of birds were startled,

In the battlefield of life and death, uninvited guests descended.

There are 36 people in the blue team, and they descended on a mountain range at this moment.

However, the 36 people were obviously not harmonious, and the 36 people were divided into four groups.

A disciple of the family headed by Wei Yunlong.

The crooked nut group headed by Chris and Makabaka,

Kameda and his henchmen.

There is also Lin Tian who is directly excluded and alone.

It is reasonable for Lin Tian to be rejected.

First, he confessed everyone.

Second, it's just one-sided disgust.

Good guys or bad guys.

After all, who would like a double-faced hypocrite?

Are you not afraid of when he stabs you?


The atmosphere is very depressing, everyone's face is gloomy and scared.

Soon, the silence was broken.

"Damn it, Holy Master is really going to fight us forever?" Chris said with a gloomy face,

"Otherwise? Do you think he wants to play house with you?"

Wei Yunlong sneered and said, is it too naive to say such things now?

"Then he is not afraid, isn't he afraid that we will unite?"

"With so many of us united, does he think he has a chance of winning?"

Chris' face was ugly, he was scared and angry now.

No matter the potential or the strength of the Holy Master, everyone saw it just now.

So it is reasonable to feel fear and fear.

However, now he actually wants to challenge 35 of them alone, plus a Kameda. (Kameda: ???)

This is a bit too arrogant, right?


dense jungle,

The Lord Jiang Hao held Chen Xiaoxiao in his arms.

In front of him was a magic mirror formed of water.

As a senior demon wizard, it is very reasonable and scientific to know a little bit of magic.

At this moment, the screen that appeared on the Magic Realm was Wei Yunlong and others.

"Master, do you want to act first?"

"After all, if they really join forces..."

Chen Xiaoxiao looked up at Holy Master, hesitated for a moment, and spoke anyway.

"How could Shenlong be afraid of the cooperation of mere ants?"

The lord Jiang Hao lifted his chin slightly, revealing his haughty temperament.

"With all due respect, they're all rubbish..."

"And why don't I do it when I know where they are?"

"Ha ha!"

The holy lord Jiang Hao sneered, and his pupils once again emitted a deep and evil red light.

"My favorite thing is to watch the little bugs prepare for the battle with all their strength, and then when their confidence reaches its peak..."

"Then personally smash their self-confidence and pride bit by bit."

"Killing people—you have to kill your heart at the same time!"

Chen Xiaoxiao nodded, this is indeed Lord Shengzhu's style.

But suddenly, a strange idea appeared in my mind.

But shaking his head, he thought it was impossible.

"Little maid, what's the matter?"

Lord Jiang Hao asked,

"Master... what if, what if they surrender before fighting?"

Although it is a battlefield of life and death, it is a school after all, and there will always be room for it.

"This battlefield of life and death is also stipulated. If one side surrenders unconditionally, the battle will end."

Chen Xiaoxiao expressed her worries, but felt it was impossible.

How could they all be a bunch of shameless people?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, if they surrender without a fight, how will they mess around in school in the future?

"They will be so shameless?"

The holy master Jiang Hao didn't really believe it, those guys were very arrogant just now.

Could it be that a dog that can bite can't bark?The louder you bark, the more cowardly you tend to be?


On the other side, Wei Yunlong and the others were still chattering and arguing.

How to fight?Who takes the lead?What tactics to use?

But after arguing, I remembered the point.

They can't beat it either!

But if you don't beat him, is it possible to wash your neck clean and wait to die?

At this time, Kameda Ichiro, who had been shrinking his neck, raised his hand.

"Gentlemen, I have a little humble opinion!"

But after holding it for a while, no one paid any attention to him.

"Gentlemen, I have a little humble opinion!"

"Fuck, you've said it's a humble opinion, so it goes without saying, it won't hurt your ears."

Chris reprimanded directly,

Although in the eyes of the lighthouse people, speech is free, and even dogs have the right to speak.

But sorry, people from Sakura Country like Kameda Ichiro are not among them.

In this regard, Wei Yunlong and others also agreed.

The two sides continued their heated discussion.

"That... I said it!!!"

Kameda Ichiro got angry and yelled out at the top of his throat.

"Or, let's surrender collectively!!!"

stare! ! !

For a moment, the surroundings became silent, and everyone turned their eyes to Kameda Ichiro.

And those eyes are very strange.

I didn't expect that your old boy is actually this kind of person...

But they changed their minds, Kameda Kameda, with such thoughts and behaviors...

For a split second, everyone understood.

However, understanding does not mean agreeing.

"The battle in the space of life and death will be projected."

Wei Yunlong said quietly,

At the same time, it revealed that all their actions can be clearly seen by the outside world.

In private, everyone would definitely choose to surrender.

But it's different now. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, who dares to mention surrender?

"I, Wei Yunlong, a dignified son of the Wei family."

Wei Yunlong looked at Kameda with disdain,

"I, Chris Dimos, a first-class family in the Lighthouse Kingdom!"

Chris straightened his suit and looked serious.

"I, Makabaka, the nobleman of Garden Kingdom..."

Makabaka showed his nobility.

"I, Lin Tian, ​​have an undying hatred with Chen Xiaoxiao..."

Lin Tian, ​​who was excluded, also expressed his views.


Feeling the eyes of other people looking at him, Kameda felt uncomfortable now.

It's just a look of contempt and shame.

How can we have a student like you at Tianlong University?

Surrender before a fight, still have the arrogance of a summoner?

Aren't you afraid of ridicule by outsiders?

Even his younger brothers, looking at him now, are not quite right.


Kameda smiled flatly, then said with a serious face,

"Actually, I was joking just now..."

"Enliven the atmosphere!"

"How can it be possible for me, a student of Tianlong University, to be so spineless, so greedy for life and afraid of death?"

As he spoke, he puffed up his chest and said with a righteous face,

"Yo Xi, as we all know, the people of my Sakura country are not afraid of death!"

"So, gentlemen..."

As he said that, Kameda felt very shameless and ashamed for his remarks about surrendering just now...

A sincere light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his tone became impassioned.

"Let's fight to the death together!!!"

"Summoners never surrender!!!" (Unless it's 6 minutes?)

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