I have a cave of evil

Chapter 17 Awakening

The darkness became thinner, and there was a little more red, which was so warm that Zhu Yao groaned slightly.There seemed to be someone next to him, making a cry of surprise. The sound was loud and quiet, loud and thunderous, and small like mosquitoes.Zhu Yao was in a daze for a long time before he vaguely recognized a female voice, and then came the heavy footsteps like a giant bear.

Why are you still not quiet after death? !

As soon as the thought came out, Zhu Yao felt powerless and passed out again.

In the haze, the surrounding environment was suddenly noisy, chattering, wow wow, inexplicable and fearful calls made people very disturbed.

Zhu Yao wanted to yell, but a painful feeling appeared.The head is hurting, the legs are hurting, the whole body is hurting, some places are burning pains, some places are the pains of steel needles, and some places are the pains that are gradually increasing... Zhu Yao feels as if he has been dismembered. In the fridge, part is in the pot and part is being minced.


A sound came from the side, like the chirping of a lark, as clear as the gurgling spring water in the mountains, which instantly soothed Zhu Yao's painful heart.

"Chief! Chief! Come quickly, the priest is awake."

"Quick, come on, big man, water."

The voice was a bit crappy, and the pronunciation was not accurate, which reminded Zhu Yao of Japanese English.


Grandpa is not dead! ! !

Zhu Yao desperately opened his eyes, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of his eyes. After a while, he gradually saw things clearly. His lips moved, and he swallowed his saliva in one gulp, as if swallowing a piece of burning coal, which made his brows tangle into wrinkles.

The nose, mouth, and exhaled breath are all hot.

Zhu Yao quickly recognized his current situation and developed a fever.

high fever!

What followed was the joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe.

A cold hand dragged his head, trying to lift it up carefully, but failed, Zhu Yao looked along the dirty arm, and saw the little face that was pulled up because of the force, her other hand Holding a wooden bowl, the water in it ripples in all directions.

"I'll do it myself!"

Zhu Yao opened his mouth to speak, but what came out was a low hoarse voice, and he couldn't make out a word.

His heart sank, at this time Xinba took over Zoya's hand and helped Zhu Yao up, Zoya brought the wooden bowl close to his lips, and slowly tilted it.

The water quality is cool, and it flows down the throat after the entrance, which immediately relieves the burning pain in the mouth and refreshes him.

At this time, he slowly looked around, and found that he was lying in a thatched hut, and there were two other thatched huts beside it, both of which had no walls on all sides, and were covered with thatch and animal skins on the top. A spooky scarecrow full of bones.

Everything is very familiar, as if the bloody battle of life and death was just Zhu Yao's hallucination when he had a high fever.

Until the screams of chirping and chirping sounded.

Zhu Yao heard the reputation and looked over. Dozens of Wutu people were tied together and placed outside the village, screaming.

A woman held a vine and used it as a whip to beat the screaming barren man. Looking at his expression, she wished she could beat him to death.

"Hahaha! Agudu, my little nephew, how does it feel to walk on the verge of death? Is there a feeling of transformation?"

Santa laughed and walked into the hut without any worries.

"This is your first time killing people, right? How do you feel? Brother used to be too spoiled with you, saying that my son is going to be a priest, so he doesn't have to charge forward like a reckless man."

"Look, look! I charged forward in the first battle, and I really deserve to be a member of my warrior family, and I have not disgraced the title of warrior."

Zhu Yao rolled his eyes. Originally, his father and younger brother Santa would charge forward in every battle. No matter how many enemies there were, they would rush forward and do it. The word "reckless" was highlighted, but they had more victories than defeats. People praised the two for their bravery and hard work. Call the two warriors.

Later, the great chief of the Battle Cry tribe praised the two for their bravery in battle, and the two without surnames simply took Warrior as their surname.

It is very common to use a name as a surname on the mainland. The battle roar tribe, also known as the battle roar clan, their ancestors roared like thunder in battle, which can boost the morale of their own side and scare the enemy's guts. handed down.

The word warrior, Leng Ding sounds pretty good.

The strong wind blows and the clouds fly, Vega comes home and returns home, and the warriors guard the four directions!

Thinking about it carefully, it is somewhat wrong to say that people have strength and no brains.

When Zhu Yao first knew the original surname, he refused in his heart, and then gradually got used to it. It was better than random surnames such as "Inoue", "Matsushita", and "Koizumi".

And when Zhu Yao has his own title, he can put warriors at the back and his own title at the front. For abbreviations, they are generally from front to back, almost omitting the glory of the previous generation behind.

Turning his face, Zhu Yao signaled Xinba and Zoya to go out, cleared his throat, found that he could speak normally, and asked about the situation of the tribe.

"Three old people died." Santa said lightly.

"Is that so..."

Zhu Yao was in a complicated mood for a while, and he didn't know what to say. Was he glad that the casualties were low and only three old people died, or was he mourning in silence and paying homage to the souls of the dead?

Santa's big hand stroked Zhu Yao's head, and said softly: "You have done your best. I heard Ma Gen and others talk about that day. They were gone, but I didn't stay, and I almost died on the way to the charge."

"And..." Santa paused, with a solemn expression, and said with respect: "They took the initiative to stand outside and die on their own initiative."

Zhu Yao raised his head in disbelief.

"Don't underestimate them, Agudu!"

Santa stood up, her tall figure almost reaching the hut, "A small tribe like ours, who can live to their age, who will be a good stubble? They have all been rolled in a sea of ​​​​corpses and blood."

"The old man in your eyes may have a name even louder than you and me!"

"It's just that time makes people old. They can defeat the enemy, but they can't defeat time."

There was a bit of loneliness in the words.

"You have a good rest! I have put away their corpses. It is the responsibility of the priest to give them a decent funeral as soon as possible."

"Also, that day..."

"I'm in a hurry."

Zhu Yao opened his mouth, "It's just an accident!" He didn't say a few words in the end.

When they first arrived in the new land, the two led the people to find a temporary place to stay overnight. Santa was so excited that he wanted to explore the surrounding terrain overnight and find a place to settle as soon as possible.

At that time, Zhu Yao agreed. With Santa's fighting power, the world can go anywhere. It is not difficult to travel in the dark. Exploring the terrain at night can indeed speed up the settlement of the tribe. There are dozens of people here in the tribe, and there are no wild animals. Will be blinded and hit the Horde.

Zhu Yao also considered the matter of the Wutu people, but he didn't pay much attention to it.According to the records, the Wutu people are timid and fearful, and they dare to attack only when they outnumber the enemy by multiples. Moreover, the Wutu people live and rest like normal humans. They are diurnal creatures and rarely move at night.

Both of them ignored the Wutu people brought back by Santa before killing them. They both forgot that although the Wutu people have low intelligence, they also have their own social structure and order. They are also viviparous, and the two Wutu people It is the blood of the big head.

In theory, Wutu people are not very revengeful, but strange individuals are exceptions.

That night, the big-headed Wutu people led their tribe to surprise the corpse tribe.

If the surprise attack hadn't been there, there would have been nothing wrong with Santa's decision; if the surprise attack had been resolved easily, with no casualties... If Santa had been there, no one would have died.

So Zhu Yao knew intellectually that this was an accident, but emotionally he still complained, and...


Anger at my own incompetence!

If you are strong enough, all casualties will not happen.

"Tian Xingjian, a gentleman strives for self-improvement. Since the main style of this world is conquest and destruction, then I will be the party of conquest. If there is no civilized society, I will build a civilized society."

Thinking about it, Zhu Yao felt that life suddenly had a purpose, but after being injured, his spirit became more and more tired, and his eyelids couldn't stop falling. He shook his head, intending to wake himself up, but saw that his injured right arm was covered with Red scales.

what is this?

As soon as the question came out, Zhu Yao couldn't bear the drowsiness anymore, fell heavily on the straw mat, and fell into a coma.

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