I have a cave of evil

Chapter 26 The Secret Text of the Ancient King's Contract

Zhu Yao is not used to the barbaric breeding habits of the tribe.What he taught in the Vocational Technical College was moral education, which was about morality. It made people uncomfortable to listen to what they did in the wild.

So after Zhu Yao pretended to be a ghost for the first time, he used the oracle to forbid sex between men and women.At that time, the oracle was promulgated mainly because of wild beasts in an unfamiliar environment, and sex in the wild is easy to encounter danger and cause casualties.

Now that the tribe is basically stable, it's time to cancel this anti-human oracle.

The so-called fullness and warmth, dry firewood meets raging fire, except for Zhu Yao and the three old people in the tribe, including Santa, all look at women with hot eyes.

It turned out that Zhu Yao would definitely not allow the rough and wild way of marriage. Like a group of beasts, whoever is strong will take possession of everything. He wants to formulate a system of monogamy and multiple concubines to make marriage legal.

The system of monogamy and multiple concubines was strictly speaking monogamy in ancient China, because ancient China did not expressly stipulate that multiple concubines were a system.A wife is the words of the parents, a matchmaker's appointment, and the "principal room" that the matchmaker is marrying; a concubine is not a formal marriage, but a "side room" or "side room".According to the law, it is not allowed to marry two wives, and it does not matter to take "second concubine", "three concubines" and "four concubines", although it is essentially polygamy1.

Copying the monogamy system in New China will definitely not work. One is that in the current tribe, yin is flourishing and yang is declining, and there are more women than men. In order to expand the tribe’s population, one man must have more women; A woman is really not satisfied, and it is easy to kill people, and the habit of "the strong take all" has been handed down from ancient times to the present, and it is deeply rooted in everyone's blood. Zhu Yao lacks the means to maintain legal authority, and Santa may Listen to Zhu Yao's suggestion, but what about the strong ones who join the tribe in the future?

People on the mainland are used to the strong occupying everything.

The third is that it is easy to cause internal friction, because it is not clear who the child belongs to, it is easy to cause close relatives to have children, and it is easy to pass harmful genes to the next generation, resulting in birth defects. Such genetic problems cannot be solved by modern technology. If placed in a tribe, children can only be born. The fate of being abandoned or sacrificed.

Fourth, the most important point is Zhu Yao's own selfishness.Everyone has become a time traveler, and the time traveler is still a privileged class. Wouldn't it be a waste of time not to enjoy privileged services?

As a single dog for nearly 30 years, does Zhu Yao yearn for love?

Do not!

What he desires is a woman!

He firmly believes that single dogs desire exactly the same.

So, as a time traveler, is it outrageous to want the 72nd concubine of Sangong Sixth Court?

It's too normal, okay?

Zhu Yao was so eager in his heart, and was ready to do so.

As for whether there will be strong women who have polyandry in the future, we will discuss it later.

Now, Zhu Yao, who hadn't slept all night, just wanted to sleep.

"Call me before dusk!"

After giving Zoya a word, Zhu Yao fell asleep heavily.

Zhu Yao was woken up, he opened his eyes, the sun was still some distance away from setting, but the tribe was chattering, dusty and chaotic.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he was sure it wasn't the Wutu people who invaded the village. Zhu Yao sat cross-legged, leaning on his cheek with one hand, and turned on the theater mode.

"Damn guy, don't let me catch you. After I catch you, I will definitely torture you severely." Xinba walked with long legs, and his high-pitched voice was full of anger.

"Wow wow!"

Somehow, a Wutu man broke free from the wooden stake, twitched his short legs, and entangled with Xinba by virtue of his flexibility and terrain.

Xinba is tall and has long legs. It can take half the distance in one step and run much faster than ordinary people. Now these long legs have become a burden.

The short Wutu man jumped left and right, rolled and drilled his hips, showing master-level movements, and turned Xinba around.

The actions of the two had a comic effect, very much like Jerry playing Tom, Zhu Yao laughed unconsciously.Not only did he laugh out loud, but everyone watching also laughed out loud.

Xinba was angry and annoyed, blushing to the ears, and shouted angrily to the surroundings: "Why are you looking at it? Come and catch it! The master of the corpse blamed you for delaying the evening sacrifice, can you bear it?"

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding immediately fell silent.

When the gods were involved, no one dared to delay. They immediately put down their work and joined the team to intercept the Wutu people.

The barren bared its teeth, trying to scare off the people who came up, but the effect was not great.

Zhu Yao noticed that the Wutu man's mouth full of sharp teeth was still there and had not been knocked out, so his face darkened.After the Wutu people locked the stakes around the village, the first thing Xinba had to do was to knock out their sharp teeth and pull out their sharp nails, because both of them might break the vines that bound them. Article, hurting the villagers.

The sharp teeth of this wastelander are still there, which shows that NWFB has failed in its duty.

Soon, everyone rushed up and pinned the Wutu man to the ground. Only then did Zhu Yao realize that he was a familiar guy with a small horn growing on his head.

Xinba stepped forward quickly and kicked Wuturen's feet hard, but felt a pair of cold eyes on him, and immediately dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Zhu Yao's tone was gloomy, and he ordered: "Go and stand in front of the altar, after the evening sacrifice."


Xinba walked to the altar dejectedly, with his heels close together, his toes turned outward, his legs straight, and his eyes looking forward.

Punishment station is a kind of punishment that is very small and shameful, especially when you stand in the middle of the village. Anyone who walks by can see it, and everyone knows that you have made a mistake and you have been punished.

"Wow wow wow!"

Seeing Zhu Yao, the Changjiao Wutu people did not know where the strength came from, and suddenly broke free from the shackles of the crowd, ran in front of Zhu Yao, knelt down and kowtowed.

Zhu Yao was startled at the beginning, and the surrounding black holes appeared on the ground, and zombies emerged. Unexpectedly, history repeated itself, and the Wutu man kowtowed again.

"You...can you understand me?"

The long-horned Wutu man stopped kowtowing and nodded hastily.


Zhu Yao pointed to Xinba standing at attention, and said, "Go, kick him."

The long-horned Wutu man stared blankly at Zhu Yao for a long time. Just when Zhu Yao thought he didn't understand, the Wutu man jumped up with a "chuckle", dust was formed on the back of his feet, and after a few meters of run-up, he flew up with a kick.

Xinba was caught off guard and fell to the ground with an ah.

Before Xinba could get up, the Wutu man ran back and respectfully resumed his kneeling position.


Zhu Yao rubbed his chin, thinking about how to deal with this Wutu man, but when he looked up, he saw Dashi greeting him.

"Take him down and tie him up tightly," Zhu Yao said.

After walking two steps, he turned around and added, "Don't pull out your teeth and nails, just keep them."

Immediately afterwards, he hurriedly came to Dashi, "Have you cracked it?"

"Come out!" Dashi looked excited, and took out a wooden board from his arms with a line of words engraved on it.

【Give this thing the power to cut off】

Note 1: Extracted from Zhihu.

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