I have a cave of evil

Chapter 29 The Giant Tree and the Horn

When people focus on something, time will pass quickly, it seems that just a flash of God, seven days have passed.

If calculated according to 30 days as one month, Zhu Yao spent exactly one month traveling here.

"According to the earth's time, I should have paid my salary. Although the job has no sense of value and the salary is extremely low, compared with the terrible job of priest, I am much happier." Zhu Yao clasped his left arm A long wooden board, holding an obsidian short blade in his right hand, wandering around the village, occasionally bursting with inspiration, and quickly scratched a few times on the board to make a simple record.

And yelling from time to time:

"Whose child, you are dragging the card again, this place is dangerous, don't wander around here, go find your mother!"

"Who is that! Hey, yes, it's you. How can you still use the stone knife after it's broken like this? Go to Kenny for a replacement."

"Who will feed this pig? Didn't you see it when it ran out? Hurry up and find someone to clean it up. If you can save it, clean it up and use it as a sacrifice."


After a week, the Bone Tribe finally looked like a settlement.There are public toilets, pigpens, sentry towers, fences, and houses.

Everyone was enthusiastic, and Kerney even applied for an overnight construction.

Zhu Yao didn’t allow it. Firstly, the general night vision ability is not good, which is prone to accidents; secondly, the overall environment at night is quiet, and the noise in the tribe is too loud, which easily attracts the attention of others. [-]. Building at night needs to consume a large amount of wood to burn fire for lighting, which is not cost-effective.

Wandering around the village, the disgraced Zhu Yao decided to leave the village for a while. When the Wutu people on the road saw Zhu Yao, they cringed and stared at the ground, not daring to make a sound, for fear of attracting attention.

Although they have low IQs, because there were few buildings in the village before, they could see the center of the village directly from outside the village. Every day, they would witness two of their kind carrying up the altar and being swallowed up by the dark hole. There will also be large-scale sacrifices, which makes Zhu Yao's image even more terrifying.

In their eyes, there are two scariest people in the village, one is the big devil Zhu Yao, who knows how to use evil and terrifying methods, and the other is Santa, who inadvertently reveals his aura like a top predator.

The above is what Changjiao said.

It was that long-horned wild man, a strange individual who played with Xinba in broad daylight.

Walking out of the village, there is an artificial path extending far away and disappearing among the weeds. Zhu Yao glanced at the footprints on the ground and walked slowly along the path.

At the end of autumn, the weeds are no longer mature, and their heads hang down in all directions. The green leaves are dyed with withered yellow. The breeze blows, rustling, and swaying the obscure aroma of herbs.

After walking about ten thousand steps, it suddenly became clear that there is a giant tree standing tens of meters high, with round branches and covered with dark green leaves. It takes seven or eight people to hug its waist. arm, covering the sky and the sun.

This is the tallest tree that Zhu Yao saw when he traveled across the world, and it is spiritually tall.When he first saw it, Zhu Yao's spirituality rose and became active uncontrollably, the whispers of ancient vicissitudes echoed in his brain across the torrent of time, and Zhu Yao, who was happy, trembled all over his body and his scalp went numb.

Spiritual resonance!

This giant tree has grown for an unknown number of years, and the spiritual power in its body is incredible. Compared with it, the big beetle is like a younger brother. Only by resonating this time, Zhu Yao felt that his spiritual power had improved.

The giant tree gave birth to a ignorant consciousness, which can be worshiped as a totem.

Zhu Yao set up a fence around the giant tree as a declaration of sovereignty, and when the spring blossoms next year, he immediately held a sacrificial ceremony to accept the giant tree as the totem god of the corpse tribe.

Why not do it now?

Zhu Yao's spiritual power is too low, and the giant tree's spiritual power is too high, signing the totem contract now will easily be burned into an idiot like a firefly approaching the fire.

After the winter, Zhu Yao's level will increase, and the giant tree will consume part of its spiritual power due to the severe winter, and it will grow and disappear, and the gap will narrow before it is possible to sign the contract.

It involves the soul and spirit, and it is different from the usual physical damage. To be on the safe side, Zhu Yao did not gamble on the effect of damage sharing skills.

As Zhu Yao approached, the giant tree moved automatically without wind, and the leaves rustled, which contained a certain law, which made people feel comfortable and spiritual waves rippled.

The giant tree is rejoicing.

It is like a newborn animal, ignorant, without distinction between good and evil, and has been confined in place for hundreds, even thousands of years. Leng Ding is very happy to meet someone who can communicate with him.

Zhu Yao closed his eyes, tried his best to mobilize spiritual power, stroked the spirituality of the giant tree, and conveyed his joy.

After a long time, he recovered his mind, and Zhu Yao's face was already full of spring breeze, without any trace of sorrow.

"See you later~"

Summoning the zombie bear, Zhu Yao waved his hand and said goodbye to the giant tree.

This is Zhu Yao's favorite place after he came to another world. He can relax his body and mind without any scruples and experience the washing of nature. No matter how bad his mood is, he will be smoothed by the giant tree and become happy and relaxed.

Halfway through the journey, Zhu Yao suddenly turned a corner and stopped in an open space left by logging.The open space is about the size of a stadium, and the roots of trees can be seen everywhere, and the rings of growth rings are like eyes that are dying, staring straight at the sky.

Dashi was sitting on a tree stump, with several children sitting in front of him, teaching them how to read and count, the most eye-catching ones were the light blue haired Zoya and the long-horned Wutu man.

After several days of experiments, Zhu Yao was finally able to confirm that the Changjiao Wutu man could indeed "understand" his own words, not because he had mastered a foreign language, but because as a strange individual, his ability was proficient in languages.

He can convert the words he hears into the meaning he understands through his singular ability.

You don't need to learn sentence patterns, grammar, allusions, and don't understand anything. You just need to be able to understand strange languages. Animal languages ​​are not counted. They must be relatively complex and can express thoughts.

But it is limited to understanding. He cannot speak another language. If he wants to speak it, he must learn it.

So there was the scene in front of me, a long-horned barbarian fidgeting restlessly with a crew cut, animal skins, clean body, and clipped nails.

Zhu Yao named him Long Horn.Changjiao's learning progress is very fast, and the number of vocabulary has surpassed Zoya. In contrast, the speed of character learning is far behind Zoya.

In Zhu Yao's plan, the long horn will serve as a bridge for the tribe to communicate with the Wutu people, so that Zhu Yao can better understand the Wutu people, and see if he can recruit and educate a group of loyal Wutu people as a lower race to enrich the tribe's population .

Just like some primitive tribes can tame monkeys and drive them to climb trees to pick fruit, participate in labor, and even fight. Otherwise, the speed of the tribe's own birth and population increase is really slow.

And the strange individuals among the Wutu people each have special abilities. If they can be used for their own use, it will be a great help.

The human tribes in the past were too arrogant to look down on the fighting power of the Wutu people, and had no idea of ​​co-existing with them. Zhu Yao thought he could give it a try.

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