I have a cave of evil

Chapter 56 Extra

Zhu Yao rubbed the center of his brows, and let Ping Luo and the other two retreat, his expression relaxed, "Have you seen the golden sun in the afternoon?"

Santa nodded, suddenly said: "Is this the golden sun? No wonder the golden light looks familiar."

"A part of the golden sun." Zhu Yao said in a complicated tone: "Or to put it another way, you may be more kind, a part of the war roaring god."

"Battle roar... what are you kidding?"

But seeing Zhu Yao's serious expression, Santa's expression froze, staring blankly at the golden liquid, feeling like thunder was on his head, and his mind went blank.

After a long time, he murmured, "God of Battle Roar, has he fallen?"

That is the god who has protected the Warcry clan for countless generations, and countless legends have been handed down. People in all tribes under the Battlecry Alliance grew up listening to these legends.

Generations, generations, and generations.

For countless generations, the Battle Cry God has long been their spiritual pillar.

Zhu Yao stood aside silently.

He could think of the weight of the Battle Cry God in everyone's hearts, but he couldn't empathize with the death of the Battle Cry God.

"This matter cannot be spread outside." Santa said sadly: "Otherwise everyone's beliefs will collapse."

"I know, so I just told you." Zhu Yao said calmly: "It won't be long before this matter is hidden. The Blood Skull has completely captured the Zhanchou tribe and held a blood sacrifice of 10 people. All priests can perceive the final battle of the cranial god."

Don't look at the people below who agree with Zhu Yao's great revanchism very much, that's because there is an invisible premise.

This invisible premise is the existence of the Battle Cry God and the Battle Cry Clan. As long as they are there, there is hope for the Jedi to come back.

In everyone's minds, the way they decided to take revenge was to rely on the strength of the Warcry clan, and they could just play as wingers, not the main force.

If the people of the Bone Tribe knew that the Battlecry God had fallen, what they would get would be great despair in an instant.

Lord of corpses?

No matter how ancient and powerful they are, they are just bragging words.

It is far less reliable than the achievements of the Battle Cry God over the past thousand years.

"what should we do?"

Santa is a little confused.

"Pretend not to know the news of the fall of the Battle Cry God, how to come about it in daily life, and how to come." Zhu Yao said calmly: "Step by step, and do things one by one. The Battle Cry God has fallen, we still have to With the Lord of Corpse, it is not as bad as imagined."

"Get rid of this thing first." Zhu Yao pointed at the golden liquid, "Who has touched it?"

Santa's reaction was a little sluggish, Zhu Yao frowned, and said, "Uncle, the fall of the Battlecry God has happened, and the matter is a foregone conclusion. At the beginning of your exile, you said that you want to build the tribe into a battlecry and a hundred gods." Now that the Warcry clan is dead, this is our chance to rise. As a chief, you have to cheer up."

"Cheer up, yes, I want to cheer up."

Santa's eyes recovered a little, he forced a smile, and said, "This thing is falling beside me, and no one has touched it except me."

Zhu Yao's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly asked, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Divine power is essentially a high-level power that cannot be touched by mortals.

Like the protagonist in the Legend of Heroes, there are very few cases where encountering a strange divine power not only causes nothing, but also greatly increases his strength.

Only a trace of the dark sun evil god's divine power in the evil stone statue turned the evil cave upside down, which shows the danger of divine power.



"Yeah." Santa nodded, "It's like someone is yelling angrily, it's very noisy."

Ah... This is indeed in line with the characteristics of the God of Battlecry.

Zhu Yao asked again: "Is there any other feeling?"


Much gentler than Dark Sun Cthulhu.

Santa said: "This thing can't be taken away. I've tried wooden boxes and stone boxes, and they can fit in, but they're like a mountain, so heavy that I can't take them away."

Zhu Yao knew Santa's strength, and he couldn't move it, which showed that it was really heavy.

But it can't just be left alone, if the wild gods who covet the divine power are attracted, it may be another hard battle.

Zhu Yao called out the bronze sword from the evil cave, and said, "Take two boxes here, and I'll try to cut them open."

The evil air in the evil cave will decompose all foreign objects, but this decomposition has no effect on the bronze sword, and with the sharpness of the bronze sword, nothing can be its scabbard to hide its sharpness, so daily It is difficult to carry it with you in life, so Zhu Yao hid it in the evil cave and took it whenever he needed it.

Soon, Santa brought two stone boxes.

Holding his breath, Zhu Yao gently brought the sword's edge close to the golden liquid, and cut it carefully.

As soon as he touched the golden liquid, Zhu Yao's spirituality was like sparks dripping from an oil pan, and it suddenly burned, roaring again and again, like a tsunami hitting a rock, sweeping in, hitting the spiritual barrier heavily.

"Exotic evil god, dare to covet the power of the gods!"

In a radiant golden light, the tall golden-armored god held a stone ax and slammed it down.


Zhu Yao screamed, let go of the bronze sword, and stepped back a few steps.

He hurriedly touched the top of his head, and found that his head hadn't been split in half. It took him a long time to recover, and he couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Is this battle roar god used to being called the evil god?

Just like a chicken like him, is he still an evil god?

Just as he was thinking, the golden liquid that had been cut by the bronze sword changed.

The original bright golden light gradually converged, becoming dull and mellow, and the body changed from liquid to solid, divided into two pieces, one big and one small, and fell down with a click.

Santa has quick hands and quick eyes, and quickly used two boxes to carry them around, just catching them one by one. His body sank, but it was not as heavy as before, and he caught it.

"Agudu, are you alright?"


Zhu Yao felt that his nostrils were sticky, so he wiped it with the back of his hand, and a dark red patch appeared.

When spirituality is injured, the brain is the first to be reflected. Fortunately, this time only the spiritual barrier was broken, and the vitality was not damaged.

He wiped it casually a few times, and seeing the combat power as dim as a dog's head gold, his spirituality fluctuated slightly.

The bronze sword cut off the remnants left in the divine power of the Battle Cry God.

Losing the control of the Battle Cry God Cannian, the divine power loses its vitality, and as time goes by, it will gradually condense into some kind of material with special abilities.

He looked down at the bronze sword in his hand, "Does this count as beating your teammates hard?"

The [cut off] power secret text on the bronze sword is the second of the 130 original texts mastered by the ancient king.

The God of Warcry opened his intelligence because of the roar of the ancient king during the battle, and in the end he died in battle to maintain the contract made by the ancient king, and he belonged to the friendly camp.

Zhu Yao smiled, and felt that he was just thinking too much. There is no fixed camp for a weapon. The good ones hold it for good, and the evil ones hold it for evil.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend depends on the thinking of the person holding the weapon.

Looking at the dim divine power, Zhu Yaoan couldn't bear it anymore, and decided to take a gamble and give it a try.

What if it is another spectacle!

He chose the smaller piece of divine power and threw it into the evil cave.

"Congratulations! The Evil Cave has captured a sliver of divine power, the source has been enhanced, and there is an additional chance to unlock talents or skills."

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