I'm tired, break up

Chapter 27 Shall I Reject?

When Isshiroha caught up with Yuki Fujiwara, the scumbag senior was standing at the door of the second-year teacher's staff room. His hands were opened and he was leaning on the door frame. This was a violent gesture to open the door.

Isshiroba tilted her head, leaned forward, poked her head out from behind the scumbag senior, and saw Hiratsuka Shizuka sitting alone in the middle of the staff room with the windows wide open and ventilated on all sides, with her hands on her knees, her expression shocked To the extreme.

"Fuji, Fujiwara? And Isshiki? What are you guys doing here?"

Fujiwara Yuki stepped into the staff room without saying a word, and drove straight in. He came straight to Teacher Jing and stretched out his right hand to her.

"Ha, haha! Fujiwara, what do you mean? Teacher, I, teacher, I can't understand." Teacher Jing turned her head silently, her eyes wandering from side to side.

Now even Isshiroha sensed something was wrong with Hiratsuka-sensei.

"Classmate Jing, do you still remember what you promised me yesterday?" Fujiwara Zhi condescendingly looked down at Teacher Jing, his eyes were calm but extremely oppressive. "Hand over the lighter and cigarettes."

Teacher Jing showed a puzzled expression. She touched the back of her head and forced a few strands of laughter out of her throat. "Ha, hahaha! What are you talking about, Fujiwara-sensei, cigarettes and lighters, didn't I give them all to you when you came here in the morning?"

Fujiwara remained silent, but continued to reach out to Mr. Hiratsuka.

Gradually, Teacher Jing couldn't laugh anymore, she raised her head, she and Fujiwara Yuki looked at each other for a long time, and finally lost the battle under the other's emotionless gaze.

Teacher Jing sighed, stretched her hand into her bosom, took out a white rabbit-shaped lighter and two cigarettes from the white coat, and put them into the palm of Fujiwara Yuki with great reluctance.

But it’s a bit of a stretch to say that those two were cigarettes—they were burnt to the point where only a short piece remained. They were not so much cigarettes as they were butts that fell on the ground and no one picked them up. I don’t know which ash Mr. Turned out of the tank.

"Fujiwara, how did you find out?" Teacher Jing scratched her head vigorously. It is indeed a very annoying thing to be unable to ingest nicotine after being addicted to cigarettes. "I obviously opened all the windows."

"I smell it." Fujiwara Shizuo crushed the cigarette butts in his hands with his feet, then turned around and took a broom and dustpan from behind the door, and replied while cleaning up the scene, "I'm very sensitive to the smell of smoke."

"So that's the case?" Mr. Hiratsuka watched Fujiwara Yuki mercilessly crushing his last rations, and couldn't help showing a heartache.

"By the way, Mr. Jing, your expression now looks like a 40-year-old man who saw a cigarette butt being trampled on the ground." Fujiwara Yuki commented lightly: "That look is too ugly. If you have With a mirror, I'm afraid I will immediately understand why I don't have many friends of the opposite sex."

"You guys are really ruthless when you talk." Hiratsuka Jing's eyes twitched fiercely, but he didn't know how to refute, so he asked, "Why are you coming to me?"

"The primary purpose is to monitor you to quit smoking, the secondary purpose is this"

Fujiwara Yuki put away the cleaning tools, then magically took out a white lunch box and placed it on the table in front of Teacher Jing.

"what is this?"

"I met a kind person last night, and she told me a precious piece of information, you like dudefood (pure man food)." Fujiwara Yuki opened the lunch box, and an assortment of hamburger bento appeared in front of Teacher Jing. "This is the representative work in dudefood: American double beef burger, served with French fries and fried chicken wings as snacks."

"So you came to me just to give me a lunch box?" Hiratsuka-sensei sighed helplessly, and said weakly, "Hey, Fujiwara, it's easy to be trusted if there is a close relationship between teachers and students."

"Please don't worry about this." Fujiwara Yuki replied in a tone without ups and downs: "I deliberately wore Isshiki, and I released the low air pressure when I went to your office, and I deliberately and with super power on the way here. The popular Hayama Hayato had a conversation, and those who saw me coming to you would only think that you were punishing scumbag students as a teacher, and there would be no other misunderstandings."

During the conversation, Fujiwara Yuki had already pushed the bento box in front of Mr. Hiratsuka, and placed the knives, forks and wooden chopsticks. "Please use."

Hiratsuka stared at the bento box in front of him for a long time, and finally turned his head silently.

"I will not eat."

"Why?" Fujiwara Zhi was a little puzzled. "Teacher Jing hasn't had lunch yet, right?"

"Because the hamburger is not tasty at all after being cold and reheated." The three people present, including Teacher Jing herself, could hear the insincere in this sentence.

"Please don't worry about this." Fujiwara pushed his glasses, watertight. "I made this bento in the cooking class before lunch break."

"Before the lunch break? Did you skip class?" Teacher Jing frowned, and she turned to look at Fujiwara Yuki, clenching her fists threateningly.

"It's not skipping class, it's a privilege." Fujiwara Shiki looked at Teacher Jing's fist, took a step back silently, and then retorted: "Students with the best grades have the right to break the rules appropriately, which is the default rule of all schools in the world .”

Teacher Jing is speechless, Fujiwara Yuki is her student, she knows Fujiwara Yuki's academic ability well, aside from being a scumbag, Fujiwara Yuki who has achieved dominance in all subjects at Sobu High School is completely worthy of perfection The title of Superman.

"Well said." Teacher Jing was silent for a moment, and finally pushed away the bento in front of her with her fingers. "But I still don't want to eat it."

"Why?" Fujiwara asked.

"It's because you made this bento, so I won't eat it." Teacher Jing gave him a sideways glance, folded her hands on her shoulders, and hummed.

"I see." Fujiwara Shiki was not disappointed, his eyes moved slightly, and he asked lightly, "So is this the teacher's refusal?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned, she turned her head mechanically, and looked at Yuki Fujiwara in disbelief. "What did you say?"

"So, is this the teacher's refusal?" Fujiwara Zhi repeated, he looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka, his gaze was majestic, without avoiding it, but Hiratsuka Shizuka's expression became more and more embarrassing under this gaze.

Because Teacher Jing faintly noticed that she seemed to have made an unforgivable mistake.

The brave man bound the devil in his body and successfully protected the world, but the brave also paid a heavy price—she would no longer be able to escape the temptation and whispers from the devil.

At this time, Fujiwara Yuki asked for the third time: "So, this is from the teacher."

"I know, I know! Bring it! I'll just eat it!"

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