I'm tired, break up

Chapter 30 The Antelope and the Lion

Facing Isiroha's loud accusation, Fujiwara Yuki just pushed his glasses.

"Why do you think I should be punished by God?"

Senior Scumbag's tone was so natural, so natural that even a feather of color felt absurd.

"Don't seniors feel that they have done nothing wrong in treating girls!?"

"In a relationship, it is wrong to be indifferent, it is wrong to be fickle, and it is even worse to betray a lover." Fujiwara Yuki said lightly: "But breaking up is not the only thing."

Isshiroba held the skirt tightly with both hands. She felt that what Fujiwara Yuki said was wrong, but she had never interacted with anyone, so she couldn't say anything insightful, so she raised her head and looked at it with contemptuous eyes. he.

"Let's make a hypothesis, Isshiroha." Fujiwara pushed his glasses.


"A hypothesis that I don't break up." Fujiwara Yuki said: "Suppose I fell in love with a girl, we had a smooth relationship, and I didn't choose to break up with her, what do you think our ending will be?"

Yishishiyu was stunned, and she suddenly remembered that time when she stayed overnight, and the image of Fujiwara cooking breakfast in the early morning sun flashed before her eyes.

The girl pursed her lips, blushed and replied, "You should be very happy, right?"

"Happiness? Not necessarily." Fujiwara Yuki shook his head. "Time goes by day by day, when love gradually fades under the wash of boredom. Isshiki, what do you think I will become? I will become colder and colder to her, I will argue with her all day long, and I may even be dominated by anger , violence against her. Isshiki, would you want such a lover?"

"But this is all senior's imagination, isn't it?" Yi Caiyu's face became a little pale, and she said anxiously: "I don't believe that senior will become that kind of terrible man, and even if everything really becomes like that , we will separate at that time"

"Since the final outcome is separation, why do we have to create a new stage of hatred in each other's hearts?" Fujiwara Yuki interrupted her softly.

Yi Caiyu was speechless, she was silent for a long time, and finally said softly: "But those girls must be very sad the moment senior said they broke up, right?"

"Yes, you are right, I broke their hearts, and the guys who make girls sad are all scum." Fujiwara Zhi quietly stared at the girl in front of him. "So, Yi Caiyu, as a girl, in order not to be hurt, you'd better stay away from the scum."

A color feather suddenly froze.

She suddenly understood why Fujiwara Yuki suddenly agreed to her request for life consultation.

Fujiwara Zhi is not the kind of slow or pretending slow herbivorous man, he understands girls' thoughts better than most men in this world, but at the same time he is more heartless than most men.

He followed him to the rooftop, not to answer the junior girl's confusion, but to kill the weeds.He already has someone he likes, and he won't be tempted by others anymore, so he is going to cut off Yi Seyu's thoughts that he shouldn't have one by one.

"It seems that you don't have any doubts anymore, so I'll go back first." Fujiwara Yuki glanced at Isiroha's face, turned and walked towards the stairs.

"After the exam the day after tomorrow, I will call Ye Shan out alone, remember to be prepared, and I will provide you with sufficient support then."

Fujiwara Yuki's steps stopped suddenly.

It was Yi Shiroyu, she caught up with Fujiwara Yuki again, holding on to the corner of Fujiwara Yuki's clothes, unwilling to let go.

"Will senior cheer me up for the exam the day after tomorrow?" Shiki Fujiwara heard the girl ask in a low voice.

"Is this question also related to Hayama?"

"I just want to know the answer of the senior."

There was a long silence.

"Yes." Fujiwara Zhi didn't look back. "I promised you that I will help you become the number one in your grade."

When Fujiwara Yuki came to the door the next day, Mr. Hiratsuka was eating candy.

——When the door of the staff room was opened and Yuki Fujiwara's face came into view, Mr. Hiratsuka was so startled that he almost jumped up from his chair.

"It's really strange." Fujiwara Zhi stood by the door, looking at Teacher Jing who was panicking about hiding the candy box, his eyes were calm. "Compared to smoking, eating sugar is undoubtedly a much healthier thing. You can calmly light a cigarette in front of me, but feel shy because of eating sugar. Why?"

Teacher Jing paused, and the moment she heard the word "health", she couldn't help but think of the note that Fujiwara Yuki left for her yesterday.

The dumb boy with three heads, body and four eyes jumped out of his mind again, holding up the big card and shaking it.

"Shut up!" The female teacher with hot cheeks put the candy box into her arms, and cast a wolf-like look at Yuki Fujiwara.

Fujiwara Shiki nodded, and sure enough, he stopped talking, and turned to close the door of the staff room.

"Good afternoon, Hiratsuka-sensei." Isshiroha took the opportunity to come out from behind Fujiwara Yuki. The girl held the notebook and greeted Hiratsuka-sensei embarrassedly.

She kept silent during the tutoring in the staff room yesterday. In addition to the complicated emotions born out of thin air after witnessing Fujiwara Shizuki's meticulous attention to Mr. Shizuka, there was also a sense of indebtedness to Mr. Hiratsuka.

Mr. Hiratsuka tried so hard to protect himself, but in the end, he was tempted by the scumbag to join him.

Thinking about it carefully, if he hadn't provided help to the scumbag senior, the scumbag senior's attack on Mr. Hiratsuka would never have been so smooth.

"Oh! It's Isshiki, good afternoon." Hiratsuka-sensei turned his head and waved to Isshiki, smiling without hesitation.

Obviously, Hiratsuka-sensei was not angry at Iroha.

It's not because Hiratsuka Shizuka was so stupid that he couldn't see through Isiroha's disguise. The moment Hiratsuka understood the hint of Fujiwara Yuki at the ramen restaurant, Mr. Hiratsuka had already guessed the role Isiroha played next to Fujiwara Yuki, but Hirazuka Zuka Jing is not someone who likes to anger others, she knows very well that even if there is no Ishiroba, Fujiwara Yuki still has other ways to get close to her.

Fujiwara Yuki also came over at this time, he stopped beside Mr. Hiratsuka, and glanced at the desk in front of Mr. Jing.

"What are you looking at?" The moment she saw Fujiwara Yuki, the smile on the female teacher's face disappeared instantly. Teacher Jing leaned back slightly on the back of the chair, unconsciously hugging her shoulders with her hands, showing a guarded expression.

"It's nothing, congratulations on successfully quitting smoking for one day." Fujiwara Shizuo nodded calmly to Teacher Jing, not paying attention to Hiratsuka Shizuka's current vigilance attitude. It can even be said that Fujiwara Zhi is very satisfied with Teacher Jing's current reaction. On the grassland, everyone Elephants never guard against lions, because they know that lions cannot prey on themselves, and only antelopes feel uneasy and panic when male lions approach.

Fujiwara Yuki took out the white bento box from his backpack and opened the lid. The lunch he prepared for Teacher Jing today was eel rice with thick egg yaki and sweet beans as side dishes.

This is really an excellent dish. The golden eel meat with sauce is lying between the green onion and white sesame seeds, and the tempting aroma in the air is tickling.

"It's the reward of quitting smoking for a day."

Fujiwara Yuki took out the tableware and handed it to Teacher Jing together with the bento box.

"Stinky boy! Don't talk to the teacher in such a condescending tone!" Teacher Jing reached out to take the lunch box and said angrily.

This time she didn't make any excuses not to eat Fujiwara Yuki's bento, because Hiratsuka-sensei had already found out that even if she refused, Fujiwara Yuki still had countless ways to make her accept the bento. Fujiwara Yuki who was pursuing a girl was As a super strategist who is exhaustive, once he decides to make a move, he must be fully prepared and will never give the target even the slightest chance to resist.

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