I'm tired, break up

Chapter 83 The Apocalypse From the Seals in Love

Chiba Shopping Center, Yuki Fujiwara and the red-haired girl walked side by side among the crowd.

"It seems that Fujiwara-san has already made a date plan?" Nakano Mayzuki, dressed as her younger sister, asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Fujiwara nodded, but he didn't mention the itinerary he had prepared to Nakano Nino, it seemed that he was planning to surprise the girl.

Seeing that Fujiwara Shiki didn't say any tentative code words like "come according to our appointment last night", Nakano Nino was relieved in his heart, but he couldn't help being a little disappointed.

You know, in order not to reveal her secrets in front of Fujiwara Yuki, she and Wuyue worked hard last night to check their lines until midnight. Now it seems that all the preparations were in vain.

"Then, let's get to the point." Nakano Nino blinked, revealing the kind of serious and slightly cute eyes that her younger sister often used. "Have Fujiwara-san thought about how to please sister Nino?"

Fujiwara Yuki glanced at her. "It depends on your help, classmate Wu Yue. To be honest, I don't even understand why she is angry with me."

— Big wood!Just forget it!

Nakano Nino's face darkened when she heard this, and she was about to reprimand, but she swallowed the words abruptly. The red-haired girl looked up at a certain emperor penguin, her eyes rolled slightly.

"If you want me to say, if you want to calm her down, Fujiwara-san, you should be with that Yukinoshita Yukino"

At this moment, loud applause suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two.

Nakano Nino closed her mouth and turned around suspiciously, only to find that there was a huge stage on the first floor of the shopping center, surrounded by people, full of voices.

The lively atmosphere made the red-haired girl step forward curiously. She walked into the crowd with Yuki Fujiwara, stood on tiptoes and looked in, and found that standing on the stage was a geisha with a white face and heavy makeup, wearing a gorgeous wedding dress. , with a graceful and charming figure, singing and dancing to the accompaniment of snare drums and shamisen.

But soon, Nakano Nino frowned, it wasn't that the dance on stage was not good-looking, but that the geisha sang some short or long ancient Japanese poems!You know, although there is Fujiwara Yuki's tutoring, it is still too early for Nakano Nino to understand the long and weirdly rhythmic drama.

But it doesn't matter, she doesn't understand, there must be someone who understands.

"What is she singing?" Nakano Nino turned to Fujiwara Yuki and asked curiously.

"It's a story." Fujiwara Shiki is tall and stands out from the crowd. He can easily see what's going on on the stage by standing up straight. The ear replied: "The geisha played a wraith crying to heaven and earth, that wraith was a happy woman with a perfect family, sisters who love each other, and a fiancé who loves each other. "

Feeling the hot air hitting her earlobe when Fujiwara Yuki spoke, the red-haired girl blinked, her face flushed slightly, but unexpectedly she didn't avoid it.

Fujiwara Shiki looked at Nakano Nino who was standing still, his brows were slightly frowned.

"But the day before the wedding, a monster broke in and came to her bed." He continued to explain the plot to Nakano Nino: "The monster killed the woman and put on her skin and wedding dress , married her beloved fiancé, and what is even more frightening is that after she died and became a wraith, she discovered that the true identity of that monster was actually "

Fujiwara Yuki's voice suddenly paused. He seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and then slowly turned his head to look at "Nakano Mayzuki" standing in front of him. The look in Mr. Emperor Penguin's eyes gradually became obscure, just like what the geisha said. Those short lines of ancient poems sung.

"What kind of idiot-like plot is this!?" Nakano Nino didn't notice the change in Fujiwara Yuki's eyes, she was looking at the geisha on the stage in disgust. "This is the holy place for dating in Chiba. Is it true that the people who perform such strange dramas in this kind of place are not out of their minds?"

"Who knows?" Fujiwara Zhi quietly looked at the red-haired girl in front of him, and said as if unintentionally: "It should be to promote traditional culture to the public. After all, this place is not only a holy place for dating, but also a popular place for people from Chiba. The most places are like our school’s kendo club, in order not to lose to Aikido and Karate, they often gather after school in the afternoon for joint practice.”

"So that's how it is." Nakano Nino nodded knowingly, and then retorted casually, "But Fujiwara-san, you remember wrongly. I heard that the time for joint training in the Kendo Club is at noon."

"Really?" Fujiwara pushed his glasses, and his eyes suddenly calmed down. He silently opened a distance of three grips from the red-haired girl, and praised softly, "Student May has a really good memory."

"Thank you." Hearing this, Nakano Nino blushed, and she beckoned to Fujiwara. "Fujiwara-san, I don't want to watch this anymore, we"

At this moment, a huge noise suddenly sounded not far away, and the two turned their heads together, seeing a huge flow of people coming from the entrance.

Fujiwara Yuki and the red-haired girl were caught off guard and rushed away.

On the top floor of the shopping mall, Yi Caiyu held the railing with both hands, looked down at the bustling people downstairs, and said to himself worriedly:

"Is this really all right?"

"Of course, our Mr. Penguin is a smart man." Someone responded to Yi Caiyu's soliloquy, and a cheerful laugh came from behind her. "Iroha, can you have more confidence in your senior?"

Hearing this, Yi Caiyu turned her head and looked behind her.

She was standing in a huge restaurant box, and there was a round table in the center of the box, and people were seated at the table one by one.

If a woman's beauty is a weapon, then the box in front of Isiroyu is a small sword museum, where every woman blooms with her own beauty, as sharp as an ancient knife.

The eyes of the women were focusing on a giant TV screen in the box, which showed Fujiwara Yuki's expressionless face.

It is the monitoring screen.

A group of powerful women have taken control of the mall.

Unlike the red-haired girl who was swept away by the crowd, Fujiwara Shizuki stood quietly among the chaotic crowd, like a rock standing still in the roaring waves. He looked around from right to left, looking from the entire shopping center Slowly sweep through.

"What do you think this stinky penguin is doing?"

"Could it be that you're looking for that fake Nakano May?"

A low voice of discussion gradually sounded in the box.

"I'm not sure what he wants to do now, but I can be sure that he is definitely not looking for the girl who pretends to be his sister." Someone suddenly said, "If you want me to say, that guy must have noticed something is wrong, otherwise he will find something wrong when the flow of people arrives." At that time, he would definitely hold that girl in his arms to protect her without hesitation, I went to a temple fair with him, and that's what he did to me at that time."

There was a sudden silence in the box, and the originally harmonious atmosphere disappeared inexplicably.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered, that guy should be looking for someone, his actions just now reminded me of the sci-fi movie I went to see with him." After a short silence, someone broke the silence with a sneer : "The futuristic robot chasing and killing the little boy did the same thing when he was searching for the target. I was so scared at the time. To comfort me, he held my hand until the end of the movie."

Yishishiyu didn't speak, she followed Yukinoshita Yoshino and sat down at the table, carefully looking around the whole box, feeling a strange sour smell began to spread along with the smell of gunpowder.

"Ah, it's started again." Yukinoshita Yono raised his hand to cover his forehead, and Yishishiyu heard her sigh softly. "Why does every gathering turn into this? Everyone had a good chat, but someone always jumped out to share their relationship experiences. Are these women all love seals?"

"Shut up! It's so noisy! What's there to be obsessed with that guy! He's just a scumbag with a nice voice!" At this moment, on the opposite side of Yi Caiyu, someone growled in dissatisfaction: "And what he said is still Words like 'A man who can't control his desires is undoubtedly a failure, but a guy who makes a girl cry is not even a man' sounds cool, but if you think about it, you will think it is bullshit and you will want to slap him."

"No, Zhijun won't say such things." Yukinoshita Yangnao suddenly raised his head, and said with a smile: "After all, I was made to cry by him."

These words were so powerful that the cheeks of the women present all turned red.

Yishishiyu looked at Yukinoshita Yono with a strange expression on his face—Yano-senpai, what qualifications do you have to say that others are love seals?

"Hey, Yukinoshita Yono! Are you provocative?"

"If you feel angry, then I'm sorry." Yang Nao looked back with soft eyes. "But please don't get me wrong, I'm not provoking you, I just have pure malice and a desire to tease those girls who are clearly in love with each other, but are still unwilling to honestly express their feelings."


"Everyone! Please calm down! Now is not the time to argue. Isn't the purpose of our gathering to help Zhijun? Don't lose the big because of small things." It was a girl wearing a small crown who spoke, her tone was graceful , with an undeniable noble air, easily calmed down the uproar that was about to rise.

At this time, among a group of mature women, the eyes of Yi Caiyu, who was small and transparent, became a little complicated. She recognized the girl's appearance as the white princess she saw in the photo of Gancheng Guanghui Amusement Park. It was also heard from the girl's voice that she was the host of the meeting in the Emperor Penguin Bar at that time.

Princess Bai turned her head to look at Yang Nai, and asked in a gentle tone: "Miss Yang Nai, should the second and third groups be dispatched to give Zhijun further hints? I'm always worried that he won't believe it"

"No, Your Highness, enough is enough." Yukinoshita Yoshino shook his head lightly. "You should be very clear that that guy is a smart person, but he is also a stubborn person. If he is willing to believe our hints, once is enough; if he is not willing to believe us, no matter how many times we try, we will never get His trust."

"What's more, if he didn't notice our prompt, wouldn't it be better?" Yukinoshita Yoshino scanned the entire room, tilting his head slightly with a half-smile. "Everyone here, how many of you don't want to see that guy roll over?"

Facing this question, the women looked at each other, and the box once again fell into a subtle silence.

"It seems that the answer is zero." Yukinoshita Haruno smiled slightly.

"Of course the answer is zero." In the crowd, a big white-haired sister with long braids smiled and said, "Let me tell you, the best ending for that guy is that things are revealed and his face is cut." , broke off the hands and feet, and finally threw them into the stinky ditch."

"Then you can take him home and raise him, right? After all, Miss Bayi, your medical skills are so good, you can save him even if he is only breathing." Yang Nai turned to look at her, and continued jokingly. said a word.

The white-haired elder sister smiled and did not refute.

"Oh! Look! That guy is on the move!"

At this time, someone suddenly said.

The debate in the box suddenly stopped, and all the girls turned their eyes to the TV screen.

Seeing Fujiwara Yuki standing in front of him, Nakano Mayzuki, dressed as her older sister, was stunned.

"Nakano-san? Why are you here?" Fujiwara pushed his glasses, and a white light flashed on the lenses.

"This..." Nakano Wuyue stiffened all over, not knowing how to explain it.

"But that's fine." Fujiwara Yuki stretched out his right hand towards the real Nakano Mayzuki. "Are you interested in taking a walk together?"

"No, no need." Nakano Wuyue took a step back in shock from this straightforward invitation, but she immediately discovered her loophole, and tried to put on a strong face again, poorly imitating Tsundere sister.

"Go away! Leave me alone!"

And as if to cover up the panic in his heart, Nakano Wuyue raised his hand and reprimanded loudly: "Stupid, idiot! Do you know what you are talking about! You actually invited me? This is, it's a date in May!"

"Of course I know." Fujiwara Zhi continued to approach, he bent slightly, staring into Nakano Mayzuki's eyes. "But don't you know who I really want to date?"

Nakano Wuyue was stunned suddenly, Fujiwara Yuki's face was very close to her at this moment, and the two breathed and heard each other, which made her heartbeat suddenly become alarmingly fast.

Fujiwara Zhi looked at her quietly for a long time, and finally straightened up, his eyes suddenly became indifferent.

"I see. I understand. I'm really sorry." He nodded to Nakano Wuyue, turned around and walked out of the shopping center.

Nakano Wuyue was in a hurry, Fujiwara-san obviously thought that Nino was not going to forgive herself, so she wanted to leave disappointed.But the purpose of exchanging identities between myself and Nino is to eliminate the misunderstanding between Fujiwara-san and Nino, if I just get rid of Fujiwara-san like this, it will be over!

"Hey! Wait!"

Fujiwara stopped and turned around slowly.

Nakano Mayzuki was silent for a long time under the gaze of Fujiwara Yuki, and finally asked hesitantly: "Is that why you want to date me and Nino?"

Fujiwara Yuki didn't answer her, just tilted his head slightly in a certain direction. "There is a new Chinese restaurant on the top floor of this shopping mall, and they are holding an event-allowing diners to use their kitchens to cook their own meals. I asked the master chef in the store to help me airlift the most authentic flour and flour from China. Top quality pork."


Nakano Wuyue couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"But what about May?"

"I have many friends in this shopping mall, I can ask them, they will take good care of May for us."

"Cheers!" In the box, Yukinoshita Yono raised his glass with a smile on his face. "What a perfect technique! Cheers to our emperor penguins."

"What a bad guy!" Princess Bai raised her glass with a wry smile.

"That girl is finished." Miss Ba Yi, who is very good at medicine, also toasted. She looked away from the screen and shook her head slightly. "She has already fallen into a state of chaos, so she will definitely not be able to resist that guy's offensive."

Yukinoshita Haruno took a sip of his wine, and lightly patted Yi Seyu's shoulder beside him. "Iroha, remember to tell your senior that he owes us a favor."

"I will." Yi Caiyu nodded with a complicated expression. She had an inexplicable premonition that although she pulled the senior out of a pit, she seemed to push the senior into a bigger pit.

"Thank you very much." Yang Nai smiled and snapped her fingers. "Okay, Iroha, now let's talk about our deal."

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