I'm tired, break up

Chapter 99 So the girls who were left behind started a talk

At the same time, General Wu Gao served the Ministry.

Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui sat facing each other in the midday sun. Between them was a glass pot of tea powder and boiling water. Xia Xue Nai did not move at all, she was lowering her head, absently peeking at her left hand under the table.

"Xiaoxue, what are you looking at?" Yuigahama Yui asked suddenly.

Yukinoshita Yukino shuddered in shock, she raised her head, glanced at Yuigahama Yui, and finally averted her eyes without a trace.

"No, nothing"

"Is that Fujiwara-san?" Yuigahama Yui blinked and asked again.

Yukinoshita Yukino fell silent, she stared at Yuigahama Yui for two seconds, as if she was examining something, finally, the girl sighed as if admitting defeat, slowly lifted her left hand up, and held the thing in her hand It was placed in front of Yuigahama Yui.

It was a mobile phone with a cute q-version little black cat on the casing.

Yuigahama Yui glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino in surprise, she hesitated for a while, but in the end she couldn't restrain her curiosity, the girl stretched out an index finger, and lightly touched the phone screen——

The screen was lit up, and two emails dated Saturday were called up.

The Bureau of Meteorology said that there will be storms today, and there will be floods in some areas, please be careful.

Thanks for caring, we're fine.

"Fujiwara-san would take the initiative to send you an email to greet you?" Yuigahama Yui raised her head in confusion. "He broke up again? Two days ago?"

"Obviously, not." Yukinoshita Yukino turned her head to take care of her small pot of boiling water. "He hasn't appeared in the Ministry of Service yet."

"Then why"

"Because of Nakano Nino."

Yuigahama Yui was taken aback for a moment, Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was too firm, she couldn't doubt it, so she asked unconsciously, "Xiaoyuki, how did you know it was?"

"It's easy to judge by referring to his movements when he came last time." Yukino Yukino bent down and took out two tea bowls, scalding them with hot water, with a light and graceful technique. "If I'm not mistaken, he wants to use me to arouse Nakano Nino's anger, so as to achieve his ulterior and despicable purpose."

"Since Xiaoxue, you know what Fujiwara-san wants to do, why did you write back to him? Isn't this?" Yuigahama Yui pressed his chest, and swallowed the words "for the tiger".

Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head to make tea with a natural tone. "Because he wants me to write back to him."

—Would you respond if he wished?

Yuigahama Yui was stunned suddenly, Yukinoshita Yukino's answer caught her off guard, and Miss Tuanzi froze in place, faltering for a long time before choking out a sentence: "That Xiaoyuki, whether it's for her boyfriend or anything else, dote on her." Too much is not a good thing.”

"He's not my boyfriend." Yukinoshita Yukino offered hot tea to Yuigahama Yui, and argued softly. She turned her head and looked out the window with distant eyes. "But doting?"

"Knock knock knock."

At this moment, someone knocked lightly on the door of the Ministry of Service.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

The classroom door was slowly opened, and under the surprised gazes of Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui, a small flaxen head came in.

"Student Yishi?"

"It's me." Yi Caiyu beckoned, she got into the service department like a little mouse, closed the door, turned around and smiled flatteringly at the two of them. "Good afternoon, Yukihama-senpai, and Yukinoshita-senpai."

"Welcome, Isshiki-san." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly.

"Is there any commission for coming here this time? Or is it..." Looking at Yi Shiroyu who moved towards her with her hands behind her back, Yukinoshita Yukino paused. "What else can he ask me for help?"

Isseiyu didn't answer, and she couldn't help but look at Yukinoshita Yukino's neckline at this time. Sobuko's girls' uniforms are equipped with bow ties. Monsieur shimmers in the sun.

Miss Wingman took a look and then consciously looked away. She didn't dare to look any further, for fear that if she took another look, she couldn't help showing a jealous expression.

Jealousy is a sign of weakness, except for the scumbag senior, Yi Caiyu doesn't want to show weakness in front of anyone.

——Especially in front of Yukinoshita Yukino.

"It's neither a commission nor a delivery for senior." The girl put up a smiling face, sat down next to Yuigahama Yui, and magically took out a lunch box and put it on her lap. "I'm here to have lunch with two seniors."

"Isshiki-san doesn't need to accompany Fujiwara-san?"

"I was chased away by seniors." Yishiyu picked up the bamboo chopsticks and knocked on the lunch box in dissatisfaction, as if it was someone's head. "The ruthless emperor penguin has found a female penguin he likes, so how can he take the little seagull who worked so hard to catch fish for her to eat?"

Yuigahama Yui inexplicably felt that the metaphor of Isiroha was very similar to that of Fujiwara Yuki.

"Oh, that's right! In addition to lunch, I have something here for Yukinoshita-senpai to take a look at." As if suddenly remembering something, Yishiroyu took out a large notebook from his arms and showed it to Yukino under the snow. "Senior Yukinoshita, can you find out who wrote this observation record?"

"Observation records?" Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at the brown notebook and frowned slightly. "Isshiki-san, can you show me that notebook?"

"No problem." Yi Caiyu responded, and quickly got up and handed over the notebook in his hand.

Curiously, Yuigahama Yui moved closer to Yukinoshita Yukino, and whispered the title on the title page: "Fujiwara Yuki's Behavioral Observation Summary Report? What a strange name."

"Ms. Hiratsuka gave this to me." Isshiroha said, "Senior gave me tutoring at the time, and Mr. Hiratsuka was worried that I would be given by my senior, so he took this for self-defense."

"So that's the case." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded to express her understanding, raised her hand to turn the notebook to the main page, and began to read carefully.

Yukinoshita Yukino's browsing speed was very fast, and Yuigahama Yui, who was on the sidelines, soon chose to give up because she couldn't keep up with her friend's speed, and turned to talk to Isiroha.

"It seems that Isshiki-san cherishes this notebook very much." Yuigahama Yui said with a smile.

"Hey" Hearing this, Yi Caiyu lowered her head, wrapped her hair with her index finger, and shyly twirled and twirled. "After all, it was the one that made me and my predecessors acquainted."

But immediately, she became decadent again. The girl grabbed her long hair and complained in a low voice, "Although it looks like a bad relationship, that's it."

Yuigahama Yui's smiling face froze, and the girl's smile gradually became more forced. She glanced at Yi Seyu's reddish face, remained silent for a while, and sighed indistinctly: "Even if it's evil fate, it's fine. -"

At this time, there was a soft "pop" sound from the side of the two of them, it was the sound of Yukinoshita Yukino finally finished reading the whole book and closing the whole notebook.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Isshiki-san." Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head under Isshiroyu's expectant gaze. "I didn't write this observation record, and I can't tell who the author is."

"no problem, no problem."

Yishiyu waved her hands again and again, she glanced at Yukino Yukinoshita, and her eyes fell on the Mr. Pan pendant unconsciously.

"I didn't expect too much here." In the end, she still couldn't control the jealousy that swelled in her heart, and couldn't help stabbing Yukino Yukino.

"After all, with Yukinoshita-senpai's possessiveness, it is absolutely impossible to share senior's information like this?"

Yukinoshita Yukino frowned at this sentence, but did not make any rebuttal.

"But speaking of it, I seem to have heard Yumiko and the others mention that there are indeed some campus legends circulating in Sobu High School about the observation records." Yuihama Yui who was on the side suddenly said "ah", she nodded her chin and recalled : "It is said that there are seven emperor penguin observation records hidden in Sobu High School. As long as you collect them all, you can tie Fujiwara-san by your side and let him never leave."

Yuigahama Yui's voice became lower and lower, gradually inaudible.

Because she was horrified to find that Yishiyu who was chatting with Yukinoshita Yukino had turned her head around and was staring at her, her beautiful pale yellow eyes were shining, like a hungry person who found a prey. Tiger.

Yuigahama Yui swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked tentatively, "Then, that Isshiki classmate?"

"Sister Yuigahama!" The girl leaped over, grabbed Yuigahama Yui's hand, and called her name affectionately. "Sister Yui! Sister Yui! Do you know where the remaining six books are?"

"Student Isshiki, don't take it seriously, it's just a Dragon Ball-like school legend." Yuihama Yui was extremely embarrassed, she turned her head and asked her friends around her for help. "Xiaoxue, you must be able to understand, it's just some rumors that sound interesting, if that kind of thing is true, Fujiwara-san would have been arrested long ago"

She froze again, because Yukinoshita Yukino was also staring at her quietly, her gaze was similar to that of a cat examining a sparrow with folded wings.

"Xiao, Xiaoxue! You don't believe in those rumors, do you?"

"Of course I don't believe it. That guy has never been bound by so-called oaths and agreements." Yukinoshita Yukino asked calmly: "I'm just a little curious, why Miura-san is so aware of that person's rumors, isn't she Are you in love with Hayama Hayato, have you always respected that person?"

Danger, danger!Xiaoxue's desire for monopoly has been awakened!

Yuigahama Yui was stunned by that stare, she hastily explained: "It has nothing to do with Yumiko, it's because of Hayato-san!"

"Hayato Hayato?" Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes darkened slightly, she nodded and motioned for Yuigahama Yui to continue.

"That happened last year. Hayama-san seems to have gotten some news, so he entrusted his friend to search for some notebooks in the school. Yumiko and I also went to help, so I learned a little inside story from Hayama-san. .”

"That is to say, Hayama Hayato is secretly collecting props that make that person never leave?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked lightly: "What does he want to do?"

"This..." Yuigahama Yui shrank her neck, her voice was so cold that she couldn't help but have the illusion that snow water was pouring down her neck into her collar.

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