Start Aura Resurrection

Chapter 37 Seems to Lose a Billion

Wang Teng left Tongming Road where the pet shop was located, and went to the place introduced by Lu Zhiqing to buy an egg incubator.

Preferably oversized.

That egg pretty much fills the mountaineering backpack to the brim


Bird eggs?

Wang Teng was shocked suddenly.

He patted his forehead, how could he be so stupid, he didn't think of this until now.

Isn't this the mother crow looking for her cub?

"I'll go, what kind of grudges did I say, I insist on killing me, it turns out that I have become a child trafficker!"

Wang Teng thought silently.

"However, with the strength of those two fighters, how did they steal its child from the terrifying giant crow's nose?"

"Probably did not use any special method, but stole it while the giant crow was out looking for food."

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it."

Wang Teng shook his head, suddenly a little rejoiced.

"Fortunately, the mysterious warrior made the move. Otherwise, this would be an endless hatred. Even if I didn't steal the egg, it's in my hands now. If the giant crow doesn't come at me, who else can it go at?"

"Wait, did the martial artist slash that sword, did any attribute bubbles remain?"

"Fuck, that's the attribute bubble of the strong!"

The attribute bubble of the giant crow has already given him a taste of the sweetness. If the mysterious strong man falls, wouldn't it be even more awesome.

Wang Teng quickly turned the front of the car and galloped towards the building where the source of the sword light was located according to his memory.

"Be sure to catch up!"

The car shuttled quickly on the road, and he kept praying in his heart.

Finally the car stopped in front of a commercial building.

"It should be here!"

Wang Teng got out of the car and closed the door with a "bang", and he had already rushed out.

"Sir, who are you looking for? Do you have an appointment?"

Just as the beauty at the front desk asked, Wang Teng had already run past her and arrived at the elevator door.

"Sir, this is a private company, outsiders are not allowed to break in."

"Quick, quick, stop him!"

Several security personnel heard the shout from the front desk and quickly surrounded Wang Teng.

"Drip!" The elevator arrived.

"Stop!" the security guard yelled.

"It's a fool to stop!"

Wang Teng rushed directly into the elevator and frantically pressed the close button.

The elevator door closed slowly, and the security personnel finally took a step too late and watched him disappear before his eyes.

They can only catch up from another elevator.

But this time difference is enough.

Wang Teng climbed directly to the roof of the building, glanced across the empty roof, and saw a bubble that was about to disappear.

"so far so good!"

Wang Teng hurried over.

However, just as he was about to pick it up, the bubble disappeared

? ?

Wang Teng stayed where he was, and the smile on his face froze.


It's still gone!

My heart suddenly hurts! !

Wang Teng clutched his chest, this kind of pain would cost at least one billion yuan!

Too cruel!

God why are you so cruel to me?


Wang Teng sighed, walked to the edge of the roof, lit a cigarette, and stood in a mess in the wind, melancholy and melancholy.

At this time, the security personnel came up panting.

As soon as he went up to the rooftop, he saw Wang Teng standing on the edge, looking unlovable.

The words that I wanted to question just now reached my lips, and I swallowed them again.

"Little brother, if you have something to say, can you come down first?" A middle-aged security guard tried to soften his voice and said.

"You don't understand, I just lost one billion yuan!" Wang Teng sighed, and the expression on his face became even more melancholy.

One billion?

I'm afraid this guy is bragging, right?

Don't make a sound, it will irritate him, and you will be responsible if you really jump down later!

Several security guards looked at each other and completed the silent communication.

The middle-aged security guard continued: "Isn't it one billion, you are so young, you can earn it back in the future, maybe by then, it will be two billion, three billion, what is the current one billion. "

This middle-aged security guard opened his mouth with billions of dollars, and people who didn't know thought he was Jack Mawang with [-] million.

Wang Teng also looked at him in surprise.

"You said it so easily, I almost thought it was Mingbi!"

The middle-aged security guard couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, I'm lucky to lose my life!"

Wang Teng sighed again.

Seeing him put down, several security guards breathed a sigh of relief, but who knew that Wang Teng would actually jump in the next moment.

"Goodbye everyone!"

Several security guards stretched out their hands and yelled, just like the moment Erkang wanted to catch Ziwei

"Do not"

Some people even couldn't bear to close their eyes.

But the tragedy did not happen. The middle-aged security guard chased after Wang Teng when he jumped up.

He is a high-level warrior, but he is middle-aged and has no chance to go further. He can only barely make a living as the head of security in this company.

He is faster than other security guards.

When you get to the roof, look down.

His eyes widened suddenly.

I saw Wang Teng lightly landed on the air conditioner outside the wall, and then jumped down layer by layer.

Seeing the middle-aged security guard poking his head out, he didn't forget to wave to him.

Now, it's the turn of the middle-aged security guard standing on the edge of the roof, messed up in the wind

"This little brother, it's not easy!"

Wang Teng left the business building regretfully, went to buy an egg incubator, and then returned to school.

The time is already noon.

Everyone went to the cafeteria to eat. Before he came back, he sent a WeChat message to Xu Jie and the others, so they also left a copy for him.

After lunch, there is about two hours of lunch break.

However, in the review stage of the third year of high school, many students only rested for an hour, and then began to do exercises and memorize texts again.

While Lin Chuhan was reviewing, Wang Teng was not at all sleepy, studying the attribute panel beside him.

Perception: 83

Spirit: 12.1


Force: 41/100 Fire (One Star Trooper level)

4/100 Ice (One Star Trooper level)

Cultivation method: Red Flame Jue (1/100 for beginners), Xuanbing Jue (1/100 for beginners)

Combat skills: basic combat skills (fist, sword, knife, subtlety), spear technique (minor success), fire sword swordsmanship (10/100 for beginners), Ice Phantom Fist (8/100 for beginners)

Knowledge: basic subjects (full marks)

Overall Combat Strength: 182

Blank property: 60

The original force of the fire element suddenly rose to 41 points, and Wang Teng could feel that the original force of the fire element in the pronucleus in his body had begun to take shape.

The pronucleus is the node at the end of the spine, which stores the original force, hence the name!

At the same time, Wang Teng's overall combat power increased to 182 points due to the increase in speed and fire element force.

This represents an increase in strength!

Wang Teng checked, and humans also have a set of methods for evaluating combat power.

The combat power of a star warrior class is probably between 100-300.

From one star to nine star soldiers, each level is divided into four stages: elementary, intermediate, high, and top.


If the combat power rating of the system is equal to that of humans, then a combat power of 182 points is already the strength of a one-star mid-level soldier.

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