As a result, today's family meeting was temporarily changed from Comrade Xiao Su's criticism meeting to "Where to Buy a House Meeting".

Both Su Hong and Zhao Xiangqin felt that the house was real estate after all, and if they were to wander outside in the future, if they lost money, they would still have a house on top of them.

Su Yang expressed his understanding of the unpretentious thoughts of his parents.

When it comes to buying a house, Zhao Xiangqin and Su Hong are much more excited than Su Yang and Su Le.

After tea and dinner, the old couple likes to go for a walk in Xincheng. They know the real estate newly built in Xincheng, and they know the housing prices of each new community by heart.

In the end, Su Yang felt that his parents didn't learn how to trade stocks, which would be a grievance to the talents.

Mom and Dad's meaning is very simple. Since they have so much money, they hope to buy about two sets of properties, one for Su Yang's future marriage, and the other for Su Le's dowry.

The more the old couple talked, the more excited they became. In the end, they had an impromptu intention and decided to go to Xincheng that afternoon to see if there were any suitable houses.

Su Yang naturally wouldn't have any objection to what Mom and Dad meant, but changed the "two suites" that Mom and Dad had requested from the beginning to "four suites".

Want to ask why? The reason Su Yang gave was very simple.

Of the two extra suites, one of them must be in the new district for my parents, and the other is in the Yicheng district.

If the old couple wants to live in another place, they can move back to the old city from the new district, and it is very convenient to move their feet by car.

So, Su Yang directly transferred 20 million soft sister coins to his parents and mother to the card.

After seeing the news that the transfer was successful, the second old man, who had some doubts, finally gave up his last thought, believing that what Su Yang said was the truth.

The old couple took the two brothers and sisters to start from the new district of Yicheng in the afternoon, and saw the villa area in the suburbs all the way; then from the villa area in the suburbs all the way back to the old city, there is a lot of unwillingness to let go of the real estate in Yicheng. .

Seeing his energetic parents, Su Yang was also happy to be at leisure. He wanted to accompany him as long as he wanted. Anyway, he hadn't seen the house very much, and Quan should have gained social experience.

Su Yang was like this, but the sister on the side was not happy.

After watching the tenth house in a row, my sister finally stopped and said nothing.

It's just buying a house, is it necessary to be so entangled? My brother is now a billionaire. The houses here look and feel, and the ceiling is only a few million. Do you really need to be so serious?

If you want her to say that she is so rich, you can just buy a top-notch villa in the villa complex on the outskirts of Xincheng. The whole land is her own, and she is not afraid of other neighbors disturbing her.

Quiet and comfortable, whoever experiences it knows.

For Su Le's idea, the second old man immediately blocked her and gave her the most severe teaching-starting from the location of buying a house, then to the feng shui, and finally to the general fortune.

In the end, Su Yang felt that Er Lao could go out and publish a book, and he had already thought of the name - "Huaxia Encyclopedia of Buying a House: One Hundred Thousand Whys"


At this time, the family just came to a newly built community next to Lincheng Hospital.

Aunt Chen's son, Chen Zhijun, was hospitalized in this hospital.

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