Why and who made him feel so powerless?

Now ez wants to know, does it mean that there are king-level players on the opposite side?


Unlikely, the opponent just caused a solo kill in the matchup, and simply knocked out Riven. Many gold players can do it if they are lucky.

Who is that?


Ez thought about it seriously, although he was not playing in the jungle position, the only person who could give him such a strong sense of oppression was indeed the spider.

Moreover, it is basically impossible to play spiders in the golden tier. In this tier, there are more blind monks and Xin Zhao on their side, and spiders eat less rhythm in the early stage.

But is it really so easy to encounter a king-level booster?

You must know that the more powerful kings now prefer to broadcast live broadcasts and play accompaniment rather than go to power leveling. One is that they are more tiring, and the other is that they are not easy to play with, and their income is not much different from that of accompaniment.

EZ couldn't understand the reason, so he could only continue to fight hard.

In the final battle of the Dragon Souls, ez was taken away by Monkey alone because of the top lane, and they needed to deal with the top lane. However, once they dealt with the lane, they couldn't go to Xiaolong at all.

The water dragon soul was given over to the other side, and at the same time, the time node had reached nearly thirty minutes.

When the game enters thirty minutes, it will enter the later stage of the game. Usually, at this time, ez's original long-handed poke ability will decline, and in the later stage, when the opposite defense equipment is replenished, the output of ez will be reduced. lower.

"It's uncomfortable, brother, if you drag it on like this, you will lose. It feels like a toy to be slaughtered, just play with it..." Seeing that the hope of turning things around is getting smaller and smaller, EZ's heart is also full of despair at this moment.

"Hey, I can't help it, the spider on the other side is definitely a proper booster. I have never seen a spider that can play games like this. The key is that even if he plays games like this, he seems to be able to do it with ease."

The cat said slightly unwillingly.

It's just a pity that he didn't take out the hero gem that he is best at. When he played the master of the first district, he relied on his own gem to play with this AD.

The small routine they developed, the mouse is invisible, and then hides the gem's E skill. After stunning the opposite bot duo, the gem immediately opens the R, which can make the mouse appear invincible for a while.

With such a small routine, they can find a certain opportunity in the bottom lane in every game, and then force the game to open up.

Now this version, because of the existence of the canyon maker and the killing ring, the status of the hero AP Rat in the bottom lane has been improved to a certain extent.

Now, coupled with the high burst rate of ap mice, this hero can snowball faster than other ordinary ADCs after getting the head. This is also where the mice are a little more powerful than other ADCs.

It's a pity that they are in a situation where they let themselves go. They didn't choose a mouse, and only chose an ez who was more powerful in the mid-term.

Because at the beginning of this game, they didn't expect such a situation, they just used ez to have a good time, but they didn't expect it to end up like this.

"Wow, my head is so big, I originally said that I would go out to eat food after this fight, but I failed to advance directly to the boss."

"Hey, I'm not yet. Who would have thought that we would meet such a Tongtiandai in the last round?"

Xiaodai generally refers to those who have good game skills and fine details, and who can kill at low levels.

They are such people, dubbed Xiaodai by others, and if they can't be beaten, or even tortured by the blood of the opponent, they call it Tongtiandai.

Obviously, the spider on the opposite side is such a person.

In the end, when the opponent takes down the Dragon Soul, no matter how powerful ez is at poke, he won't be able to beat the opponent at all.

Because of the dragon soul, the opponent's blood recovery speed is always much faster than their poke.

In the end, when all the three defense towers were pulled out, ez finally witnessed the base, and the last trace of blood exploded.

After the game ended, ez took a look at Spider's record unwillingly, but was a little surprised to find that the opponent's number was his first game this year, and his previous record could not be found.

"It's weird, did you change your ID or buy a number?" Ez took off his headphones with a headache and whispered.

You must know that it is absolutely impossible for people who play often to have a record and awareness like the opposite spider, crushing the audience.

But one thing can be confirmed is that this number is definitely not the large size of the spider, otherwise it is impossible to rank to their golden rank.

Saying goodbye to his double-row friends, he is ready to go out for dinner.

Although the power-training list was about to be handed in, he didn't panic at all.

It's only seven o'clock in the evening anyway, as long as the boss can be platinumed before twelve o'clock tomorrow.

Sometimes I have to say that the power leveling industry is really hard work. Others think that you can make money while playing games. The nature of this game will change. It is difficult for you to have fun in the game. Every day is repeated mechanically. Every game is the same routine, very similar game, what they have to do It is to quickly take the advantage, and then lead the teammates to push

Flat opposite base.

He took this list and has been playing for almost five days. I have to say that this is still a relatively long list for him.

He still didn't believe it. If he could still lose if he played the list all night, he really wanted to smash the computer in front of him.

It is impossible to encounter such a terrifying power leveling, otherwise the game is simply unplayable.

Ez was a little bitter to see Spider's record - 22-0-9, perfect data, she didn't die once, and after the number of murder books on her body rose to 25, it didn't change once, she was a steady reader.

After the game was over, Su Yang also felt hearty. It could be seen that Zhou Siyi had learned a lot of the game's laning details in what he thought was the "fishing game". It seems that they will play the game again in the future. , you won't be pointed at by her, and you can even directly pull her to play together.

"Hee hee, isn't my Thresh good?" After playing this game, Zhou Siyi smiled like a flower, and her pink toot smile was like a peach blossom, which made people fascinated.

"To be honest, after practicing for a while, I feel like I'm on madlife!" Su Yang said with a faint smile.

Zhou Siyi blinked and asked curiously, "Who is madlife? I don't think I've heard of it."

On the side, Mu Zhe raised his eyelids, Zhou Siyi didn't know who madlife was, could he still not know?

The legendary god of support, recognized as the world's No. 1 Thresh, at the peak of professional competition, was really the support that all ADCs dreamed of, and his unique skills, Thresh, were superb...

Brother Yang, this is a rainbow fart without blinking?

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