Shura Emperor

Chapter 711: make up the temple

Shi Hao began to attack the temple.

The so-called repairing the temple is to build a temple in the royal court, and finally light the incense, communicate with the world, and lay the foundation for the next big sacrifice to the sky.

——If you want to sacrifice and gain the power of heaven, you must first communicate with heaven and earth, right?

Therefore, repairing the temple is a step that links the previous and the next, and it is very critical.

For others, it is necessary to choose one of the nine royal courts as the foundation for building the temple, but Shi Hao has no such troubles.

He only had a soul island and a royal court, so he had no choice.

Come on then.

The so-called temple is actually a sublimation of the perception of heaven and earth, surpassing the casting of the royal court.

Shi Hao has the memory of Yuan Chengmie, and there is no lack of such understanding of martial arts, but he did not directly use it.

To use it directly, he is equivalent to taking the old path of Yuan Chengmie, and no matter how strong he is, he can only be equal to Yuan Chengmie.

It's not that Shi Hao looked down on Yuan Chengmie, but although this master was building a ladder, he obviously didn't reach the top level. And don't say that Yuan Chengmie is not an absolute peak, even if he is, he will not go back to the other side's path.

His way, his own way!

Shi Hao just used Yuan Chengmie's road as a reference, and probably knew how to go. Otherwise, he had to rely on himself.

Even the ten kings and the recasting of the royal court have been able to do it. Is he still unable to build his own temple?


On the Soul Island, the royal court is slowly disintegrating.

Remove the turnips and save the greens.

At the level of casting a royal court, there is no problem with such understanding of martial arts. It is already extremely powerful, but if you want to build a temple, it is far from enough.

Therefore, Shi Hao needs to eliminate some backward understanding of martial arts, in line with the realm.

After "two months", the royal court completely turned into sand and ceased to exist.

This is Shi Hao's style of doing things. He is never satisfied with tinkering, and likes to make a big move and start over.

Now, he is just starting to build the temple.

Bit by bit, a splendid temple gradually took shape.

In fact, whether it is a royal court or a temple, it's just a form, and it doesn't matter how special or different the shape is.

This temple of Shi Hao was built completely according to his character, and it was imaginative.

It doesn't matter what the shape is, the key is to be able to light the incense in the future.

Although the temple is complete, it is only an outline, and the interior is still very empty, and he needs to further improve it.

Now he can be said to be the initial stage of repairing the temple.

The temple was completed, and suddenly, the force shook, terrifying and inexplicable.

Shi Hao stood up and showed a smile.

Repair the temple.

"Little Stone, your breakthrough is over?" Zijin Rat asked.

Shi Hao nodded: "Didn't you break through too?"

The progress of this mouse is not slow, and it can even be said to be surprisingly fast.

"That's right, don't even look at who the lord is!" Zijin Rat boasted.

Shi Hao laughed, came out of the fairy house, and looked at the World Tree in front of him.

The current World Tree is peaceful.

But Shi Hao found the source of his discomfort, which was this World Tree, completely occupied by Yin Demons. With such a huge number, the aura emanating from it even affected the entire fissure.

What kind of life form is this, and why does it disgust him so much?

- Is it really a living body?

"Contaminated by these Yin Demons, can the World Tree still be used?" Shi Hao frowned.

Zijin Rat thought for a while: "I believe that the core part of the World Tree should not be polluted, otherwise, these Yin Demons will not be entrenched here, but will run out of this gap and spread throughout the entire Xingyu."

Shi Hao was right after thinking about it: "Then, we should hurry up."

"Let's go." The Purple Rat urged, when it faced the treasure, it couldn't hold itself back.

Shi Hao walked towards the World Tree. Just as he was about to climb, the Yin Demons inhabiting it rushed out like sharks that smelled blood.

They screamed, but there was no sound, but oscillated directly in Shi Hao's soul sea.

Shi Hao snorted and moved his physique. Immediately, endless radiance burst out from his body, like a small sun. Under the light, all the Yin Demons turned to ashes.

Under the same realm, Shi Hao can crush any genius, let alone a mere Yin Demon.

Moreover, the Holy Body of Ten Yang is designed to overcome yin evil, and the yin demon is naturally vulnerable when it encounters him.

Shi Hao didn't need to do anything at all, as long as he maintained the operation of the Ten Yang Sacred Body, as many yin demons came, he would die.

But the manpower is sometimes exhausted, and the power of physique is based on the consumption of physical strength. Even if Shi Hao's physique is extremely tyrannical, he can at most run ten times longer than ordinary people, and there will always be exhaustion.

As for Shi Hao, he could keep developing his constitution for a whole day.

He strode forward, and the black energy rushed over without fear of death, but it was immediately turned into fly ashes, leaving no trace of residue.

"Tsk tsk tsk, if you have a great cultivation base, you will be a good player against Yin Demons." Zijin Mouse said.

"Haha." Shi Hao just smiled at it.

He is walking along the trunk of the World Tree. The most valuable part must be the trunk, but so far, he has not found a usable part, and he does not know whether it has been rotten by the years or polluted by Yin Demons. .

Soon, the day passed.

Facing the surging army of Yin Demons, Shi Hao had to retreat into Xianju.

Under the accelerated recovery of the river of time, just a moment later, Shi Hao reappeared, running his physique again, shining on one side.

It took a full eight days for Shi Hao to finally finish walking the trunk of the World Tree, but still nothing.

"Looks like we ran for nothing," Shi Hao said.

"No!" Zijin Rat shook his head, "Even if the World Tree dies, it can breed the existence of astral bodies. How can it be so easily contaminated by Yin Demons? What are the main branches and branches? For the World Tree, where is the essence? , that's where it's called the main!"

"Essence can move, not necessarily on the trunk you see."

Shi Hao hissed, the trunk of this World Tree is extremely thick and long, and this one alone made him walk for eight days, what about the endless side branches?

Can it be done in a year?

"Burn!" The Purple Rat suddenly said Burning or other means to destroy this World Tree! Corrupted by time or polluted by Yin Demons, this World Tree will definitely be vulnerable, but if it still has the essence, it is definitely not something you and I can destroy. "

Think about it, can the existence of the astral body be bred by the two of them to make up the temple?

It is useless to be a hundred times stronger!

"Okay!" Shi Hao shot and blasted at the World Tree.

As soon as it fell, a large piece of the World Tree was suddenly destroyed.

This progress is considerable. Even if the World Tree is so huge, I believe that it will be enough to bombard every part in one month.

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