Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 233: Extreme cold

"Mr. Pei, everyone in the world knows you are martial arts martial arts, outstanding talents, known as the youngest congenital power in a century, a rising star in China, but I did not expect that Mr. Pei's wisdom is so amazing!"

In this quiet atmosphere, Miss Bellen's face bloomed with a smile, elegant and noble, as if the moment of tension was a flash in the pan.

"I knew that nothing could be hidden from Mr. Pei's eyes, so today I came to visit him, and I hope Mr. Pei will forgive Belin for taking the liberty!"

Between words, Miss Belian made a standard noble manner, put her hand on her chest, and bent down to bow in sincere apology.

Pei Junlin looked calm, sat in his seat, and accepted the apology frankly. There was no change in the expression on his calm face, which made it difficult to detect the depth.

In this scene, everyone sitting around was very confused. I don't know what dumb riddles the two people will play.

Seeing Pei Junlin's silence, Miss Belian wondered what kind of thoughts this young man was younger than her age, and immediately bit her teeth and said again.

"Mr. Pei, I really came here with sincerity. As long as you can really treat the ills on me, then Belin O'Brien swears in the name of the family that it will definitely guarantee Junlin International and Obu The perfect cooperation of the Lane family makes Junlin International go global! "

The words came to an end, and the sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, who were originally calm in their seats, obviously breathed quickly. Obviously, the two sisters really valued this cooperation very much. Junlin International had lost peace last night. If the cooperation of the Bruce family is losing the cooperation with the O'Brien family, then I really don't know when we can truly take the international step!

Seeing this, Pei Junlin sighed. Although he is completely indifferent to business and money, he also knows that this cooperation is of great importance to Junlin International. In this case, he naturally has nothing to say!

Even if he has a faint perception, this Belin in front of him? O'Brien is far more than simple on the surface, revealing a mystery everywhere, but what? !!

People who dare to give him Pei Junlin in this world, no matter who is running to the ends of the earth, it is difficult to escape the fury of Shura of his Pei Junlin!

"Miss Belin, when did you know who I was?"

Pei Junlin suddenly asked.

Belin smiled gracefully: "Mr. Pei, it's a coincidence that you remember the scene when we took a flight from Luoyang City to this Jinling City?"

"The reason why we appeared in Luoyang City at that time was specifically to seek medicine!"

"The Chinese medicine practice of Huaxia Kingdom is world-renowned and has a long history. It is true that this stubborn disease in me is born innate. For more than two decades, the family has searched for famous doctors abroad for my stubborn disease. But can never be eradicated! "

"So, we have come to this mysterious Huaxia Kingdom. We hope to use traditional Chinese medicine to try to cure this stubborn disease!"

"And we will be there in Luoyang City, but also under the search of all over the place. It is learned that the Zhu Family in Luoyang City is a century-old medical family and is very proficient in Chinese medicine!"

Speaking of this, Miss Belin's face showed an embarrassing regret, and continued to explain: "But it is very unfortunate that we are not at the right time. The Zhu family's days coincided with a big change in the family, even if We are willing to spend a lot of money and no one is receiving it. "

"However, it was not nothing, we accidentally learned some of Mr. Pei's deeds from the mouths of some members of the Zhu family!"

"I'm also complaining about my dullness. When I met Mr. Pei on the plane, I did not expect that Mr. Pei, who is famous in Zhongzhou, would be so young. Until last night, Mr. Pei and the Bruce family targeted and showed it. That amazing strength, I suddenly woke up! "

Pei Junlin, who was listening carefully, suddenly felt a pair of burning eyes staring at him, couldn't help looking up, and just saw the beautiful eyes of Prince Qiong's eyes.

He smiled helplessly, and he was really not prepared to tell Prince Qiong about everything that happened in Zhongzhou. After all, Zhongzhou and Jinling City were far away, and neither Zhu family nor Danzong had much direct connection with Junlin International. At this moment, it seems that it must be reported truthfully!

"Miss Belian, do you have a cold all over your body every night when it is full moon, like falling into an ice cellar, the pain is unbearable, and the body surface will be covered with a thick layer of frost?"

Pei Junlin suddenly asked.

Miss Belin nodded quickly, and her eyes became brighter and brighter. Pei Junlin had not even touched her body, and she could judge the characteristics of her condition by her eyes alone. This was the first time for her. Expectations are getting stronger.

At the same time, in addition to the two sisters Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu, Lin Xianer, Eva, and Talisa also have their eyes widened. Is there really a legendary doctor in this world? We can see the human condition.

Even the princes Joan and Prince Yu, who have known about Pei Junlin's medical skills for a long time, are also beautiful eyes at this moment, and Pei Junlin who is serious is really charming!

Two people think that they are not idiots. The good-looking boys who have seen it do not know how many, but all the men only need to compare with Pei Junlin and make a verdict.

"Miss Belin, please stretch your left hand!"

Pei Junlin said again, Miss Belian, with a little bit of anxiety and anxiety, stepped forward and stretched out her left hand, which had been hidden in long sleeves.

A low cry sounded, and Wang Ziqiong and Wang Ziyu couldn't help but widen their beautiful eyes and raised their hands to cover the pink lips. They were so large that they had never seen such a complexion arm.

The color of that arm is as transparent as crystal, far from the skin color of normal human beings, and even can clearly see that the capillaries inside are beautiful at first glance, but if you look closely, there is a kind of creepy Feel it!

With a pair of tense gazes, Pei Junlin stretched out two fingers, put it on Belian's very special wrist, and closed her eyes gently.

The people in the room didn't dare to come out, and they held their breaths, for fear of any movement, disturbing Pei Junlin.

In fact, no one knows that Pei Junlin's doing all of this is just a superficial appearance, all of which are imaginary. His real power lies in the moment when he closes his eyes, the powerful consciousness in his mind is excited, and it covers Belian's body instantly.

At this instant, Pei Junlin's powerful consciousness penetrated through Belin's limbs and bones, just like the most sophisticated scanner in the world, scanning Belin's body in inches!

Do not!

Even more precise than the most sophisticated scanner in the world, wherever Pei Junlin is aware of any flaws, Pei Jun is aware of it.

This situation has been maintained for nearly ten minutes, and Pei Junlin just recovered his consciousness. At this moment, his ruddy face revealed a little paleness. Of course, this was also deliberately pretended by Pei Junlin, otherwise, How can show his efforts.

After opening his eyes, Pei Junlin's face was a little ugly, with a slightly ugly look, making the heart of the seed involuntarily followed, especially the party Miss Belin and Talisa, Eva, Mei Yu revealed a terror.

"Miss Belin, you have a very rare cold condition!"

Pei Junlin's voice mumbled, "There isn't one of this disease among thousands of people, and you will come across it, and this luck is no one!"

"It is well known that there are 720 acupuncture points of various sizes on the human body. Do you know how many acupoints on your body are blocked?"

"How many?!"

Miss Belin lost all her grace at the moment, and was replaced by a sickly patient who was praying for the last straw in her life, with a panic and anxiety on her face.

Pei Junlin Shen Shen said: "Three hundred!"

Everyone is uproaring. In today's knowledge-heavy world, almost like acupoints, almost no one knows it, especially noble children such as Miss Belin, who have received various education since childhood and have a thorough understanding. .

It is because of too much knowledge of this knowledge that I understand the horrors of it.

"To be precise, three hundred and eight!"

At this time, Pei Junlin continued to add: "It is a miracle that you can live to this day. If I expected it to be good, your extreme cold disease was once treated by some powerful people in your Western world with powerful divine power. However, it was because of their shot that they prevented the development of the disease, otherwise you would have become a beautiful ice sculpture now! "

"But even so, in the past year or so, your rare and extremely cold condition has begun to spoil again, and the coming is more violent, and the pain is heartbreaking, like a thousand swords!"


Suddenly, Miss Belin sat down on the ground, her elegant face, tears like rain, and weeping.

Because these symptoms that Pei Junlin said were not bad at all, she was always strong, and finally could not bear it, and she sat crying.

"Mr. Pei ~ ~ Please, please save my lady! What do you need, as long as we can do it, just say!"

The female bodyguard, Talisa, had red eyes, and no longer had any doubts about Pei Junlin.

"Jinglin, if you can cure it, get out of your way, don't delay!"

Wang Ziqiong also said, a touch of unbearable expression on that beautiful face.

Belin is at the golden age of a woman's most magnificent, but has to endure such inhuman pain, who can remain indifferent?

Pei Junlin shook her head and sighed. He was really a stupid woman. The reason why he bluffed and performed his best to perform this section was not for her, but she was urged now!

However, although his look and movements are slightly exaggerated, Belian's extremely cold illness is indeed difficult to entangle. In the entire world, Pei Junlin dares not to boast. No more than one slap can cure this extremely cold illness!

"Miss Belin, as I said before, although your disease is rare, I can really treat it!"

Pei Junlin said, his expression exuded an unprecedented seriousness.

"But the premise must be that your O'Brien family must have all the precious medicines needed for treatment as soon as possible within a month!"

"There are two main main medicines!"

"A kind of elixir called flame ganoderma !!!"

"The second special medicine is a special mineral called sparlite!"

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