Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Chapter 170: personally plan

, the fastest update Shuttle to Get Rich is the latest chapter starting from 1985!

During the day, he shuts himself in the factory building, which also has an office and a place to rest. He Gui still leaves Hyundai from the bathroom here.

—————90 years————

When Nuyev came, he looked a bit unhappy, and before He Gui could say anything, he complained, "Those vampires in the West have crazily lowered the price, which made me earn a lot less."

"What are you afraid of? If I sell at a loss and dry up the local enterprises |: dead, then you can't raise the price slowly?" He Gui curled his lips, what a big deal.

Newev's eyes lit up: "Hey, as expected of you, sir, just give me some pointers... But I still want the other party to force me to lower the price, otherwise these shameless people will say that I disrupt the market or something in the future."

"How is the arrangement at home?" He Gui asked Mao Xiong's house.

"Boss, don't worry, they are all watching. Recently, my people found that many people in the West were watching some other people. Fortunately, we didn't watch these people at that time." Nuyev was talking about those big engineers. Man, He Gui didn't let Nuyev get in touch in the first place.

"Where's the information?" He Gui asked.

"I have transferred the ones that can be transferred a long time ago, and I am entering them into the computer now. The scanned things you gave are really useful. After scanning the things in the room, they are just a hard drive."

"Remember to backup." He Gui nodded. It is very conspicuous to bring a container of data, but it is much better to bring a hard disk.

At the end of 1988, He Gui gave Nuyev a computer to collect data there, and the documents were put under the scanner, and he just flipped through them, one second at a time.

These materials are obtained from various laboratories, and the data is collected according to different categories. Sometimes they are even scanned in the archives of the laboratories, and there are people standing guard outside.

Anyway, the document will not be missing a page.

"It will be completed by the end of this year, and then people will be withdrawn." He Gui thought for a while and said that next year, a big event will happen. Although it will be the end of next year, it is a good thing to advance.

Nuyev was taken aback: "What about the pilot?"

"It depends on the situation at that time. If it's good, I'll contact you again. If it's not good, let it go." As he learned more about the world, He Gui knew how dangerous it was.

Nuyev simply asked: "Boss, I have always had a question. Where do you think our country will go?"

He Gui shook his head and said, "Anyway, I don't like it. You are in your country. You look at the lives of ordinary people in your country, and the lives of the upper class. Is this society free?"

Nuyev smiled bitterly: "Boss, I know, I know better than anyone else what kind of life the people at the bottom are living now. Ordinary people may not be able to buy bread if they line up for hours in the cold wind, but the upper floors include me. , eat whatever you want."

"I want to play with any woman. Many of these women are still students in schools, and some of them are from hospitals..."

"I am also very confused, but I know that I am just an insignificant member of it. I have also seen many factories shut down, and some old experts are growing potatoes in their own yards."

"These old experts grow potatoes, how much does a catty of potatoes cost?"

"The factory is full of waste. Brand new machines are sold as scrap iron. I admit that I bought a lot, but at least I will give those workers some more money."

"I will be higher than others. I am confused. This is different from what I saw in textbooks and what I learned in school."

"I have also been to western countries. They are not what we think. Although there are also homeless people, they can at least have enough to eat..."

Nuyev's tears fell as he spoke, and He Gui shook his head helplessly. There were some things he couldn't say, and then he said, "Leave more supplies for them when we evacuate. We can do as much as we can." That's all."

Nuyev left and went to make arrangements. Only in front of a wise man like He Gui, Nuyev will show his weak side. When he leaves this office, he is also a well-known social person, the most famous weapon dealer in the world. the person I like.

It's that social mogul who misrepresents money as money in a bar to light a cigar again.

No way, He Gui not only gave such an impression to Nuyev, but also to other people, including American capitalists.

Capitalists in the United States want He Gui to get in the car for everything, because they are afraid of being cheated. Because of the stock market, the economy continues to decline, and with the stagnation of all investments under He Gui's name, no capital from other countries dares to enter.

The mining resources that the book has deployed around the world have been out of the game one after another. The iron mines in Australia and Mao have found a very ridiculous excuse, which is to increase capital to face the coming economic crisis.

But there is still money in the book?

The financial crisis evolved from the stock market has made the book's foreign exchange bottom out, and it can only be harvested by international capital.

The stock market crash in the past 90 years did not lead to violent fluctuations in the exchange rate of the yen. However, under the guidance of He Gui, American financiers adopted the tricks against Europe in 2008.

History is the best teacher. In fact, if Europe was not harvested by the United States in 2008, Europe might have made its voice earlier.

He Gui also rubbed his forehead, looked at the itinerary, Lao Xu had a filming plan, wanted to see himself, and still had some ideas to ask.

"Secretary Chen, tell Mr. Xu to report now. I have something to do tonight." He Gui called the secretary directly.

After Old Monster Xu found out about it, he hurried over. This Old Monster Xu was on Xintian's side.

"Mr. He, this is my shooting plan." After Mr. Xu arrived, he respectfully took out the materials.

The script, shooting plan, and actors, etc., He Gui read the script first.

The script is still a character from Jianghu, but the script does not belong to Lao Jin, nor is it from Lao Gu. Instead, it is somewhat similar to the oriental fantasy written by him in the past, with innate realm, sword energy, volleying and so on.

"The script doesn't seem to be a big problem." He Gui said after reading the script.

Old Monster Xu heaved a sigh of relief, he had spent a lot of favors on saving scripts, seeing He Gui pick up the shooting plan.

"120 million Hong Kong dollars..." He Gui felt that the investment was a bit big. This kind of martial arts is in the oriental style, and the book is now in a state of limbo. The box office in Southeast Asia is estimated to be a bit mysterious.

"Although I feel that the investment is a bit large, I will give you a chance." He Gui still agreed, although he may not be able to get back the cost now, but there is still an Internet copyright in the future, right?

"Thank you, Mr. He, thank you, Mr. He, this time I still want Mingcai to play the heroine." Old Freak Xu also knew that He Gui and the book didn't get along well, so of course there were still some careful thoughts.

"She has that kind of melancholic temperament. Will it affect her psychology if she shoots this kind of image for a long time?" He Gui asked.

Hearing what He Gui said, Old Freak Xu knew that he had made the right bet this time, the boss hummed...

"Why am I thinking about the script and changing the heroine's character?"

"It's ok. In fact, the contrast between the image and the real personality will make people's eyes shine. I signed it. You can figure it out." He Gui nodded.

Mr. Xu left, Lin Xiaoming came, He Gui said: "This is a reality show, I will participate in it personally, you can choose a few more actors, choose Zhang Rongrong for the male, match the high and low gears, let them learn first Two months of inland dialect... the location is in northern Shaanxi."

On the one hand, He Gui is treating his brother's depression. When you can't eat enough, even if you exhaust your whole body, you can't eat enough, and you are hungry in the middle of the night...depression?

Depressed bastard?

In addition, it is also to show Westerners that the mainland is still poor and not worthy of being an opponent....

After the 318 line is completed, I will personally lead the team on foot, and I will have traffic myself, so that the world can see the capabilities of the top Internet celebrities.

He Gui also plans to launch Truffle Freedom this year.

Yak meat is free.

Matsutake is free and other activities, as long as you come, just open up and eat.

Shangri-La is going to open up reservations this year. Of course, not all truffles are from Shangri-La, and the pzh ones are not the same.

There will be ham freedom and so on in the follow-up.

Now eating yak meat at an altitude of 4,000 meters on Hong Kong Island, you still need to make an appointment...

All restaurants in the world implement a quota system for yak meat. Of course, only the best parts can be delivered, the kind that can be mixed raw.

If the location is not good, other beef ham sausages, beef patties, etc. will not be exported.

Lin Xiaoming got what He Gui wrote and left. When he came back, he carefully thought about what He Gui wrote. He felt that this is also a new variety show. There are so many customs and customs in the mainland, and the food is all kinds of strange things. How much can we do like this?

Lin Xiaoming is a veteran in the industry. He knows that no matter what the program is, the most important thing is curiosity. How expensive this column is, it will make people want to watch it even more.

"Tsk tsk, this is another hit, but who should I match it with? Boss, brother, two big guys, so if you want to bring those newcomers, there must be some men and women..." Lin Xiaoming muttered to himself.

As for the difficult conditions... that is necessary, if it is not difficult, no one will see it, right?

"Hey, when you get to the place, let your brother wipe his **** with a clod of dirt, or find a stick and drink bitter water, and you will know how beautiful life is." He Gui smiled sinisterly, but unfortunately, these things You can't get Hyundai, otherwise, what kind of running


He Gui came out of the factory building, there was no other way, the heroes on Hong Kong Island basically had to run away, Zhou Huihui and Li Zhi thought they could subdue the wild monster He Gui by joining forces, but they were still killed in the end, this is the power of the Internet, I think When Internet cafes stay overnight at night... At that time, you can browse casually, unlike now that the browser itself blocks it for you.

Turned on the phone and looked at the news, good guy, the United States is about to fight Da Mao, but He Gui knows this is nonsense.

Why does the United States want to touch Da Mao now? Isn’t it a disaster for Europe? Let’s not talk about anything else. Just this winter, how much will Europe pay for gas and electricity?

There is also war preparation, how much does it cost?

So Canada hastened to send troops, and the rest of the European countries are embarrassed?

Da Mao's defensive center of gravity is already in Europe, and it is not troublesome to move them, but it is NATO... .

Add some special circumstances, and now the fiscal situation in Europe this year....

In addition, it also interrupts the land silk road plan in the mainland...

Some people say that at sea, sea is right, a dozen aircraft carriers cut off any situation at any time....

To pull the whole of Europe into the quagmire...then the United States will continue to play leisurely. Take a step back and say that the fight is so bad, it is far away from the United States, and it is also a brainless guy from Eastern Europe.

After reading the news, there was nothing else, so He Gui put away his mobile phone. When he saw the cement on the road, He Gui wondered, "Did the space seeds optimize their genes according to the environment, and then get a batch of seeds in the arid environment?" What will be the result?"

Just do what you want, He Gui doesn't plan to do more, go back to the roof of the villa, find a few flower pots, which were prepared to plant flowers before, and then shuttle a dozen beans back and forth in the space, and put them in the flower pots.

Then water it, and then put it in the sunshine greenhouse where the lorises were raised before, and open the greenhouse directly to simulate the environment of arid areas for growth.

Then I went downstairs again, picked up a pen and wrote the words "Do not water the experiment" in the sun shed, and then looked into the distance from the top of the building.

"The scenery is beautiful." What you see in your eyes is green. Most of the rural areas in China are now trees, and even a lot of land is deserted.

He Gui couldn't figure it out, why are so many fields barren, and the grain production is increasing so much every year, no matter what the disaster is?

And the arable land is the same, after so many years, there are still so many houses built on the moon?

There is a change here. As mentioned earlier, manual surveying is started. Bad land will be counted as a large area, so that the land owner will not suffer when paying for grain. Now satellite surveying not only counts ridges, slopes and ridges together, but also Don't even think about a bigger area....

In addition, what was not counted as arable land before...with a swipe of a pen....

Shaking his head, it was originally the season for farming, but the land was basically barren.

Zhang Yan and Ren Yingying came back talking and laughing, followed by Batong and two lambs.

Those who can be released are obedient and clean, for example, it is convenient to know what is convenient to go out.

Those who don't like cleanliness have no freedom, but these guys don't go up to the second floor, because the tiled stairs are slippery, and there are non-slip mats on the ground floor of the first floor.

He Gui also came down, and Aunt Wang was already cooking dinner.

He Gui just sat at the dining table and waited. There was no need to help, and it would make people feel that he hadn't done a good job.

Batong shook his head and rubbed against He Gui's lap, making people feel it. Batong is the most popular and smartest among the mini donkeys, and he can understand commands easily.

It's okay to brush up the circle of friends, and don't like it, what do you like?

If you order it, it will let you spend the eve of the night or something... It's no wonder that domestic innovation can't do well, and this kind of fakes are flying around so big.

After eating, He Gui went to the second floor and entered the study room, and continued to look at some things, mainly in the category of materials. If you want to get |motivated|motivated, materials must come first.

Zhang Yan knocked on the door, and brought a plate of fruit.

"Don't spoil Ren Yingying." He Gui said thinking of the scene in the afternoon.

Zhang Yan rolled her eyes, and poked He Gui with her tender fingers: "We are talking about work, I have Yang Qiao, and there will be no second person."

"That's good." He Gui picked up a piece of cantaloupe, feeling that the taste was very bland.

"Is this from Hainan?"

"Yes, although the taste is not as good as Xia Tian's, it's still good." Zhang Yan nodded.

Indeed, with such a long distance, they must be unripe when picking them. Everyone can understand that Zhang Yan and Ren Yingying eat very little at night. They eat some vegetables instead of staple food, and then they eat fruits.

————————90 years———

Here in 1990, after Lin Xiaoming got the materials, he made an appointment with Jiang Jiahua and Liang Rixing to talk with them after get off work.

After Lin Xiaoming showed it to the two of them, Jiang Jiahua's eyes lit up: "This kind of variety show may be sold in the West. First, the boss joins in. Second, this style of variety show plus documentary, I think many foreigners like it very much. "

Liang Rixing nodded: "What does the boss mean?"

"The boss himself appointed a brother, and let us match the rest." Lin Xiaoming said.

Hearing this, Jiang Jiahua said, "It must be a high-low match, the boss doesn't count, so who will be the benchmark brother?"

"Ms. Zhao?" Liang Rixing thought of someone.

"No, Mrs. Zhao has a few big dramas coming up." Jiang Jiahua shook her head and said.

Lin Xiaoming said: "We must cultivate our own confidantes. There is one guy, Gu Zai, who has performed well in the past two years, but he lacks an opportunity. Was it the boss who suggested him to come to the showbiz?"

"That's fine, it's a newcomer, then another guy, in the middle gear?"

"I think the boss and brother lead the team, and the rest of the men are all newcomers. How about adding a foreigner?"

"This is difficult to handle, and foreigners may have a counterproductive effect."

"How about Zheng Yijian?"

"That's fine. It's almost male. After all, it's a variety show. It's not good to have too many."

When the men reach an agreement, everyone is worried about the women. It's easy to talk about the unknown, but the one with the boss?

"It's not easy to choose the same coffee position as the boss?" Lin Xiaoming shook his head.

"I actually think that if a female star looks for the top, then I'm afraid I'm wasting the boss and brother's position, or should they all find newcomers?"

"It's not easy for newcomers, we still need to find a pillar."

"Tomorrow, let's take a look at the newcomers who have joined in the past two years, and then ask the managers of these newcomers. This variety show will obviously have to endure hardships. In addition, those who have a bad temper may make the boss hate it, and it will be bad."

"So, Li Xinxin, I originally wanted to recommend it, forget it."

"Everyone will work hard tomorrow, and we have to train for a while..."

The three reached an agreement on the male members, mainly to adjust the schedule. The TV station is integrated, and Liang Rixing didn't want to give the other partners the impression that the boss gave him the idea.

When Jiang Jiahua returned home, she was thinking about things while eating. Her husband Liang's family would see this scene and ask, "I haven't seen you in this state recently. What's the problem?"

"It's a variety show, so I have a headache about the candidates." Jiang Jiahua simply put down the bowl, picked up the soup bowl and said while filling the soup.

Upon hearing this, the Liang family asked curiously, "What variety show is giving you such a headache?"

"The boss personally customized the plan, and participated in it himself, a real person..." Jiang Jiahua said carefully.

When the Liang family heard this, they were very envious: "Gu Zai is lucky, the boss brought it himself, yes, the male is as famous as the boss and brother, and the female..."

"The woman just needs a more sensible one, and the rest are going to use newcomers, but they need good-tempered newcomers. After all, they are very poor there, and they are said to be hungry." Jiang Jiahua said.

"Also, the boss's reputation is not very good, and the candidate is also a headache?" Jiang Jiahua can only tell her husband this, and everyone knows the rest.

Liang Jiahui cut it: "What's wrong with the rumors that the boss has an affair with a beautiful woman, as long as he doesn't have a relationship with a man..."

"You mean..." Jiang Jiahua was dumbfounded, indeed, brother...

"If I say it, it's about the boss, and there are women of all kinds, scheming whores, virtuous, and capable people. It's best to set them up differently, so that the audience will remember them."

"Of course, before the candidate is selected, the contract must be changed first, otherwise the TV station will suffer a big loss."

"Scheming bitch..."

"Another thing to think about is Wanwan. Although there is something wrong with Wanwan all the time, the boss has never turned away Wanwan's actors..."

Jiang Jiahua kissed her husband, and then began to eat: "I understand, this is the first time that the boss is the protagonist, and the rest are supporting roles. At first, I thought it was wrong."

The next day the three of them got together, one was based on the schedule, and the other was based on the personality of the artist. The personality of the artist is easy to understand, and the manager will collect these, and it will also be used as a standard for casting in the future. After all, some of them are cast in their true colors of.

Managers like Gu Zai don’t manage only one artist. Artists can upgrade their contracts with two-way choices. If one party disagrees, then change managers.

As soon as Gu Zai arrived on the set today, he was pulled aside by his agent: "Gu Zai, after get off work today, sign a new artist contract with me, and the director will wrap up your part today."

"Thank you, Miss Hong."

"There's nothing to thank me for. This time, it was named by the senior management of the group. It is said that there will be a new variety show, and the investment will be huge. Be sure to keep it secret."

"Understood, Miss Hong."

In fact, there is no secrecy there. After all, a supporting role was completed at once, which is obviously problematic, but Victoria's confidentiality contract is not covered.

As for Zheng Yijian, the agent said, "This time, you must seize the opportunity. If you make a mistake this time, then you should quit this business as soon as possible. Let's talk about the details after you sign a new contract."

"Brother Teng, what exactly is the need to upgrade the artist contract, I think this is fine now?" Zheng Yijian asked with a personality that was easy to satisfy.

"Don't ask, your level is not enough to know, let's go, change the contract."

A group of people came to the headquarters of the group, exchanged the contract, and signed the Artist Yide Commitment Letter. After seeing the breach of contract, Gu Zai and Zheng Yijian both took a deep breath.

"All actors up and down are like this. Before signing the contract, forget the past, but after signing the should be careful in the future." The group's legal affairs explained when they saw that the two were hesitant.

The two signed a contract, and then they chose an agent, but both of them chose the original agent.

Then the two were taken to a conference room, and when they entered, they found that their brother was here, and then there were four young and beautiful women.

The two were at a loss, Gu Zai's mouth was sweeter, and he asked, "Brother Rong, what event is this time?"

"I don't know either, wait a minute, it's said that it's difficult." Rongrong shook his head.

Right after Gu Zai sat down, the three top executives of the group all came, as did their respective agents.

"Everyone is here, legal affairs, let them sign a non-disclosure agreement first." Lin Xiaoming directly asked everyone to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Everyone was also frightened by this battle, the kind that the Asian entertainment industry would be shaken by a casual word from these three.

"Everyone read the information first, and I'll give you a general overview." Lin Xiaoming said when he saw that the procedures were completed.

"This time you are going to participate in an outdoor reality show, which is planned by Mr. He himself and will participate in the reality show event in person. The location is in a very, very remote place in the Mainland."

"How remote is it? Maybe you will be hungry, and not for a day. Of course, we will have a doctor, and if the body does not allow it, we will withdraw."

"Plus there might be no toilet paper..."

"Those who want to quit can quit now, but it must be kept secret." Lin Xiaoming looked at the people sitting there after speaking.

Several managers were tense, afraid that the people they brought with them would become overwhelmed and stop going.

"Of course this is just the beginning. There is a training period. You must know some local words. Because you are a reality show, you must deal with local people."

"If you don't, then you will be dismissed halfway. Well, I will give you ten minutes to think it through. Also, don't tell anyone about this incident."

No one has quit. Anyone who can come here to be an artist knows that the Victoria Three Musketeers are here, and you still want to be sloppy. Believe it or not, you will immediately find fault and fire you, and then say goodbye to the entertainment industry forever?

"Okay, let's start language training tomorrow."

The Three Musketeers left, Rongrong clapped his hands and said, "Everyone get to know each other, my name is Zhang Rongrong."

"Hi everyone, my name is Li Xinxin."

"Hi everyone, my name is Zhu Yin."

"Hi everyone, my name is Lin Xiaoling."

"Hi My name is Cheng Derong."

"Hi everyone, my name is Gu Zai."

"Hi everyone, my name is Zheng Yijian."

Seeing that everyone had finished introducing each other, Rongrong said, "Don't worry, everyone. Mr. He is easy to get along with. In addition, Mr. He is able to support you newcomers. It is also your blessing. Mr. He is a world-class celebrity. Many of your seniors It may take ten years of struggle, but there will be no such opportunity in twenty years.”

"Brother Rong, are you familiar with the boss?" Li Xinxin asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Rongrong nodded: "Hey, we went shopping and had dinner together. We Hong Kong Island actors have such a high status because of Mr. He."

"The current salary system for filming was proposed by Mr. He. The film I made three years ago still has dividends."

"Our crooked artists are envious of the salaries of your artists in Hong Kong Island, so we new talents come to Hong Kong Island." Lin Xiaoling is tall and slender... This is the only bright spot, and she speaks a bit awkwardly.

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