Holding the counter directly, the video equipment could not record, and no radiation was found. Then He Gui took the mobile phone and tested it in the villa. When the distance was ten meters, the camera had no effect, but it seemed a little Caton's feeling.

He Gui felt relieved again, but it was okay, there was at least ten meters away, if not, there would be too much to pay attention to.

When I came here in 1986, there was nothing to pay attention to about the group's affairs, but Robert came here in three days.

"Mr. Ryan, these are all information. They are all farms that can plant economic trees. In addition, according to the information you provided, we have evaluated by a team of experts. Montana should be very suitable." Robert returned the same day and immediately notified Headquarters, the headquarters immediately sent a team of hundreds of people, and at the same time released news within the banking circle.

Running a farm is actually not as simple as you think. Farms need to pay taxes, which cannot be avoided every year. In addition, there is an association for the selling price. If you want to sell at a low price, you will not be able to sell at a high price.

Moreover, although American farms make money, they also have a large investment. The larger the farm, the greater the investment, such as tractors worth several million dollars.

Of course, those who can have large farms in the United States are all big families, or behind them are consortiums that control the grain trade of the entire planet.

The so-called American investigative agencies are all for the capitalists. From 2005 to 2008, the American agencies hyped up the scarcity of food and the skyrocketing price, but they were defeated by the short sellers in the Mainland.

So if you believe the data released by those institutions in the United States, you are a fool. The golden retriever president also said that injecting disinfectant can cure diseases.

He Gui took a closer look and found that the Montana ranch has mountains, lakes, and grasslands. Of course, the farm has the largest arable area.

In addition, what to plant requires the approval of the state government. It does not mean that you can plant whatever you want. It feels a bit like a planned economy.

There is also a regulation on ranches in the United States, the maximum number of livestock to be raised. Ten years later, a couple in the Mainland bought a ranch for several million dollars. As a result, they raised a few more cows, and they were fined by the government and even punished by animals The protection agency came to Kangyi and said that animals were abused. The farm couple opened up a piece of land to grow vegetables and corn, but the result exceeded the regulations. After a fine, the two couples almost sold the pasture. In fact, Yimin, New Zealand should be better.

He Gui looked at the final quotation and felt deeply moved. For 300 million US dollars, you can buy a farm with a total area of ​​one million acres (refer to BrokenO Farm, located in Augusta, Montana, 132.5 million US dollars, 124,000 acres, Modern quotations), that is, as high as more than 4,000 square kilometers.

Of course they didn’t get together. As for the farms and ranches in Texas, why didn’t you look at them? There are white people supremacy, red necks, and the farms over there are bought. Zhengfu also stipulates that you must promote the cowboy culture and not fire farmers. of.

Montana is sparsely populated and has vast land, so the entry of big capitalists is of great benefit to the governor.

"Is the price too high? For these pastures, the follow-up investment is still very large. I hope it will be a whole farm, scattered like this..." He Gui is asking for a policy.

In the United States, you think you need to build cement roads on your farm, and then you build it yourself. Sorry, you have to restore it and pay a fine.

Of course, the mainland also learned from the United States later. The peasants built a road and a mountain by themselves, and they were educated. In the past, building bridges and roads was a merit, but now repairing bridges and roads is stealing other people’s business. You have finished repairing it. Where do we go? Get oil and water... You can repair it in two days by yourself. We will repair it. Thirty people and three excavators will be sorry if you don't repair it for three months... Mom and Dad.

Robert came up with a plan: "If you want to connect together, it's okay, but the price is very high."

After seeing the document, He Gui angrily threw away the information: "Mr. Robert, I am very disappointed. I didn't expect Citigroup to give me such a problem. I can invest in many places, such as North Africa, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, and I think Germans should be easier to live with than you Americans."

"Sir, this is not our opinion, freedom of buying and selling." Robert quickly stood up and explained.

He Gui sneered: "Buying and selling is free, then I won't buy it, I decided to go to Germany."

When Robert heard this, he didn't know what to say. He Gui asked the secretary to see the guests off. These farms can be linked together, but the prices of the few pasture farms in the middle are too high.

He Gui found a partner in Eastern Europe and asked the people here to help find farms that can plant economic trees.

Robert returned to Citibank, and Citi executives did not expect such a result.

Before Citi could react, Handing Group announced an in-depth cooperation with Deutsche Bank, that is, all businessmen in the world who cooperate with Handing Group can use Deutsche Bank to withdraw their accounts.

In less than three days, many places in Europe, South Asia and North Africa transferred funds to Deutsche Bank.

He Gui has long wanted to find an excuse to add another bank, and it is not safe to put it in Citigroup. As far as future generations are concerned, Germany can be said to be the backbone of Europe, and John Bull is a shit-stirring stick.

Deutsche Bank quickly helped He Gui find the farm, but unfortunately it was not big, only a few dozen or a hundred hectares. Handing Group invested 100 million US dollars to buy more than a dozen and formed a company.

However, He Gui had a new idea, that is, to get some yew seeds and go for a walk in space. In fact, he shuttled back and forth for a while, so maybe the effect of paclitaxel is better?

"It's careless." When this idea came up, He Gui returned to the modern age, but unfortunately, Teacher Liu said that he could not change it.

I got some yew seeds and trees, and commissioned the European Space Agency in 1986 to take a walk in space. Anyway, the German farm in 2010 still needs procedures, integration, etc.

Citigroup can't sit still now. Deutsche Bank has been included as a partner of Handing, and the capital flow has been reduced by one-fifth. Now the Americas and Australia are also in public relations, hoping to open up more banks for cooperation.

But Robert didn't see He Gui, and Robert returned to Citibank and cursed loudly: "Shet, Shet, the idiot from the American headquarters, bastard, pig."

Robert naturally knew that this quotation was tricky. How much is the price of the surrounding ranch farmers?

And how do people in the middle pasture farm know that there are people buying from the surrounding pasture farms?

Cole, head of Citibank's Hong Kong headquarters, shrugged: "Robert~www.wuxiahere.com~I think we have to propose kangyi to remind these idiots that Mr. Lane is not only a capitalist. Three novels have sold more than 200 million. song."

When Robert heard this, he blinked, as if he understood, was Cole, a Gallic bastard, responsible for this matter?

Thinking about it this way, Robert figured it out a bit. The person in charge of the Asian branch has no higher position in the headquarters.

"Mr. Cole, I will write to the headquarters." Robert thought carefully and knew what Cole meant.

The news that He Gui wanted to buy a farm leaked out, and Kailina called: "Honey, why do you want to buy so many farms?"

"Plant a raw material that can extract anticancer drugs." He Gui replied directly.

Kailinna didn't come to her senses for a long time, the raw material of anticancer drugs? Where did all this come from?

"Honey, wait a minute." Karina put down the phone.

He Gui shrugged. In the United States, the Lincoln family has been suppressed by the Youtai people. Anyway, the Berg and Weta you see are all from the Youtai people. The Ivy League and Hollywood are all controlled by the Youtai people.

The Uthai boss in the United States, the workers hired below are basically Uthai people, and also Uthai people who have served in the army from Israel, because no matter where the Uthai people have only one motherland, that is Israel, Why do most countries in Europe reject it, because it is unacceptable that you are French, but you think Israel is your motherland...

"Honey, there are suitable farms here in Illinois." Karina called after half an hour.

He Gui took a look at the location of Illinois, it's okay, it's close to the Great Lakes area.

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