The first half of the Great Route, the island of white earth, the headquarters of the revolutionary army.

This is an island that even the intelligence capabilities of the world government cannot detect, otherwise the world government would have sent troops to sweep up this place, after all, the degree of threat of the revolutionary army to the world government is more terrifying than that of the four emperors.

Hanging up the call from the tyrant bear, Dorag exhaled heavily, making an important decision in his heart.

“Dorag, do you seem to have something on your mind?”

Saab, who had just come in, was a little puzzled, this man, extremely calm, had lost his usual calm at this moment, and his solemn face made Saab realize that something important might happen.

“Saab, do you think I’m a good father?”

Dorag asked about the other.

“Dorag, if you get married and have children, I think you must be a good father!”

Saab said with certainty, but in fact, in the revolutionary army, only the tyrant bear knew that Dorag had a son, and few people even knew that Dorag’s father was the naval hero Karp.

This silent man, without smiling, said nothing about the family situation.

“Saab, in fact, I already have a son, my son, who is the same age as you!”

“Huh? How can it be? Dorag, are you sure you didn’t lie to me? ”

Saab’s eyes widened, he couldn’t believe it, and he almost felt that Dorag was joking with me, but seeing Dorag’s serious gesture, and the cadres of the revolutionary army knew very well that Dorag was a man who never joked.

“Monchi D Luffy! He is my son, but as a father, I have never fulfilled my obligations as a father once since he was born! ”

“And now, he’s locked up in Advance City.”

At this time, in Saab’s confusion, Dorag pushes Luffy’s bounty towards Saab, and at the same time, he has a newspaper on his desk about the imminent execution of Fire Fist Ace.


This was a person who seemed to have heard of Saab somewhere, but could not remember, when he looked up at Dorag, Saab accidentally saw Ace’s name on the newspaper, and the somewhat familiar face, and quickly took the newspaper.


A more familiar feeling struck, and Saab only felt that his head suddenly ached, holding his head and struggling, and then those forgotten memories poured out from the deepest part of his mind.

“Saab? What happened? ”

Dorag was taken aback, not understanding why Saab was suddenly like this.

He was about to hold Saab, but at this moment, Saab shouted.

“I remembered it, I remembered it all!”

It turns out that he used to be best friends with Luffy himself Ace when they were children!

Dorag also wondered what Saab remembered, and after Saab explained, Dorag knew everything.

Saab turned out to be his son’s childhood friend?

“Dorag, I must go and save Luffy!”

“And Ace, they’re all advancing into the city!”

“I can’t watch them suffer, and I don’t want to see Ace being executed!”

Saab spoke anxiously.

“Saab, I’m also going to advance the city, Ivankov is there, but he is not a criminal, we only need to cooperate inside and outside, we will definitely be able to rescue Luffy!”

After ending the call with the Tyrant Bear, Dorag had the idea of advancing the city to save Luffy.

If a father does not go to his son, then what kind of father is he?

Really, he felt that he owed Luffy so much that Luffy didn’t even know he had a father for a long time.

“Dorag, we must rescue Luffy! And Ace! ”

Saab is strong-willed.

And Dorag, to be honest, he didn’t go to the idea of Fire Fist Ace, first of all, the other party has no relationship with himself, and the other is that this is a matter of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He just wanted to save Luffy.

And, it’s time for Ivankov and them to leave the Advance City!

And now, almost all the elite forces of the navy are gathered in Marin Fandor, which is the best time for the revolutionary army to attack and advance the city!

And this best time is to attack the city on the day before or on the day of execution!

At this time, the headquarters of the navy now has no time to deal with matters other than the Whitebeard Pirates, because, Ling Bai and them are an example, Dorag has analyzed this matter, and the red dog they retreated to avoid the loss of top combat power.

And the execution is imminent, and the naval headquarters has no time to take care of the advancing city!

Otherwise, if you lose this opportunity, it will be almost difficult to have the next opportunity!

However, there was no refusal to Saab.

Soon, the revolutionary army held an urgent meeting of cadres, and the commanders of the four major armies, staff officer Saab and others were present.

“Next, our meeting will be about attacking the city in the early hours of the day of the public execution and rescuing Ivankov!”

Dorag did not directly say that he wanted to save his son, but in fact, after all, this is a private matter, and it cannot be said explicitly, although Dorag knows that all the cadres present will agree to save Luffy, because the cadres trust and adore themselves!

And after the meeting of Dorag, everyone present was enthusiastic.

Ivankov, a fierce general of the revolutionary army! And in the mezzanine of Advance City, there are still many brothers and sisters who want to join the revolutionary army!

ps: Here let the revolutionary army also drag into the top war, multi-force melee, so that the protagonist gets the maximum benefit.

Finally, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, and ask for monthly passes.

The evaluation vote difference of 50 to get the target today, the flowers are quite a lot, just ask for 300 flowers, ask for a wave of free support.

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