The Djerma Kingdom of the Wenji Mok family is a member of the world government, and the Wenzhi Mok family secretly does some shady things, this point, the world government is turning a blind eye, as a powerful country, it has the science and technology that makes the high-level salivate.

Two of the world’s top scientists, Wenzimok and Vegapunk.

At this time, when the forces of Bunji Mok appeared on Beehive Island, Peach Rabbit had to pay more attention.

“Bunji Mokgaji!”

Peach Rabbit was the first to speak, “It’s really rare to come to Hive Island.” ”

“Hmph! It’s just a small business, after all, we are almost going to eat soil in Beihai. ”

Knowing that the navy in front of him did not deal with him, Wen Zhi Mok did not want to have any entanglement.

Immediately, he left with his three red, blue, and green killing sons Matt and Lei Jiu, and ignored Peach Rabbit and them.

In fact, Wenji Mokgaji came to Hive Island this time to do business, after all, one of the Vince Mock family’s businesses is to send Jerma 66 to fight to collect money and obtain some of the necessary resources of the Jerma Kingdom, which is also one of the sources of income for the Jerma Kingdom.

This time, someone in the New World wanted to use Djerma’s scientific combat troops, and the order was quite large, so Gaji personally came here.

Public execution is imminent, as long as people with normal brains know that the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy headquarters will inevitably go to war, and what about the ultimate victor? The speculators of the underground forces are optimistic about the headquarters of the navy, after all, Whitebeard has been plagued by disease for so many years, can he leave Marin Fandor alive?

Moreover, the headquarters of the Navy plus Nanabukai! What a terrifying lineup! Even if Whitebeard can single out two generals, and the captains, can they defeat three legendary navies plus one general and Qiwu Hai?

As soon as Whitebeard dies, Whitebeard’s territory in the New World will be vacant, and the competition for both territory and resources will be extremely fierce, and opportunities and benefits will be left to those who have prepared in advance.

I have to say, if the whitebeard knows this, how will they feel?

They haven’t left the new world yet!

Recently, the new world has undercurrents, and the already chaotic sea area is now chaotic countless times.

This time, the leaders of the dark forces of the New World and the bigwigs of some major forces gathered here.

Pirates are the evil force on the bright side of the new world, and secretly, the underground world.

“If you find the check-in ground, do you sign in?”

This sound came in his mind, which made Ling Bai a little surprised.

“Sign in!”

“Sign in successfully, reward: Lox [Matchless Monster Power]”

“It feels like the power is about to gush out again!”

Another perfect check-in, which made Ling Bai’s mood happy.

Unmatched weird power! Ling Bai even felt that he could smash a meteorite with one punch, of course, I don’t know if it was an illusion or really could, and now he had this idea.

“Brothers, let’s go eat a big meal, and then do big things after we are full!”

Ling Bai waved his hand, and at this time they had already entered the interior of Hive Island.

“The captain seems to have become stronger, just at that moment, is it my delusion?”

Barrett looked at Ling Bai and pondered, for Ling Bai’s power, he was full of curiosity, but also prepared, after the end of the war, and Ling Bai to fight, of course, is a kind of competition, especially Barrett wants to try Ling Bai’s kind of frozen time and space.

“Mom, I’m hungry.”

Suddenly a voice came from a distance, and at a glance, it was not what a child said to his mother, but in fact, when Ling Bai looked over, he saw a reminder of the disparity between mother and son, no, it was definitely not mother and son!

Edward Wibull, and Miss Barkin!

“Captain, what did you find?”

Yu no Kiryu was surprised.

“Do you see that stitch monster in the distance?”

Weibull was covered in stitch marks.

“That’s Edward Weibull, a monster with extremely terrifying strength!”

Hawkins reminded.

“Hiliu, kill that disgusting old woman.”


Hearing Ling Bai’s words, Xiliu did not react for the first time, and was about to ask Ling Bai, but saw that Ling Bai had already moved towards Weibull at high speed.


Xiliu also rushed out, and Ling Bai was about to try the “unparalleled monster power” just now with Weibur. ”

Of course, he didn’t want to kill Weibull, for a powerful monster, especially a fool who can’t recognize himself when he looks in the mirror, if he can fool over, Ling Bai estimates, Weibull is definitely fooled by miss Bajin, how can they be mother and son?

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes

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