The newspaper eventually reached Nine Snake Island.

After reading the newspaper, Snake Ji was also inevitably shocked.

“This man!”

“So strong!”

“Be different!”

Killed Draco and even made Draco admit that they were pigs! Now it has reached the point where it is about to come to the new world!

In this regard, it is strange that Snake Ji is not shocked, and at the same time, Ling Bai is also the only male she has paid attention to so far.

Ling Bai’s face also seemed to linger in her mind.

“Snake Ji, someone from the Navy headquarters, that vice admiral has been waiting outside for more than two days!”

At this time, Grandma Zha was on the side, and her tone was extremely helpless.

“As a Seven Martial Sea, if you refuse to participate in the war now, the World Government may deprive you of your Seven Martial Sea identity at that time!”

Mother-in-law’s tone was full of worry and helplessness, Snake Ji’s willfulness, it can be said that she knows best, but obviously, now is not the time to be willful!

“Deprivation is deprivation, and the concubine body does not matter to the identity of this Qiwu Sea.”

“Boyahan Cook, you!”

“Old woman, get out!”

“Ah! Snake Ji, you slut, I am your former emperor, you must respect me! ”

“Wait, Hancock! That man, will definitely go to Marin Fandor! ”

At this moment, Granny Zha thought of something.

Ling Bai, a very important man, not only killed the Draco, but also humiliated all the Draco!

Therefore, Snake Ji was paying attention to Ling Bai during this time.

However, Grandma Zha is also holding the psychology of trying it out, I don’t know if Snake Ji will go to war because of Ling Bai, but this seems to be the last lifesaver!

After all, it is really groundbreaking that Snake Ji can be interested in a man.

Moreover, if Snake Ji really refuses to fight, then the world government will really deprive her of the title of Qiwu Sea, with the latest warship of the current world government, it is not a problem at all to enter the windless zone, as a pirate country, but also a country where the entire population is female, without the protection of the Seven Wuhai system.

How scary would that be?

Whether it is the navy or pirates, they will try their best to invade this place and turn this place into a hell on earth.

Fishman Island at the beginning of the era of sea pirates is an example.

Do not underestimate the evil of pirates, and do not look up to the so-called justice of the navy and the world government.

“Which man? Concubines are not interested in such filthy creatures as men! ”

Snake Ji expressed disdain for Grandma Cha’s words

“Ling Bai! He will definitely go! At such times, he will definitely not be absent! ”

After Grandma Zha finished speaking, she also stared at Snake Ji’s face, and sure enough, Snake Ji’s face was surprised, no, it should be said that it was a surprise!

Boyahan Cook, you, sure enough! It is also said that there is no interest in men!

Mother-in-law was a little speechless.

“If that man goes, then the concubine will reluctantly accept the summoning of the world government!”

Six hours later, Lieutenant General Mole, who was in charge of answering Snake Hime, called Sengoku.

“Marshal of the Warring States, Boyahan Cook, she promised!”

“Finally agreed?”

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

Snake Ji is very strong, and for this war, it is an indispensable and powerful combat power

At this point, the reigning Qiwu Sea, except for Haixia Jinping’s absence, everyone else agreed to fight, and Haixia Jinping refused to attack Whitebeard, even if he was going to be jailed now.

In addition, there is the latest ascendant Nanabukai, Blackbeard Marshall Dtichy!

Using Fire Fist Ace as a bargaining chip, he traded with the World Government for the vacant Seven Wu Sea spot just because Klockdar was stripped of it, and the World Government agreed to Blackbeard in view of the fact that he used Fire Fist Ace as a bargaining chip and Blackbeard himself seemed to have good strength.

Of course, the world government does not know that Blackbeard’s strength is very strong, and his ambition is extremely great, even if it is now the world government and the navy headquarters, almost all of them have been used by him, and everything that happens in the world today, except for the events and aftermath made by Ling Bai, has a lot to do with his Blackbeard.

At this time, the Chambord Islands.

“Hey, the Chambord Islands have been bustling lately! Hahaha…”

Blackbeard’s gang is here, watching a large number of warships send the naval families living with Marin Fandor to the Chambord Islands for refuge, and more and more pirates pour into the Chambord Islands.

It is said that on the day of the execution, the Navy headquarters will broadcast the war and the execution live, and the viewing place is the Grand Plaza of the Chambord Islands, and the pirates who originally wanted to enter the new world have also temporarily canceled their plans

“Hehe, to be honest, I feel like my blood is boiling!”

“Fighting champion,” Bashass laughed, he is currently the strongest under Blackbeard

“Captain, when are we going to advance the city?”

At this point, sniper Van Oka asked.

“Let’s go to the headquarters of the Navy to report first, after all, Lao Tzu is now a Qi Wuhai!”

Blackbeard said with a smile, according to the meaning of the world government, all members of the Qiwu Sea who participated in the war must go to the Navy headquarters to report, and then they would stay at the Navy headquarters and wait for the day of execution to participate in the war.

Blackbeard’s plan was to go to the headquarters of the Navy to report first, which meant something, and then go to the city to recruit soldiers and horses.

As for going to war, he will definitely go to war!

Otherwise, how could he seize the Shock Fruit?

Even Blackbeard felt that his plan was a gamble, a huge game! If it succeeds, then he will replace Whitebeard without a doubt!

Become one of the Pirate Emperors in New World!

Step on the corpse of the white beard to the top!

PS: This book will set that Hancock voluntarily becomes a maid who serves the protagonist, so rest assured, the author will not write the protagonist kneeling and licking the original character.

To today’s goal, flowers are still 1500 short, evaluation votes are 200 behind, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets.

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