Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 129: Kill the supreme body!

After one song and dance, all four are amazed!

An Miaoyi's peerless demeanor is displayed in front of everyone, vividly and vividly, making countless people intoxicated and difficult to extricate themselves.

After the end, everyone still remembered, and the scene was surprisingly silent for a long time, and then the cheers and cheers were long overdue:


"This song should only be in the sky, this dance is more like an immortal on earth!"

"This kind of unparalleled style, outstanding and extraordinary, deserves to be the beauty of the world, An Miaoyi!"

"It's a pity that An Miaoyi, such an immaculate fairy, has fallen into the misty Miaoyu Temple, alas!"

There is praise and regret in the crowd.

No one is moved by An Miaoyi's demeanor, but when she thinks of the Miaoyu Temple where she is, they all sigh!

"They are all talking about Miaoyu'an, but what does this have to do with An Miaoyi..." Ye Fan looked at An Miaoyi in a daze, a little surprised.

Tu Fei sighed and gritted his teeth with hatred: "Idiot, Miaoyu'an, Miaoyu'an, don't you see the three words Miaoyu'an?!"

Ye Fan was startled slightly, but the **** dog smiled coldly and said: "Wow! According to the emperor's experience, if the name of the power is stained with the word'desire', it is generally impossible to escape the wind, moon and dust. You can imagine Fairy Ann that you are looking forward to!"

There was a sense of gloating about these words. Both Ye Fan and Tu Fei's expressions sank obviously, they looked at the **** dog with bad eyes.

"It's a pity that a generation of peerless ladies has entered the Miaoyu Temple in their youth, and the future fate is probably already doomed!" Tu Fei wailed.

"I don't think it's necessarily." Lin Feng looked indifferent, and suddenly said: "The world is impermanent, a monk has a path, and those who follow the way are all, and the destiny should be in his own hands. !"

As soon as this statement came out, the two were shocked.

"Destiny is in my own hands..." Ye Fan chewed, his eyes gradually brightened.

"How can it be destined to say..." Tu Fei grinned, his face showing a different color.

"What a fate! I can't help it!" The **** dog was also rare and serious, and took a deep look at Lin Feng. This style made him seem to have seen the Great Emperor Wu Shi back then!

From Lin Feng's words, several people understood the ultimate truth, and once again understood that Lin Feng's will and Taoism must be as firm as iron!

Involuntarily, the two of them and the dog were in awe of Lin Feng, and even more in awe.

At the same moment, the performance ended.

An Miaoyi politely thanked everyone, graceful, holy, and allure!

After the singing and dancing, the voices were silent, and the lively scene continued. Lin Feng and Ye Fan and the others were very important and couldn't afford to delay.

"Let's go, do business." Lin Feng said.

Right now the beauty has also seen him, Tu Fei and Ye Fan no longer have any concerns, Lin Feng greeted him, and he wanted to take everyone away.

But at this moment, An Miaoyi, who had not left, suddenly said to everyone: "I invite you all to come here today, in fact, for one thing."

"The little girl heard that there were two great strangers in the Eastern Wilderness, one is the ancient sacramental body, and the other is the supreme body."

An Miaoyi's voice seemed to come from outside the sky, ethereal and calm: "Especially the supreme body, with the vision of opening the sky, and unparalleled combat power.

I have never heard of this physique in the past. I am very curious. I wonder if you have any understanding of this supreme body. Can you give me some answers for the little girl? "

This sudden "calling" caused the three of them to stop, and turned around with a look of suspicion.

Ye Fan frowned immediately.

Lin Feng's eyes were like electricity, and he looked back suddenly.

During the song and dance performance, An Miaoyi noticed Lin Feng and was quite interested.

At this moment, Lin Feng's sharp eyes came, full of deep meaning, right in the heart of An Miaoyi, her heart trembled, and she couldn't help but mutter: "Why is he again..."

Before I could think about it, there was a lot of noise off the court:

"The supreme body..."

"Tsk tusk, that's really nothing to say, an unprecedented special divine body!"

"The ancient sacrament is hard to see, I am afraid that this one will appear in this world, breaking the convention!"

"The supreme body is even more mysterious, it is said that it has the appearance of a great emperor!"

"That's right, especially the supreme body, which disappeared for three years and reappeared, provokes two great ancient families, and is not afraid of it. It is definitely a ruthless person!"

Facing An Miaoyi's question, the enthusiastic people naturally answered everything.

The crowd talked and sighed.

Most people mentioned the supreme body with solemn expressions. Counting Lin Feng's track record along the way, they couldn't help but exclaim.

Others praised Lin Feng for his unparalleled combat power and extraordinary talents, boasting that the supreme body is a proper saint and heroic figure, the emperor's fate!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is obviously a thought of killing, and out of jealousy, he deliberately hatred Lin Feng, the supreme body!

An Miaoyi listened with gusto, and nodded with a smile.

"Listening to your colleagues, I am looking forward to seeing the supreme body more and more."

Suddenly, An Miaoyi said with emotion: "I heard that he has caused a lot of trouble, but it would be a pity if such a Tianjiao fell prematurely... Well, in fact, if the supreme body is in trouble, I am willing to come forward and try to speak for it. Harmony!"

The audience was shocked when he said this!

Especially when many young talents from the Ji family and Jiang family were present, their expressions instantly became embarrassed after hearing this!

In this East Desolation, who didn't know that the Supreme Body had a feud with the Ji family and the Jiang family?

Lin Feng's feat of straddling Jiang Huai Jihui's force has already been spread in the holy city.

All monks present are all wise men.

An Miaoyi's seemingly inadvertent sigh, although he did not name the Jiang family of the Ji family, in the eyes of everyone, it was an obvious hint!

What's the meaning?

Isn't this just showing to the supreme body clearly? !

Miao Yu'an, towards Lin Feng and Ye Fan, threw away the olive branch!

For a while, the field fell into a weird silence.

After receiving such a major news, everyone had different thoughts.

What the ordinary monks thought was that Miao Yu'an sent this signal to the outside world, then how would the Ji family and Jiang family react?

If Miaoyuan shows good success, the ancient sacramental body and supreme body will be included in it, and the pattern of related forces will change upside down!

"Two great talents with unlimited potential!"

"The two evil stars are not inferior to the existence of the holy son of any holy land, especially the supreme body, whose combat power is the highest in the Taoist palace, and the emperor's fate!"

"If they really go to Miaoyu' surprise, in a few hundred years, Miaoyu'an will definitely have the background of at least two sages!"

Everyone was whispering, thinking differently.

And the high seat is in the pavilion, the holy children of the holy land, the princes of the emperor, have exploded the pot!


Saint Son Tianjiao, looking at An Miaoyi's peerless face, showing the color of admiration and yearning, they are all jealous!


We are the holy son of Tianjiao, above all 10,000 people, scornful of the common, but in the eyes of An Miaoyi, we are no better than a supreme divine body? !

Before, An Miaoyi was not close to everyone, neither salty nor indifferent.

But at this moment, he showed great interest in the supreme body!

How can these arrogant saints, Tianjiao, not be jealous? !

On the other side, Lin Feng's team was also not calm.

Ye Fan looked surprised, while Tu Fei smirked, "Idol! Brother Lin Feng, you are really my idol!"

Lin Feng is indifferent Looking at the beauty of Yuzhou.

"Wow! Boy, are you interested in that Nizi?" The **** dog said with an ambiguous expression: "Hey, don't deny it, they are all males, the emperor understands you!"

However, Lin Feng did not show joy, shook his head and said indifferently: "I don't care about the red face, but I admire Miaoyuan, know how to control the human heart and play tricks, even if it is An Miaoyi, he has to be forced to pack carefully. In order to attract the attention of Shengzi Tianjiao."

Hearing the words, the two of them showed different colors.

"Well said, you deserve to be the most ruthless person in the Northern Territory!

Haha, it's a pity that I am a layman, and I never knew Hue Fengyue said, I just want to hug a beautiful woman tonight! "

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter, and the big man went through the crowd and went straight to the three people and one dog.

Everyone was puzzled, but Tu Fei was slightly startled, and then showed excitement:

"Well, you Li Heishui, come here just right!"

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