Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 163: You are also worthy of being compared with him? !

"it is finally over!"

Up and down the holy city, countless hanging hearts, at this moment, finally let go.

This shocking battle caused the earth to be messed up in the north of the holy city, around Hualongchi, the space was shattered, the mountains and rivers were floating, and the sky changed in color!

In the end, the dust settled, and all the people who attacked and killed the gods and kings perished in this war, and the end was declared!

There is no doubt that this battle will definitely be recorded in the history of monks and become a legendary battle that the people of the Eastern Wild rush to sing!

Everyone looked at the location of Hualong Pond, or trembling, or fear, or fear, or fortunate... But more, it was still a complex color!

Once a genius of Tianzong, but now the immortal king Jiang Taixu, who has survived many calamities, has successfully recovered and is more powerful than before!

How much change will this bring to the future pattern of the Eastern Famine?

Everyone knows it well.

Even the King of Dark Night, one of the twin stars in Zhongzhou, who had cultivated for four thousand years with superb combat power, was beheaded by Jiang Taixu.

With this level of strength, such a **** king with a cultivation base that can reach the sky and an invincible combat power, he must once again sit in the Jiang family...

The sky of the Eastern Desolation, I am afraid it will change!

People in the holy city have different hearts and voices. In addition to Jiang Taixu, there is another person who has been mentioned the most:

"Extreme body, Lin Feng!"

"At the final moment of the Hualongchi battle, thirteen saint master-level mighty powers joined forces to retaliate against the impact. At the critical moment, Lin Feng actually stood up and turned the tide!"

"That's the thirteen saint master-level powers... even with two old immortals who have lived for four thousand years, they were all beheaded by Lin Feng, and their souls and souls were destroyed!"

"It's incredible. Who could have imagined that such an underborn who is not valued could play a decisive role in the battlefield dominated by the strong!"

"Especially the Jidao Emperor Soldier that suddenly's terrible!

Behind Lin Feng, which sacred force is supporting him, with such a large handwriting, giving Lin Feng the emperor's protection? ! "

"Hmph, that is clearly Jiang Yi's treasure, the Emperor Ruthless Emperor's Heaven-Swallowing Devil Jar, which used to be nothing but an imperfect emperor soldier, was picked up by this kid today!"

"Regardless of the origin of his emperor's soldiers, even if he doesn't have this basis, just looking at Lin Feng's spirit, looking at the young generation of Donghuang, no one can match it!"

"Yes, when the war broke out, the holy son Tianjiao of the great sacred places could only hide under the elders for protection, but Lin Feng was able to stand in the forefront!"

The voice was full of voices, some expressed their respect to Lin Feng, some coveted Lin Feng's younger generation with the ultimate imperial army, and some people were jealous of Lin Feng's extraordinary luck.

A holy son lowered his voice and said angrily: "Hmph, if you put me in the same position, with the help of the **** king and the blessing of the emperor, I can do better than him!"

When this sound spread, it immediately caused several old-school powerhouses to scoff:

"Hehe, who wouldn't speak big words?"

"It's better for young people to be humble, don't be arrogant, do you think Lin Feng has been arrogant?"

"Even if it did, it's because Lin Feng has arrogant capital. What do you have?"

"This son was panicked like an ant during the battle. Now it is ignorant and ridiculous to compare himself with the Supreme Body Lin Feng!"

A cold, stern and sarcasm came out, and the saint son was ashamed and angry, but couldn't say anything to refute.

The companion next to him wanted to help him, but he was immediately refuted:

"Can you revive the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers? Can you manipulate the emperor weapons to play the Extreme Dao power? Can you have the courage to fight the thirteen holy master-level powers and blast them to the scum? Do you really think you can do it? !"

Question after question, the arrogant, self-proclaimed holy sons, Tianjiao, were speechless!

Many elders of the Holy Land were silent, all showing solemn colors, looking at the long-lasting aura of extreme Dao in Hualongchi, their eyes were full of jealousy!

"What a catastrophe!"

"It's a good time to create a hero, Jiang Taixu is like this, and Lin Feng is even more so!"

"Why can't we have a character like Lin Feng and Jiang Taixu in our holy land?"


All kinds of characters in the holy city, no matter how strong or weak, have a thousand words in their hearts, and they couldn't vent their complex emotions even in the last three days and three nights.

What is different from this situation is the Hualong Pond, which has just been curtained by the war.

Jiang Taixu blessed everyone with endless divine power, even if the space inside and outside Hualongchi collapsed and destroyed, it would not be affected.

Jiang Yi and Fairy Caiyun, many powerful men of the Jiang Family God King generation, and Ye Fan and others who came to support them all came together with an expression of excitement.

Be yelling!

The sky-swallowing magic pot hit the ground, but Lin Feng suddenly fell to the ground weakly, his face extremely pale.

Obviously, even with the blessing of Jiang Taixu's divine king's power, with the cultivation base of the Dao Palace realm, forcibly urging the Supreme Dao Emperor's soldiers, it still hurt his vitality!

"Big Brother Lin!"

Ye Fan and others rushed in anxiously, and Tu Fei anxiously asked: "Old God King, Brother Lin has helped you so much, you can't help you die!"

Hearing this, Jiang Taixu smiled rarely: "Of course, my Jiang Taixu has always been grudges and grievances."

When the words were over, he raised his hand to weave array patterns, motivating the waves of the road, and treating Lin Feng.

During this process, all kinds of abnormalities in Lin Feng's body were seen.

The supreme bone, the heart of the demon emperor, the supreme dragon many wonders, it was Jiang Taixu's sight that a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Everyone did not notice, anxiously waiting for the result.

Little did he know that Jiang Taixu had so many supernatural powers that even Fairy Caiyun dared to regain it, and healed Lin Feng's internal injuries caused by loss of strength, of course.

After a long time, Jiang Taixu stopped his movements, retracted his hand and said lightly: "Okay."

Everyone looked at him, and he really saw Lin Feng healed from his injuries, his body surface was shining brightly, majestic and energetic!

Back to the peak state again!


There was a sudden sound, as if a sharp blade came out of his body.

But Lin Feng opened his eyes, like two vast divine lights, his eyes are deep and quiet, and there seems to be stars flowing inside!

At the same time, his breath rose step by step, and after Yu heartily exploded into himself, the shackles of Dao Palace Realm could no longer be suppressed by him.

The five internal organs in the body are infiltrated by the dragon aura and the power of the **** king, blooming endless divine light, leaking from the mouth, ears and nose, causing wonderful fluctuations!

"Big Brother Lin broke through!"

"This kid is really strange. When I broke through the four poles, I never aroused such a vision!"

"In my opinion, he has achieved the most complete cultivation in the Dao Palace Realm, and the power accumulated in his body is extremely large, and the accumulated strength is so great that he has generated such a huge momentum!"

Everyone When the light dissipated, Lin Feng gave a long roar, shaking the four wilds, and also announced that he had officially entered the four-polar state, and even reached the second heaven!

"Congratulations to En Gong!" Jiang Yun is affectionate and righteous, remembering Lin Feng's great grace, and now leading a group of strong Jiang family, congratulations!

Ye Fan and others are also extremely happy, like Lin Feng's breakthrough, more excited than their own breakthrough!

"Okay!" Even Jiang Taixu, who has always been indifferent, showed appreciation at this moment, stroking his palms and complimenting him.

Lin Feng accepted indifferently and nodded in greeting.

Next is the time to "reward on merit"!

But Jiang Yi looked embarrassed at this time. After he finished his congratulatory words, he said first: "Xiaoyou Lin, do you think it should be returned to me?"

When Lin Feng heard the words, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth were raised: "Well..."

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