Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 175: Take advantage of your strength, the shadow of the emperor!

Undead Mountain has existed for endless years, and it has bred countless creatures.

Whether it is birds, beasts and birds, or flowers, plants and trees, in such a magical area, there are opportunities for spiritual cultivation.

In ancient times, more powerful savage beast kings were born here.

Most of the strange beasts that surrounded Lin Feng were descended from wild beasts.

Some of the alien beasts that were attacked were bullheads and lions, some were elephant-nosed dog mouths, and some were antlers and python tails.

Although they have different shapes, they have one thing in common, that is, they all have a strong bloodline, and their brute force is amazing.

The weakest, but also powerful to shake the dragon cultivator!

Hundreds of huge alien beasts rushed in, turning into waves, with a terrifying momentum, vowing to drown and kill the alien creatures in front of them!

Attacks that destroy the mountains and crack the sea, covering the sky, come all together.

But at an extremely critical moment, Lin Feng was calm and indifferent, and he didn't even raise his protection.

He seemed to raise his head inadvertently, looking at the sky, as if he wanted to see the female emperor standing on the river of time and overlooking the sentient beings through the barriers of heavy shadows!

"You once wandered here, and now you come to witness my demeanor..." Lin Feng murmured.

The next moment, a storm-like attack fell!

Lin Feng and the enlightened ancient tea tree were instantly submerged under indiscriminate attacks.

The superimposed huge force shook the mountain, and the space confined by the law began to tremble violently!

However, this was only the beginning, and the riots continued without stopping.

More and more alien beasts set foot here, attacking frantically, and finally crowded into the alien beasts to fight in chaos, and the battlefield was extremely chaotic.

Obviously, even if it is a great power to dominate here, I am afraid that it will inevitably end in death!

However, there are always exceptions.

Enlightenment of the ancient tea tree and Lin Feng, the current situation is not so bad.

When the danger came, the former instinctively awakened all the **** leaves, affected the power of the avenue, easily hid into the void, and avoided all tangible attacks.

The latter was in the center of the storm, and did not dodge or dodge, but forcibly carried the attack with his body, letting the terrifying force hit him, but he did not say a word, but silently endured it.

The immortal mark on the eyebrows was violently shining with black light, and a strange force flowed in the limbs.

Lin Feng's injuries or broken or fractured injuries healed quickly under the black light.

But the immortal mark is not unsolvable, Lin Feng will always be exhausted when the intensity is sufficient.

It is undoubtedly impossible to persist for ten minutes in such a chaotic storm.

Lin Feng must do something to break this deadlock!

"Well...I will use external force to beat the immortal mark before the time has come."

Lin Feng thought to himself, completely letting go of all defenses, and masochistically greeted the attacks of alien beasts from all around him.

Every time the physical body is injured, it provides nourishment for the growth of the immortal mark!

Lin Feng stood indifferently at the center of the storm of strange beasts, completely disoriented at the deep and soulful pain that came from all over his body.

He counted the passage of time while observing the changes in the ancient tea tree for enlightenment.

At the same time that the sign-in time limit has passed more than half, Lin Feng moved!

With a divine light wrapped in his hand, he pulled out to easily detain the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment. Then he took out the black gold dragon sword and pointed it at the trunk, and said quickly: "Move the Mark of the Great, or I will cut you off!"

The edge of the black gold dragon sword flashed, and the enlightened ancient tea tree really felt the crisis!

If nothing else, life matters!

It trembles the tree violently, causing the gorgeous divine leaves above its head to emit endless light, and the breath of the avenue sweeps the world!


A bell that rang for nine days, rang from an endless distance, crossed the long river of time, and landed here.

In an instant, all the attacks on the court stopped abruptly.

The alien beasts stopped, as if they were frozen in place, their eyes flashed with fear, and they wanted to escape but couldn't move!

It's the breath of the Great!

A dark void suddenly appeared under the enlightened ancient tea tree.

What subsequently manifested was an ancient bell standing upright in the sky, and an extremely stalwart figure standing proud of the universe with its back against the starry sky.

Emperor Wu Shi!

The imprint reappears!

The shadow of the great emperor turned around slowly, revealing a faint breath of the great emperor, instantly causing the void to collapse, and the law shattered!

He seems to be carrying endless time and space and years, although it is a phantom, but every movement is so oppressive.

Lin Feng who appeared in front of him was still a fuzzy face, ignoring everything, only glanced at Lin Feng.

This is another look at each other across several eras.

But the difference is that this time facing distance, the great emperor's coercion was born, and the power overwhelmed the world, directly impacting Lin Feng and hurting his mind, spitting out a big mouthful of blood!


The Kowloon Hongmeng Purple Seal came out on its own and stood on top of Lin Feng's head, blatantly glorious.

Lin Feng wiped the corners of his mouth, his expression still indifferent, and he looked back at each other without fear, but saw that Emperor Wu Shi had already turned his head back.

What he looked at was the deep and secluded darkness in another phantom.

An equally illusory shadow appeared, with a grimace on his face, and dragged something familiar to Lin Feng.

Swallow the magic jar!

Ruthless Emperor!

As Lin Feng said, she also wandered in front of the enlightened ancient tea tree, leaving her mark.

The two marks of the emperor will meet in the present time after endless years.

The Phantom of Wu Shi Great is also ready.

But at this moment, Lin Feng suddenly kicked in, calling out the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar, resonating with the imprint of the Great Emperor in front of him!

In an instant, the breath of the great road released by the ancient tea tree of comprehension flowed to the phantom of Emperor Ruthless.

In the past, the ruthless people shed the Jidao imperial weapon transformed from the devil's womb, and it is the ownership of a touch of imprint.

Under Lin Feng's manipulation, the two were combined into one, giving the incomplete will of the great emperor a new supplement, and a ray of real spirit in the weapon suddenly appeared in the sky-swallowing magic pot!

Power multiplies more than ten times!

At the same time, the phantom of Emperor Ruthless disappeared silently, without any response to Lin Feng's behavior from beginning to end.

Lin Feng quickly retracted the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar, and a drop of cold sweat slipped on his forehead. It was obvious that he was just gambling.

The bottom line of a bet!

Obviously, the result did not disappoint Lin Feng.

He was right, the Great Emperor's Mark not only stunned the tide of alien beasts, but also allowed him to take this opportunity to repair the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Jar to a certain extent!

With the disappearance of the ruthless mark, Emperor Wu Shi's phantom gradually returned to nothingness.

Before dying out, Lin Feng clearly felt a pair of divine eyes peeping through the world, spanning the long river of time, scanning his foundation!

But Lin Feng, who has the system added, is not afraid.

"The time is up, congratulations to the host for signing in.

Get the sign-in reward: the immortal mark! "

The system prompt suddenly sounded, and the emperor's mark disappeared completely.

This means that the means of suppressing the group of beasts has been completely lifted, and the alien beasts have regained their ability to move, and their frantic roars once again occupy this lonely black mountain!


The earth trembled for it, and the storm of the beast tide rose again!

Lin Feng chuckled: "You play slowly, I won't be with you!"

The words are He stretched out his hand to probe, and forcibly detained the enlightened ancient tea tree, and stuffed it into the sea of ​​bloody bitterness!

The power of the endless avenue madly slammed his limbs and corpses, the five internal organs in his body were almost torn apart, and his soul trembled violently.

But he still laughed, a new super strong force was supporting his body and soul.

At the same time, a new round of attacks has already arrived, and the alien beasts want to intercept the ant action in front of them and drown him!

Lin Feng held up his head, his eyes burst into divine light, after the **** king pupil turned on, he directly chose a black pattern and stepped in without hesitation!


boom! ! !

The terrifying storm raged across the mountains and land, but the primary target disappeared instantly.

Only the strange beasts all over the mountains and plains are left, with big eyes and small eyes!

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