Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 181: Get all the essence of Styx, surprise Duan De!

"If you don't follow the way of heaven, you won't enter reincarnation!"

"Immortal and undefeated, unyielding and undefeated!"

"Life and death are fateful, but life is uncertain!"

"It's a devil, covering the sky with only one hand!"

This voice reverberated in Lin Feng's mind, like a sneer from nine days away.

Although this sound is ethereal and hard to find, it is extremely shocking!

The immortal immortal mark is circulating at a rapid rate at this moment.

A round of **** crescents appeared in the black hole that wiped out everything!

It was Lin Feng who absorbed the endless death aura and lost soul within the Styx, making the immortal immortal mark continue to grow, and the aura of the body and the soul became more powerful!

"It turns out that in the endless years, there have also been the strongest people who have grasped the immortal immortal mark, battled the sky and battled the earth, and enlightened with the power of one person!"

Lin Feng raised his head and sighed with emotion: "Although he is the one who is in charge of the universe from the outside world, he is different from the first-class emperor Tianzun, but the courage of such abandoning the avenue and proclaiming himself a heavenly devil is also admirable!"

This strong man who breaks the path with demons is completely different from the supreme beings in the major life forbidden zones.

Most of them are the ancient emperors of the past, knowing that they have no chance to become immortals, they have been cut off the emperor's status, and they have been relegated to quasi-emperors.

In the final analysis, these old immortals are unwilling to bury the loess here, and either want to live or to witness becoming immortal.

In the dark dòngluàn, tracing the roots, it is their ambition to kill all living beings with blood sacrifices for their own sake.

Lin Feng would naturally not criticize their right or wrong, because he can understand and understand.

No matter who it is, when his realm reaches a certain height, the scenery he sees is bound to be very different.

Even the essence of life has undergone earth-shaking changes. In their eyes, sentient beings are of course nothing but ant dust!

As long as they can live, the common people will only eat in their mouths, slaughtering them like grass, without any burden.

But it is also ridiculous that among these supreme ones, there have been people who have guarded the world and set up aspirations for the great harmony of the world!

It's just that, no matter how firm the belief is, in the face of years, in front of death, in the face of unwillingness to be unwilling to be able to win the Taoist immortal... it is so worthless!


The Jiulong Hongmeng Purple Seal, who always resisted the curse of the Styx River, released divine light above his head, interrupting his thinking.

The Styx surging again, not because the dragon gas stirred the black water, but because the external war caused waves.

Above the Styx, the Battle of Ssangyong has already entered a fever pitch.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The majestic and chaotic demon power stirs everywhere!

The collision of the pure physical body shakes Jiuxiao!

The Dragon Head and Beast King who did not hesitate to cut off the possibility of promotion, his body was shattered at this moment, and his tail was missing, but even if there was only a large smooth blood mouth left, his eyes were still red and he launched a fierce attack!

And the dragon of Styx, which has the body of the incomplete true dragon, under this kind of desperate style of play, the huge and incomparable body is also full of blood!

It raised its head and roared, how could it not imagine that the inferior Flood Dragon in front of him had such a tough resistance!

Frequent counterattacks, but little effect, can not shake the determination of the dragon to fight to the death, the crazy attitude of the dragon is just the manifestation of the spiritual creatures in the world and the law of obeying the law of the weak and the strong!

The unclear battle between the two has been endless, and this is precisely the result Lin Feng wants to see most.

The dragon of Styx has a deep background, but it seems that for some reasons, he has not tried his best and has reservations.

The Jiaolong is obviously barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. Even the demon pill is used to burn, and he is attacking at all costs. It is not without his chance of winning.

"Fight, the harder the fight, the better. In the end, both sides will lose, and that's when I make a profit!" Lin Feng secretly said.

At this moment, he was immersed in absorbing the breath of death and soul, and only divided a ray of spiritual sense to observe the external situation, waiting for the dust to settle.

For existences like the Dragon Head Monster King and the Styx Dragon, a great battle will definitely not end in a short while.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and soon three days passed.

The two sides are finally exhausted, the cards are all out, and they are insisting on a death fight only relying on the last **** nature. If one side is a little slack, it must be dead.

At this time, the pitch-black Styx had become gray, and it was Lin Feng who had been swallowing the essence of the Styx without interruption for three days, which caused an abnormal change in it, which was equivalent to a large part of weakening.

From the divine light released by the Jiulong Hongmeng Zixi, it can be clearly noticed that Lin Feng had struggled to resist the curse of the Styx at first, but now it is extremely easy.

The immortal imprint on the center of his eyebrows became deep and secluded, and the mark of the blood moon became prominent, releasing endless murderous aura!

"It's almost time."

Lin Feng stopped operating his mark and shrank his divine power, and the breath of the whole person soared several times!

He is meditating in the middle of the bottomless river, his black hair is scattered, his every move is full of misty meaning!

Slightly concentrating, a monstrous killing intent burst out again, causing the undercurrent of the Styx to surge wildly!

Surprisingly, it is a sign that the body is determined by the universe, and the rhyme of Taoism is beginning to appear!

This was only the tip of the iceberg that Lin Feng had promoted, and he had seized the essence of the Styx, which made Immortal Immortal Immortal remember a great improvement.

At this moment, with his ability to manipulate death and soul, half of the world's ghosts and evil spirits can bow down and become kings, and respect them!

If he wants to, he can practice a few more magic tricks to control demons, and he can even play a guest role as a peerless ghost master!


"The competition between the two powers is exhausted. At this moment, I can add a fire to my body, and the dust can settle and a result can be drawn!"

Lin Feng had a good calculation in his heart, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This mortal situation was revitalized, and he even had a chance to get a big chance from it, so naturally he felt happy when he thought about it.

After watching the battlefield, the Dragon of the Styx opened the last trump card-the power of talent, the dragon head alien king is almost dying.

Now, it can barely hung a sigh of relief, making a last senseless struggle.

This double dragon battle is finally about to decide the winner, and Lin Feng will naturally not let go of a great opportunity.

But just when he was about to get out of the meditation state and fly out of the Styx to act, the sudden change occurred!


A whistling sound of breaking through the air suddenly rang from far away.

What followed was a series of elongated screams:

"Ah-Immeasurable Tianzun!!!"

The sound fell Lin Feng immediately opened his eyes and shot out divine light. Through the barriers, he immediately saw a fat figure that turned into a streamer and flew toward this place at a rapid speed!

"Duan De?!" Lin Feng was slightly startled.

This fat Taoist priest also had good fate. He came from the light, passed through the aftermath of the battle between Shuanglong, and finally fell into the Styx with a "plop".

I don't know what magic weapon was put up, and a layer of green light is wrapped around his body, blocking the erosion of the already weakened Styx Curse.

"I've really fallen into blood mold for eight lifetimes. I just came out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's mouth. How come there are two monsters fighting here? To death!"

Duan De scolded and stood firm, observing the situation in the surrounding area, and immediately saw the stalwart figure surrounded by black water in the middle of the Styx River.

"Huh? Lin Feng? Such a coincidence?"

Duan De was stunned, looking at Lin Feng, who was staring at him indifferently, suddenly reacted, and immediately exclaimed: "Damn, so you are here!" 6

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