Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 214: Holy Character Token, Golden Winged Old Peng King!

Latest website: Countless monks who have heard the news of the birth of a great opportunity, and the monks who flocked to them, are now receding like a tide under the expulsion of the major holy places.

Just like the scene of the holy city transforming into the Dragon Pond that day, Jiang Taixu acted casually and erected an enchantment. The holy masters of the various holy sites entered one after another and started a secret conversation.

As for the content, it is naturally impossible to avoid the weird result deduced by the aura of the undead mountain-Fallen Xianling.

The various forces painstakingly lay out the actions and plans to explore the Undead Mountain, which is not considered complete.

Now there is another life restricted zone involved. It is false to say that it is not nervous or doubtful.

Even Lin Feng and other arrogant talents have noticed the strangeness, not to mention those big people who know the inside story.

Right now, the surrounding area of ​​the lively Undead Mountain has returned to its former calm, and the big storm that has previously been rolled up can be regarded as an end.

Of course, if you don't count those floating in the sky quietly and belong to the sacred palaces, this place is also very peaceful.

The Tianjiao went through the Undead Mountain and formed more or less friendship with each other, but due to the complicated relationship between the Holy Land Great Masters, there was not much communication, and they quietly returned to their respective camps.

Except for the deflated Saint Son of Wanchu and Saint Dayan in Lin Feng's hands, most people also expressed their gratitude to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't take credit for himself, and said hello one by one, agreeing to make friends with each other in the future.

Duan De sneaked out his head at this time, he was extremely cautious on such occasions, until the powerful people ran to the secret meeting, he took the courage, and brought the badly injured and unconscious Golden Wing Xiaopeng King to join Lin Shengeng.

He had been driving off as soon as he got out of the Immortal Mountain, but it was a pity that Lin Feng had always locked in his energy, so that he couldn't find any loopholes.

This also stems from the previous agreement between the two, that Lin Feng's due "remuneration" has not yet been settled, so naturally he will not leave Duan De to leave.

"Little friend is really the young emperor!"

Duan De rubbed his hands, his eyes gleaming: "With the four-pole pinnacle, he dared to challenge the holy lord of Shaking the Holy Land. Who would dare to compare with the Eastern Wilderness? Fat master, my respect for you, my little friend, is like that surging River water, continuous..."

"Okay." Lin Feng directly stretched out his hand and interrupted Duan De's flattery. He was too lazy to talk nonsense and pointed directly at Duan De's "universe in his sleeve".

"Hey, how can I be the kind of person who doesn't believe me, Fatty? I remember all the things I promised to my little friends!"

Duan De sighed slightly, took out a broken volume of ancient books from his sleeve and handed it out, with a painful look on his face: "This is the treasure snatched from the remnants of the Central Continent. It is extremely mysterious. , There are countless Dao patterns inscribed in it, it is very likely that it is a holy scroll left over from the ancients, and it contains secret methods against the sky..."

Lin Feng just glanced faintly, then decisively slapped Duan De's hand away, and said: "Dao Chang, I don't have time to break with you, the two dragon corpses in Styx and the elixir of the burial ground, you follow it. That's it, I don't bother to care about it, but don't cheat what you promised me!"

"I got it wrong, I got it wrong!"

Duan De smiled awkwardly, honestly put away the ancient books, and replaced it with a token engraved with the word "Holy", and said: "Before, the remnants of Zhongzhou used this object to urge the sky to shake Daoming, delaying the attack of the holy masters, the power is extremely terrifying!"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and took the token, but at this moment, an object in his sea of ​​suffering suddenly reacted.




In an instant, an inexplicable frenzied killing thought, like a raging wave, rushed towards Lin Feng's mind!

Lin Feng frowned slightly, moving the immortal mark calmly, the power of the soul is as strong as a sky tree, suppressing the killing thoughts, and then he followed the source into the sea of ​​suffering, but saw that the one originated from the killer gods. The token is trembling slightly at this moment, releasing blood!

"Relic of the Killer God Dynasty?" Lin Feng moved inwardly.

The terrifying light blending with the blood-colored bitter sea, revealing the aura that has long since fallen, it seems to be the last swan song of the old blood-colored age.

The strange expression of the "Kill" token gave Lin Feng another feeling that the token with the character "Holy" in his hand could perfectly suppress the unexpected movement in the sea of ​​bitterness.

His mind moved slightly, Lin Feng just did what he said, and he poured his divine power into the "Holy" token without any response. Then he poured his soul into the "Holy" token and immediately let the surface of the "Holy" token shine with divine light!

Hum! ! !

A sound of earth-shattering Taoism, booming, caused the situation to change, and the sound of the avenue echoed inside and outside the sky!

At the same time, the "Kill" token in Lin Feng's bitter sea instantly annihilated into slag, refining a trace of pure killing thought, and injecting it into Lin Feng's soul.

He learned the realm of the holy technique of murder, and immediately reached the top!

In this situation and situation, just as a king is coming to the world, Wanchen should worship!

For a while, the people in the holy places around the Undead Mountain were also alarmed, and they flew out one after another, using Taoism to investigate the situation.

But Lin Feng decisively withdrew his soul thoughts, the light on the surface of the "Holy" token was immediately dimmed, and the sound of the sound came to an abrupt end, and all the storm ended without a rush.

Duan De's mouth grew wide, a little stunned. Some vague memory fragments flashed through his mind extremely quickly. He wanted to capture some possible clues, but he couldn't touch half of it.

This situation didn't last long. When he waited for him to recover, he forgot the strangeness he felt before, but a trace of regret flashed across his face.

"Damn, I missed it again this time. I knew I would give it to another one, and I wouldn't sell it as a tattered treasure!" Duan De beat his chest and muttered frantically.

A faint light flashed in Lin Feng's eyes, but he ignored it. At this moment, he was still recalling the change of the two tokens in his heart.

The sound of Taoism resounded through the world, ordinary people were shaken in their hearts, let alone listen to details.

As a reminder, he found some unusual content!

"Heavenly Dao, Emperor...This token can arouse the will left over from the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. In this case, its origin is very likely to be an even older age."

There was a little ripple in Lin Feng's heart, dreaming infinitely: "Could it be the heavenly court of the first two generations?"

Duan De suddenly leaned over and said shamelessly: "Little friend Lin, this thing is a bit evil, I can't as well give it back to me, I will give you another more powerful reward!"

Lin Feng curled his lips, too lazy to respond.

Duan De refused to give up, and his eyes became a little blurred: "I'm serious, I seem to have seen this stuff before. As soon as the strange noise is heard, an inexplicable agitation will occur in my heart, and the feeling is indescribable. It's like that **** cheated me and laughed at me!"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Feng suddenly narrowed his eyes. He thought of something incredible, related to Duan De's past life!

"How about it?"

Duan De regained his appearance as a profiteer, rubbing his hands and said: "Don't say that I'm not righteous, I'm not righteous, this hot potato, it's useless for my little friend to hold it, isn't it?"

Lin Feng thought for a while, then glanced at Duan De, and suddenly smiled, and decisively took the "sage" token into the miserable sea, saying: "The chief of the road should leave soon, otherwise, when the gang of holy masters come out, Tianjiao will complain. I'll settle the account with you, I can't help you!"

Duan De shuddered abruptly when he heard the words, subconsciously wanted to run, but stopped halfway, pointed to the comatose Golden Winged Xiaopeng King, frowned and said, "Then what about this birdman?"

Lin Feng glanced at the sky where the divine power was fluctuating behind him, and smiled even more: "If the Dao Master takes him hostage and severely blackmails a wave of Tianpeng Clan, wouldn't he get the ransom?"

When the words fell, Duan De's eyes suddenly brightened, and he was a little bit happy: "Good idea, this birdman has chased me for so long. I tied him to the door of the Tianpeng clan and knocked on the source of a million catties. It's not too much!"

Just do it. Duan De didn’t know where to take out the rope. He immediately tied the Golden Wing Xiaopeng King to the five He pulled one end of the rope and held it in his hand, smiling cheerfully. .

He seemed to have thought of the chic time after extorting a lot of gods.


"Tie my Tianpeng clan’s saint son, fat man, you are so bold!!!"

A sonorous and powerful shout, penetrated the clouds, and rumbling echoed in the Undead Mountain area!

Duan Dehu's body was shocked, and when he looked around, he saw hundreds of streamers rushing in the sky far away!

"Damn, another birdman?!" Duan De was shocked.

The first one, the wind and cloud disappeared in the passing place, and the golden light diffused across the wild, like a kunpeng descending to the world, and the powerful breath coerced the audience!

And the elders of the great holy land who were also alarmed, have successively stated the name of the existence:

"Golden Winged Old Peng King!"

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