Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 241: The darkness is boundless, the **** battle of transcendence!

"The power of these fields..."

Shi Hao's expression became solemn to the extreme. Although he was not the target the corpse was targeting, he was only tainted with a few minutes of prestige, and he felt the pressure was overwhelming.

As strong as him, under this mighty power that truly represents the power of the immortal emperor, the half-footed immortal emperor realm that has evolved with it, is also helpless.

Looking at the leopard, Lin Feng, who is at the center of the storm at the moment, will be under pressure. It is definitely not something that the quasi-immortal emperor can handle. The gap in the realm of the immortal emperor is undoubtedly difficult to overcome!

"From now on, this emperor will re-control the universe and the heavens, and all things will become empty!"

The corpse uttered a sound that shook all directions: "Kill you, after generations, there will be no more variables that can threaten this emperor!"

The forbidden realm was avoided, and the corpse relied on the powerful power of the immortal emperor to bypass the shackles of cause and effect, and bombarded the terrifying secret technique in the present world!

boom! boom! boom!

The rules of order are broken, time goes by!

In the void, there was a sudden wave of violent fluctuations, swept the Dark Emperor, all the dazzling and immeasurable light surged toward Lin Feng, and everything involved in it was annihilated into nothingness in the light.

This momentum shocked the Quartet Universe, setting off the years of time!

There is nothing to stop, nothing to stop, those who dare to face, only fall!

Even Shi Hao gritted his teeth silently when he saw such a terrifying scene.

He knew that even if he did his best, he would definitely not be able to resist it.

Under the absolute crushing gap, Lin Feng's hope of survival is almost zero!

"The realm of detachment..."

At this moment, in the center of the endless storm, a calm word came: "As far as I am concerned, it is not a rare thing."

"Arrogant ant." The corpse laughed indifferently.

In the next moment, the endless fairy emperor runes exploded in the universe, surpassing the quasi-immortal emperor, representing the real stepping into the realm of the emperor's way, surpassing all the power, and crashing in the center of the storm where Lin Feng is located!

puff! puff! puff!

This is the collapse of the void, the rules of order between heaven and earth, the sound of all the emperors being twisted into powder!

Shi Hao took a sudden step, stepped through time, and displayed the supreme method to stop the leakage of this terrifying emperor's prestige.

He had to take action, but it was not to rescue Lin Feng, who was already suspected by him, and forcibly intervening was meaningless.

What he really does is for the eternal creatures of the heavens. Once the emperor's prestige is allowed to erupt, whether it is the dilapidated sea or the lost fairyland, they will once again face the disaster of extinction. He must not let this tragedy happen again!

"It's another ant of later generations."

The voice of the corpse shook the world: "surrender or die!"

"Dream your dreams!"

Shi Hao ignored him, desperately urging the Supreme Law, and struggling to kill the emperor's prestige a little bit, carrying a gap that made people almost desperate, he exploded with endless potential, vowing to be for this devastated world, and then To win an Anping, live up to the name of Emperor Huangtian!

The corpse saw this scene in his eyes, and his mood was still like the eternal night, with endless silence.

However, there was a glimmer of light in the eyes that turned into imperial road runes, which seemed to be quite interesting for the amazing strength displayed by the "ants" in front of them.

"The good fortune is boundless and wonderful. Except for the reincarnation who is about to fall into my hand, there is still another variable for later generations, so close to the realm of the immortal emperor!"

The corpse uttered like a ruthless trial: "Unfortunately, those who violate the emperor's prestige are doomed to perish, and so are you."

The words fall, a shadow that penetrates the years, tears through the ancient seal, rises from the boundless darkness, and descends on the spot at a speed that surpasses time!

Da Luo Jian Embryo!

No, it should be called the Emperor Sword!

Shi Hao really faced the immortal emperor's coercion, Zhen Ling trembled involuntarily, and the gray sword embryo in front of him gave him a feeling of being choked by his throat!


Without any signs, the Emperor Sword cut off, ignoring everything, and directly cut off Shi Hao's head!

Shi Hao didn't even have time to react!

But he transferred the true spirit ahead of time, and the supreme realm was enough to support him, even if he was killed by the lords.

"He is at ease!"

Shi Hao roared, this heaven-defying killer move made his body separated from the corpse, instantly recovering in the light of the years!

"He is forever!"

With another sound, Shi Hao, who had returned to the top, suddenly opened his hands, endless power swept through everything, and directly led to the long river of time. Countless Shi Hao in time and space appeared on the spot at the same time, fearless and fearless, launching an attack on the corpse of the invincible world. Cut!


The eyes of the corpse shone immensely: "There is actually such a way!"

He was at ease, he was immortal, and his prestige shook Zhou Yu, but the final result was not so satisfactory.

The corpse didn't even dodge, it just mobilized the power of the immortal emperor, so that the huge emperor chair stretched out countless dark chains, blocked in front of him, and easily blocked all the attacks!

This is an irreparable gap!

"The realm of detachment..."

Shi Hao closed his eyes in pain and murmured repeated words.

"This method is wonderful, comparable to that of the arrogant ant's method of reincarnation, but unfortunately it has not evolved to the extreme."

The voice of the corpse turned into a Taoist roar, with endless indifference and ruthlessness: "If you haven't set foot in the emperor's way, it will be an ant after all!"

When the words fell, the emperor sword would go again, cut off the heavens, invaded the ages, and beheaded every Shi Hao on the long river of time into nothingness!

In the end, it was Shi Hao's only law body, and he was not immune to disaster. In the final stage of his self-reliance, he was also cut by thousands of swords, and time fell and annihilated into ashes!

Huang Tiandi has been killed!

The corpse seemed to have done a trivial thing, his face did not change, and he turned his shocking eyes to one side again. In the area in the middle of the storm that was flooded by immeasurable light, he saw the standing white figure in it!

"You didn't do anything, did you deliberately let him perish?" The corpse suddenly asked.

"Yes, but you are too weak, but he is not dead." Lin Feng's voice came from the storm.

"Your stubborn resistance is as ridiculous as your arrogance."

The corpse said: "Next, you will eventually follow in his footsteps."

After all, the coercion of the immortal emperor blasted out, and the boundless immortal emperor's runes were condensed into a supreme technique, shattering everything!

That terrifying power melted into the storm, time and space broke, and the white shadow of the gods began to useless. "

Lin Feng is in a desperate state of death, but his words still do not contain any emotions: "Even if the realm of the immortal emperor is detached from everything, it will not be able to obliterate reincarnation."

After the words were over, a shocking scene appeared.

The storm quietly annihilated amidst the sound of friction.

The immeasurable light that swept across Zhou Yu was burned into nothingness by two groups of flames that burned cause and effect.

The world has turned into a boundless fire field, and the coercion and supreme law of the immortal emperor's level have also been melted by a force that shakes the long river of time!

The corpse was extremely shocked, and the words trembled: "This is impossible, your reincarnation is just a piece of dust!"

"How can you overlook the starry sky without stepping on the dust?"

Lin Feng appeared, standing at the end of the eternal heavens, with his back leaning on the reincarnation oven, his eyes turned into a fire that burned out cause and effect!

This endless river of time was stepped under his feet, and bursts of detached power radiated from the past and future dharmakayas on both sides of him. They have never been wiped out, and there has never been a fusion, but because they are the reincarnation of their own camps, And burst out a stalwart power that transcends everything!

The past was extremely weak, and the future is extremely strong!

But in the present world, both have both, can control the reincarnation of heaven, and can also manipulate the taboos of cause and effect. Who can be the enemy?

"You actually use my power to realize the reincarnation of the immortal emperor?!" The corpse uttered, with extreme shock and unwillingness, like roaring that day.

"That's right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Lin Feng rubbed his fingers, and the three dharmakayas of the past, present, and future all appeared behind the reincarnation oven!

On top of it, scenes of scenes between reality and illusion are presented, spanning time and years, and become one, superimposing unlimited possibilities!

The next moment, Lin Feng's body burst out with an aura no weaker than that of a corpse.

That is...representing the realm of the immortal emperor!

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