Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 247: Killing the game and chaos, one corner of the truth!

     Years are turbulent, Zhou Yu is shocked!

   The frantic aura of destruction broke out from the battlefield in an instant, and instantly swept across the heavens and all realms.

  Above the long river of time, Lin Feng, who bears two lights of the past and the future, looks like a **** and devil, his eyes are red, and he is arrogant!

   He desperately urged the three reincarnation ovens behind him, letting it release an endless aura of destruction, sweeping everything in front of him.

   This endless boundless realm, under the impact of this terrifying destructive force, has gradually broken apart!

   "Stop it!!!" Shi Hao roared endlessly.

   After peeping through the emperor's way, his pale expression has changed now!

   Since he has set foot in the emperor's way, he has an insight into the past and present, and he knows better than anyone.

   If this realm, which has bred countless creatures, is destroyed by Lin Feng, the consequences will be terrifying!

   At that time, good fortune will turn into nothingness, the era will no longer exist, and everything will return to the ruins.

   Only the immortal emperor who is beyond Zhouyu can survive!

   Only Shi Hao survived, and there is no hope in the future. What's the point of standing at the pinnacle of the ages?

   Shi Hao, who has the hearts of all the heavens and the common people, carries out the belief in invincibility, he would never allow such a terrifying catastrophe to happen and bring disasters to this world.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to unfold his freedom, and separated countless selves, appeared in every corner of the long river of time, shot together, overwhelming the world with power, and exploded the chaos in front of him in one fell swoop, he wanted to stop Lin Feng Crazy move!


   There was a terrifying rubbing sound, abruptly!

   This is the entire Zhou Yu, after Shi Hao took a step, the fragmentation became more serious!

   Obviously, this world cannot bear the horrible cause and effect of two immortal emperors fighting each other to death!

   Shi Hao ignored him, and he couldn't find a better way. Only by swiftly killing Lin Feng, could this catastrophe of extinction be eliminated.

   He gritted his teeth, ignoring rules and order, smashing time and years, using his self-contained imperial Taoism cultivation base, and surpassing all obstacles, finally came to Lin Feng, and completely broke the barriers of reincarnation!

   Boom! ! !

   Only Lin Feng and Shi Hao can clearly hear the terrifying vibration, which violently agitated and exploded inside!

   That is the seemingly unrelated fate line in the dark, at this moment, it is connected.

   The closeness of the two made Shi Hao who was aware of it all amazed.

   On the eve of this destruction, Shi Hao couldn't help but recall the scenes after the Jiehai War.

It was Lin Feng, who killed powerful enemies with him, wiped out the darkness with him, talked and laughed with him, and faced the terrifying corpse fairy emperor with him, and uncovered the dark taboos and secrets with him. Rebirth from the cocoon in the redemption, and finally able to ascend to the Immortal Emperor!

  Why did the partners who once fought side by side become the immortal enemies now?

   The original intention is not this, the situation is chaotic!

   Who directed all this behind the scenes?

  The thoughts for an instant, Shi Hao's mind flashed through the future Law Bodies that were beyond reincarnation.

   A flash of spiritual light flashed, like a divine initiation.

   "The ruined future, with just one glance, planted evil hands and feet in my mind."

   Shi Hao's expression was stern, and he became sober in the collision of turbulent thoughts.

   He decisively cut off the killing intent on Lin Feng in his mind, and a trace of black smoke floated above his head, directly turned into nothingness.

   He got a glimpse of the truth!

   This ending, shouldn't be so ridiculous!

"Close hand!"

   Shi Hao stared at Lin Feng, his eyes glowing like electricity, and he roared low. In his voice, he tried his best to suppress the restless emotions: "You should understand.

   Even if I really obliterated your present before, you will not perish in the end, you will only return to the reincarnation that truly belongs to you with time.

   Now, as long as you stop all of this, there is still room for change between us, and there is still time to remedy everything! "

   The sound is like thunder!

   Shi Hao's sincere persuasion fell into Lin Feng's ears, but Lin Feng's breath was stagnant, and he turned his head abruptly.

   But what Shi Hao saw was a lost crimson.

   Lin Feng has already fallen into the devil!

   Seeing the ever-expanding aura of destruction, the three frantically restless ovens of reincarnation, Shi Hao couldn't wait.

   "I owe you, I will pay you back when I see you in the future!" Shi Hao gritted his teeth.

He clenched his fist, and without hesitation, poured the supreme Immortal Emperor's power into burying the **** uneasiness in his heart together with Lin Feng's present moment, exploding everything he saw in front of him, and sending Lin Feng back to his own. Reincarnation time and space!

   But at this moment, a detached and powerful force of reincarnation suddenly lay in front of Shi Hao, blocking his time.


   An indifferent voice sounded, it was the disappearing future law body, carrying his hands on his back, pacing out of a reincarnation oven!

   "You!" Shi Hao was furious.

   The power of reincarnation that shrouded Shi Hao's body did not belong to the present, but broke the barriers of this world, and originated in a more distant future.

   There is no way to find, it is full of forbidden areas that cannot be touched!

   "There is no need to get angry. This is my battle with him. You should thank me. Only I can prevent the demise of this world."

   Future Law Body said lightly.

   He waved his hand, and more power of reincarnation emerged like a jubilant ocean wave, turning into a dazzling infinite light.

   The rays of light penetrated through the ages of the past, spent boundless time, shining on the ever-changing world, but unexpectedly suppressed Lin Feng, and contained the aura of destruction in the corner of reincarnation!

   Shine also isolates Shi Hao.

   Fighting without power, the future Law Bodies will only use reincarnation to directly cut off Lin Feng's connection with this realm, making Shi Hao out of reach.

   The future Law Bodies suddenly appeared to perform actions, which actually prevented the frenzied destruction that Lin Feng was about to bring!

   In this contest between Lin Feng's ontology and the future Dharmakaya, Shi Hao knew very well that it was indeed difficult for him to intervene.

   I want to break through in a short time. This barrier that separates two different reincarnations is not a simple matter.

   How easy is it to break through a cycle?

   Not to mention This is actually the highest realm block inspired by Lin Feng's enchantment, burning the mark of reincarnation.

   When the two are added together, it's like a tens of thousands of heavens. With conventional means, it can't be shaken at all!

   But even so, Shi Hao still shot.

   He did not hesitate to crush the current rules, display the power of the emperor's way, and desperately to attack the strange reincarnation in front of him!

   But this is still useless.

   "Your behavior is ridiculous."

   Future Law Body shook his head and said, "He is me, and I am him. It's just the entanglement between the past and the relationship, the choice that diverges on the road.

   Although you and I are in different reincarnations, if you want to help him, don't you mean you are helping me? "

   Shi Hao became calm when he heard the words, he knew it, but he was unwilling, and said blankly: "Who is ridiculous?

   I only know that he is him, you are you, he still has the most precious thing I think.

   And you have already thrown that thing into the mud, and even feel complacent about it! "

   The moment the words fell, the future law body smiled, and he wanted to refute, but suddenly his face changed, he turned his head abruptly, and looked back.

   There, Lin Feng, who was suppressed, actually moved...


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