Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 266: There is a way to kill, and the East Desolation has changed drastically!

Wan Jie taught Tianjiao is dead.

The **** dog pierced his head with the broken sword, and the divine might erupted in the sword directly smashed his soul into powder.

Perhaps this direct and painless method of death is the only benevolent gift left by the **** dog to the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect.

The **** dog once wondered where the extremely powerful Broken Sword held by Lin Feng came from, and why did Lin Feng ask him to use this Broken Sword to do it?

These were two questions that arose in his mind at the time.

However, when he saw the corpse of the Myriad Tribulations Sect, that flower of the Spiritual Soul that was rising and not yet extinct, was ruthlessly absorbed by the broken sword, and then the cracks healed for a few minutes, he vaguely learned about it. The answer to the second question.

With the existence of this sword, Lin Feng didn't know how much killing would be caused afterwards.

Big Black Dog thought bitterly.

And the answer to the first question, he learned from Lin Feng's deep and boundless eyes.


The **** dog is a little scared. If he didn't follow Lin Feng's words and showed signs of a different position, Lin Summit would not kill him with him?

He didn't dare to delve into it, let alone try.

Because Lin Feng's changes in some aspects made him shudder, he could even confirm some possibilities.

If Lin Feng used to be for the sake of his companions, he could abandon some important interests without hesitation.

So now Lin Feng is afraid that he is dedicated to enlightenment, so no matter who it is, as long as he dares to stand in his way, he will undoubtedly die!

Lin Feng's "Tao" has given Lin Feng more power than before, but at the same time I am afraid that it will also suppress Lin Feng's principles and the glorious emotions and desires that Lin Feng has displayed... It is even possible to wipe it out!

The blood-stained night returned to calmness again, and the heavy stimulus floating in the nose could not be eliminated.

It was still reminding the **** dog how **** and cruel this killing after Lin Feng appeared.

He stood in a pool of blood, looked at Lin Feng speechlessly, opened his mouth several times, but couldn't say a word.

This was not only because of the oppressive power Lin Feng gave him, but also because of the trance that was difficult to return to after the slaughter.

How much he wanted to ask Lin Feng, what happened in the two years since he disappeared in the cave, and why he became the way he is now.

"Do you think I am cruel?" Suddenly, Lin Feng spoke, but his tone was extremely calm.

The **** dog was shocked. After hesitating for a while, he replied: "To be honest, although I know that the realm of cultivation is the principle of the weak and the strong, it is not you who kills me, or I kill you. If you fail to make a move in the end, I am afraid that there will be It's possible to be buried in their hands, but..."

"But I'm going too far, am I?"

Lin Feng interrupted the words of the **** dog, and slightly nodded: "Of course I can avoid this killing, but you know, it will also bring me a lot of unnecessary trouble. I slaughtered them, not just for the sake of Your revenge is to put me in a favorable position. After all... people outside think that I died in Fallen Immortal Mountain, and only you and them know the news of my rebirth."

The **** dog was taken aback for a moment, then sighed and said sincerely: "I just don't want you to fall into a slaughter!"

He emphasized very seriously: "Do you know? Throughout the ages, I don't know how many heroes of Tianjiao have become crazy because they are immersed in the pleasure of ignoring the rules. They are either swallowed by the heart demon, or fall into the devil's way enthusiastically, and be surrounded by others. Killing and dying, there is no end in the end, I don't want you to become that kind of person. There are many solutions to things, and we don't need to be confined to extremes at all!"

"you are right."

Lin Feng nodded, patted the head of the **** dog, and smiled calmly: "But I will never sink into killing or darkness, because I deeply understand, and I know the ultimate goal of all this. Acts are responsible for this ultimate goal."

The **** dog was silent, his eyes flickering, he was obviously not convinced.

Lin Feng shrugged and said earnestly: "Just like the original Emperor Wu Shi, he did not tremble and flow in all directions in order to suppress the darkness and turmoil hundreds of thousands of years ago?

But look at him, didn't he still uphold his original mind, and was not deceived by the frenzy and demons in it? What is my doing today compared to his killing?

You are so familiar with him, so naturally you understand, because Wu Shi knows the meaning of doing all this, the essence is to avoid more killings, so that the world will not be attacked by darkness and keep peace.

Not to mention the Great Emperor Hengyu, the Great Emperor Void is first-rate, which person who has reached the top is not covered with blood in his hands? But this does not mean that they are all lunatics who kill for the sake of killing, or thugs who ignore the rules. "

"Then what is your purpose?" the **** dog suddenly said.

"My purpose..." Lin Feng's eyes were blurred. He recalled the words and sentences of the future law body in the ultimate ancient land, the cruelty and darkness after the truth was revealed, and he couldn't help sighing: "My The purpose is simple, nothing more than a reversal."

"Reverse? Reverse what?"

"Unforeseen dark future."

"...To be honest, I can't understand what you are talking about in the future! But I seem to have seen something terrible in your eyes. I smelled horror, like...destruction !"

The words of the **** dog fell, but Lin Feng was silent, and his expression became even more elusive.

After a long time, when the **** dog hurriedly scratched his head, Lin Feng slowly said: "You don't need to know too much. The only one who can bear and break it is me. Just like you don't want to be resurrected all the time, I You can also contribute everything for this goal."

The **** dog was dumb.

But Lin Feng is no longer willing to talk more: "Let's talk about it, what happened to the Eastern Wilderness in the days I left, and why did you end up in such a panic?"

When the **** dog heard the words, his expression suddenly became gritted: "What else can it be? Blame that **** guy!"

Lin Feng moved slightly in his heart and motioned to the **** dog to continue.

"All of this has to start when we enter Fallen Mountain."

The **** dog said bitterly: "Do you still remember that Shaking Son?"

Lin Feng nodded: "I taught him in the Undead and later he was rescued by the Shaker."

"It's this bastard!" The **** dog yelled, "He used to pretend not to know how low-key he was. Later, he seemed to have some chance, and his strength soared. The whole person was about to be dragged to the sky, and he was gathering power everywhere. Come together with the son of Wanchu, the son of Dayan, and began to preach about the threat of the Eucharist, so that the kid Ye Fan was completely blinded, and he was besieged many times by the younger generation of the Eastern Wilderness. Even I didn't let it go!"

Lin Feng frowned: "Where is the old king?"

Before he set off, he had already arranged everything, and the feud between Ye Fan and the Jiang family was eliminated, and he should have become a guest.

Ye Fan also participated in the battle to defend the king of the holy city, and the old king promised to give shelter and provide a lot of resources to practice.

With this precondition, how could Ye Fan return to the precarious days of fleeing before?

Who knows that the **** dog sneered and said: "Old God King? He can't protect himself!"

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