Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 268: Endless shady, holy light reflects the sky!

     Lin Feng actually foresees some future, so he can stand on a high place and clearly see the essence of the turmoil in the Eastern Famine.

  All terrifying crises are coming towards him and Ye Fan, and they are unstoppable.

   Whether it is the quasi-immortal powerhouse from the future when I look back in the sea of ​​bounds, or the shocking scenes of time I have seen when I return.

   He knows well that the darkness is not over.

   The seeds of conspiracy were artificially sown, and after several eras of nourishment, they have grown into a huge threat.

   The mysterious organization represented by this mysterious person is probably only one of them.

   Jiang Taixu's serious injury means that they don't want the dark turmoil to be discovered.

   Although the people who will start the dark turmoil in this generation are those who live in the forbidden zone of life.

   But their pursuit of eternal life, forcing their way into the emperor's way, and picking up the fruits of the way, is it not giving power to the darkness behind the scenes?

   If they want to kill all the existence that affects the established destiny, they must create unprovoked killings on this road!

Just like the torrent of history, some people can’t break through the fog, so their destiny remains unchanged, and they are always trapped in a small world; but some people are destined to go upstream and into the boundless darkness. Here, become the biggest variable!

   These complicated clues made him feel quite heavy.

   But he firmly believes that as long as the ultimate goal of these conspiracies is to point to the last battle, then everything that strikes will not be so terrible.

   He once stood at the highest level, and these crises in front of him are really nothing.

   Lin Feng thought for a long time, but still did not explain to the **** dog, only said lightly: "Go on, what happened later."

   The **** dog looked at Lin Feng with weird eyes. In fact, he was almost immune to Lin Feng's mysterious attitude.

   Whether it is the reason for Lin Feng's disappearance for two years or Lin Feng's soaring strength, these doubts that Lin Feng does not want to respond are all backlogged in the heart of the **** dog. What if there is one more?

   He didn't know how to take Lin Feng, and unknowingly, he already had a certain sense of fear for Lin Feng.

   "Lin Feng, what are you carrying on your back?" The **** dog drooped his head, looked at Lin Feng, and meditated in his heart.

   Unexpectedly, Lin Feng cast a deep gaze, as if he could see through his mind, and smiled: "What do you think of me? Say it."


The **** dog coughed twice, not daring to look directly at the dazzling gaze, and hurriedly said: "After the war ended, many forces withered one after another, and many forces took advantage of the situation, and the major sacred places, families, and teachers, I don’t know. For what reason, he has been dormant since that war, and refused to mention the pursuit of that mysterious man.

   Some people have speculated that it was because the mysterious man was too powerful, and he directly frightened the entire Eastern Wilderness powerhouse and did not dare to retaliate. There is also speculation that it is the great sacred places and the mysterious man who have reached some kind of agreement...

   Anyway, each family has its own opinions, and the opinions are different, and there is no conclusion until now, but as you said, the mysterious person did not appear again afterwards! "

   Lin Feng nodded lightly.

The **** dog glanced at Lin Feng surreptitiously, and said: "In the past two years, not only has the pattern of the Eastern Wilderness changed drastically, but even the older generation of strong men who had been active have left the field one after another. It hurts oneself, otherwise it will definitely not be easy to make a move. On the contrary, the younger generation of arrogances stepped onto the stage, in this miserable and chaotic world, swaying their "talents" to their heart's content."

   "This is actually a compromise between the major forces."

   Lin Feng said with a cold tone: "Too many unclean things have been mixed in the Donghuang nowadays."

"Yes!" The **** dog seemed to feel the same way: "Now any stinky fish, rotten shrimp, dare to stand up and call the boss, shake off the **** of the holy son. During this period, I don't know how to jump, what kind of holy The sub-meng is causing trouble everywhere. Taking advantage of the serious injury of the old king, he spread rumors, erecting Ye Fan as a great disaster, and offering a reward for killing all those close to him. What fat Taoist priest, because he was close to Ye Fan, also People are chased and screamed every day. I think it’s because they have a very close relationship with you. They dare to retaliate while you are away!"

   "A bunch of clowns." Lin Feng looked careless.

To be honest, he really didn’t put Shengzi Shaoguang in his eyes. Although Shengzi Shaoguang hid a lot of secrets, his vision was always limited to the Eastern Wilderness. After all, he couldn’t be a great cause. It was a **** dog now. Lin Feng's situation makes Lin Feng feel quite interesting.

   Thinking of this, Lin Feng asked: "What about you? How did you get into the Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect?"

   "Hey, look at what you said, the emperor of Wan Jie Pao hasn't paid attention to it yet, and he doesn't even bother to provoke him. They don't have the qualifications yet!"

As the **** dog said, his mouth was almost crooked to the sky: "But, you know, I entered Fallen Xianling with you. The lard of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect was blinded, and somehow followed Shaoguang Shengzi got together. In order to flatter him, he took him to Fallen Xianling several times. It seemed that he wanted to find you, but he ended up without a problem. I thought he was upset, so I taught him a few times."

   "It was just a lesson, did he shout and kill you?" Lin Feng's mouth raised.

   "Uh... I took him as a pet and instigated him to steal the baby."

The **** dog said angrily: "Who knows this kid ghost spirit, secretly called the **** son of Shaoguang Shengzi, and rescued him. Then Shengzi Shaoguang didn't know what medicine he had taken wrong, he was iron-hearted. To catch me, fortunately, I run fast, otherwise I will be vomited to death by the gang of juniors, and my fame will be defeated!

However, the Wanjiejiao kid ended up very miserably. Somehow this matter was known by the Wanjiejiao high-level officials. It is estimated that he felt that he was insulting the teacher and directly deprived him of his inheritor status and was reduced to an ordinary disciple. Recently I heard about him. What contribution I have made recently, I almost climbed back to the original position, so I rushed to squat on me in a hurry, trying to wash my shame, but in the end I didn't get what I wanted, and I ended up hanging here. "

   After listening to some words, Lin Feng roughly understood what happened.

   Moreover, he was keenly aware of the tricks of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect's trip, involving the Shaking of the Son, I am afraid that things are not that simple.

"I said, let's go to Ye Fan?" The **** dog sighed, "That kid has been unhappy every day since he knew that you were Every day, he didn't fight with the holy sons of the holy land, just fight. Cultivating for life, the state has become more and more crazy!"

   Mentioning Ye Fan, Lin Feng sighed: "It is a good thing that he can turn grief and anger into motivation."

"It's as if you are really dead." The **** dog shook his head, glanced at the terrifying blood river below his eyes, and said in a slow tone: "We are really gone. The Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect has a special induction method, you After slaughtering so many people of Wanjiejiao, there must be something on their bodies. They can't be unaware. Maybe they are rushing to take revenge like crazy now. Let's leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible!"

   "No, they come to kill me I want." Lin Feng said calmly.

  Speaking, Lin Feng took out a piece of jade covered with blood.

   The **** dog was surprised, he naturally recognized this thing, it was the belongings of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Cult Tianjiao, but he didn't know what Lin Feng took this thing.


   The jade was suddenly crushed by Lin Feng, and a burst of spiritual light burst out from it, and suddenly shot into the sky, blooming like fireworks.

   Under the sky, the dazzling brilliance reflected the horror of the **** dog's face: "This is...Holy Light Art? Are you swaying the Son of Light?!"

   Lin Feng nodded indifferently, looking at the decadent night of Donghuang, murmured:

   "It's time to leave, but before I leave, let me know about it..."


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