Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 271: 8 hexagrams of the universe, lock 4 directions!

     "Half a step!"

   The **** dog jumped three feet high, and his hair suddenly exploded: "Boy Lin, this time we really have fun!"

   Floating light and glimpsing, ghosting into light.

   After Lin Feng lightly confessed his "crime," the powerful man named Qin Lao, without a little bit of discussion, with endless anger, turned into a light and shadow to rush and rush, like a broken bamboo!

   The half-step mighty level of coercion, and the violent surging divine power, directly crushed the sand and gravel along the way into dust, and rolled up a hundred feet of wind and cloud, forming a terrifying energy storm!

   This situation and situation were shocked. It is no wonder that the **** dog was so horrified that the dog's paws with the Dao pattern shook.

However, Lin Feng still appeared to be very calm. Today is different. He has experienced the epic battles of Jiehai Retrospect. He really can't pay much attention to the scene before him, or to say... this scene. , It's too trivial!

Seeing Lao Qin rushing towards with Haohao, he had crossed a distance of nearly a hundred feet in a blink, flying like a huge shadow, but Lin Feng followed the reflected light and looked at the hundreds of disciples of the Cult of Ten Thousand Tribulations. , And the six elders of the Myriad Tribulations Sect with unbelievable expressions.

   Lin Feng saw the horror in their eyes, and also saw through the unconcealed greed. Coupled with the hand that they subconsciously touched the jade pendant on their waist, Lin Feng immediately noticed that a little weird smell was spreading.

   "I still have a strong desire for me as a ‘dead person’..." Lin Feng slowly narrowed his eyes, opening and closing a breath of extreme danger.

   "That old mad dog is here! Hurry up!" The **** dog suddenly shouted.

   There was a violent wind whistling in his ears, like a sudden sandstorm, shocking and noisy.

   "You can't go anywhere! Die to me!!!" The hoarse words suddenly sounded.

   The old man had already rushed to the front, and in an instant Kie Yin had a spell blast, and stretched out his shriveled hand to grab Lin Feng.

   He really wants to capture Lin Feng alive and tortured cruelly with various means to repay the pain of losing his lover!

   The **** dog desperately painted the Dao pattern, but in the middle of its formation, it was torn apart by Qin Lao's powerful Dao skills, and his prestige remained undiminished. The black dog appeared to be completely dark, and it was about to swallow the **** dog with a look of astonishment!

   All this is a long story, but in fact it is only a few breaths of time, let alone a **** dog, even the Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect is caught off guard.

   But the **** dog didn't have time to think too much. He gritted his teeth and retreated desperately, trying to pull Lin Feng into the previously arranged transmission pattern.

   But at this moment, Lin Feng moved.

   With his strong hand, he gently pressed the panicked **** dog.

   Then, facing the powerful attack that was in front of him, he just faintly said:


  In an instant, an invisible force gushed from Lin Feng's body, communicating with the highway, affecting the rules, and finally swept past.

   actually made the Dao Shu in front of him undefeated, and instantly disintegrated from the inside, without the slightest power of attack!

   "Whatever you say?!" The **** dog whispered, his expression unsure, unable to confirm the source of this power.

   Old Qin was shocked when he saw this angry blow easily resolved.

   But the monstrous hatred in his heart finally made him lose his mind, and before a moment, he once again made a ferocious face and rushed forward fiercely.

   Sendai one layer of sky, half-step powerful strength, so that he can ignore all the means of resistance that the junior in front of him can have.

   The crushing of the realm is in front of you, even if it is the supreme body that is once famous?

   If weak versus strong, you have to die!

   "Incompetent juniors, with only four extremes, dare to violate the majesty of the old man!"

   Old Qin grinned twice, his extended hand was close to Lin Feng's head, and he didn't even take the slightest precaution.

   Seeing the horrified eyes of the **** dog, he even imagined in his mind that he had broken Lin Feng's head, and the joyful scene after detaining Lin Feng's soul!


   "Lock." Lin Feng fell indifferently.

Puff puff!

   Eight chains with thick thighs, like earth dragons opening holes, burst out violently!

It was just as soon as Mr. Qin was about to reach Lin Feng, these eight chains blocked Qin's front, and entangled Qin's limbs and torso with the speed of thunder, and then suddenly tightened, making him lose all power in a blink of an eye. Empty!

   Losing his motivation, Qin Lao looked wrong, and immediately fell to the ground on his back!

   At this moment, the **** dog's four legs were about to flee backwards. The elders of the Myriad Tribulation Sect touched their waist and stopped in the air.

  , with the same expression as those hundreds of people, his eyes widened, and his trembling eyes almost jumped out of his eyes!

  Half a step, is it locked? !

   "Feng! Jie! Formation! Flag!" Qin Lao spit out the sand, his expression was extremely angry, and he growled word by word.

   When this word came out, all the people of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect were sober in an instant, showing anger, looking at Lin Feng together, their eyes are splitting.

   This is the body protection tool that Qin Lao spent countless efforts to obtain for Qin Yu's action, and it is also the treasure of the teaching of Ten Thousand Tribulations!

  The symbol of the card of Ten Thousand Tribulations, but now it has fallen into the hands of the "enemies", and it is also used to attack their people of Ten Thousand Tribulations. How can we not be angry? !

   "Lin Feng, you are crazy!"

   "Return me the treasure of the Myriad Tribulation Education soon!"

   "Despicable boy, die for the old man!"

   The four Lords of Ten Thousand Tribulations shot out with aging light, summoned their magic weapons, and went straight to Lin Feng, and they were about to be killed!

   And the other two elders of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect glanced at each other. They knew each other, and they gave up using the communication jade pendant. Instead, they flew from the side together, asking for help from the prisoner Qin!

In their view, Lao Qin was imprisoned by him with the black flag of robbing Lin Feng because he despised Lin Feng, and his ability was not able to be used. Once they liberated the powerful combat power of Qin Lao, which is a half-step big energy level, Isn't it time to deal with Lin Feng in this little Quadruple Realm?

It has to be said that these elders of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect, who have experienced many battles and are quite experienced, have a very accurate grasp of the situation, and their strategic choices are even more shrewd and sophisticated. Go all out and don't give Lin Feng any chance to comeback.

If it is an ordinary monk in the quadripolar realm, or some inexperienced saints, they must be frightened and overwhelmed by this power, let alone an effective response, the final result can only be caught in a hand. End.

   It's a pity that Lin Feng is different from everyone else.

   Seeing that six elders attacked separately, some threw magical weapons, tigers and tigers threw the wind, and some blasted the brilliant Daoguang, with terrifying power...

   Lin Feng was always indifferent, his deep eyes gleamed slightly, he suddenly stretched out his index finger and tapped slightly towards the trapped Qin.


   The six chains broke out immediately, and they cruised towards the front of the six elders.

Only two chains were left to seal Lao Qin's head and chest, so that Lao Qin couldn't move his divine power, and he could not send out a mental attack with his divine I could only grit my teeth and watch Lin Feng helplessly. Shiwei.

The strongest among the six elders is the peak state of Hualong, and the lowest is the seventh stage of Hualong. They are not afraid of themselves. Seeing that thick chain hits in front of them, they do not dodge or dodge, or support their divine power to shield them. , Or call out magical equipment protection, body shape keeps running, still running towards their respective targets.

   Lin Feng suddenly smiled when he saw it, and said in a hurry:







   These six plain words fell, but they seemed to hit the hearts of the six elders of the Myriad Tribulations Sect, and their bodies suddenly uttered!

   The next moment, each of the six chains burst out brilliantly, each reflecting a bright color!

   It is a violent wind blade, violent thunder, monstrous disaster, fierce fire, huge mountain, and soul-eater!

  God locks into law, power over the world!

  The Dharma has become a shocking world, endlessly!

   The brilliance reflected, illuminating the shocked faces of the six Ten Thousand Tribulations Sect elders.

  The six magic lights that struck, engulfed them alive...


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