Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 276: Chaotic conspiracy, murder is important!

   The wind stopped.

   One person and one dog walked out of Fallen Xianling Mountain, and the fresh air rushing to blow away the endless blood.

   "In that case, do you think that the silence after the Great Eastern Desolation has another cause, and everything is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface?"

  While walking, the **** dog raised his own question.

   Lin Feng nodded slightly.

  Actually, the old man of Ten Thousand Tribulations taught Qin Lao once told a little bit of inside information, the words are worth pondering, and Lin Feng judged the situation of the Eastern Famine from this, which is far less stable than imagined.

  The major religions are fighting in a melee, and new forces have risen one after another, but the major sacred places are kept behind closed doors. It is reasonable and reasonable, and this matter seems so strange no matter how you look at it.

   Not to mention, the mysterious man of Blood Sword has not appeared since the battle that suffered heavy casualties in various sacred places.

However, he severely inflicted Jiang Taixu and killed all the Holy Masters. The impact of this incident was unexpectedly eliminated from the chaos of various religions, and gradually disappeared. Among them, the holy places seemed to be also It's a bit intriguing if you deliberately cover it up and don't take the initiative to mention it.

   "In fact, what really makes me think it's a ghost is the things I found from the Ten Thousand Tribulations Cult Tianjiao." Lin Feng suddenly took out a volume of secret orders covered in blood, and displayed it in front of the **** dog.

   The **** dog leaned forward and scanned it carefully, only to find that the records in it were all orders issued by an unknown signature to Tianjiao of the Ten Thousand Tribulations!

   Many of them went to Fallen Mountain to explore the trails of Lin Feng, focusing on avoiding the barren towers in Fallen Mountain, and mainly investigating Lin Feng's life and death. This is the first priority. The date of this news is the latest.

However, according to the **** dog, shortly after Lin Feng walked into the cave and was declared missing, the barren tower that stood in the depths of Fallen Xian Ling disappeared inexplicably. The **** dog has never seen it after entering and leaving Fallen Xian Ling several times. pass.

But Lin Feng didn’t care about it. The deserted tower has its own ownership. The legend hidden in it probably smelled the danger and made a move ahead of time. Anyway, he has no interest in the deserted tower, so he just ran away. Got it.

  The contents of the secret order also included the dispatch of Tianjiao to teach Tianjiao, and the Tianjiao League established by Yaoguang Shengzi to jointly hunt down Ye Fan, Daheigou, Duan De and others.

The contradiction between the **** dog and the Tianjiao of Ten Thousand Tribulations was born from this, and it deteriorated in a series due to the actions of the **** dog. Finally, the Ten Thousand Tribulations taught Tianjiao and led the people to block the **** dog in the Fallen Immortal. Ling Ling for a few months is also the end of this matter.

In addition, he also mentioned the protection work that Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect had been preparing intensely in recent days, implying that several new forces would unite and attack the territory of Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect. Opportunity to cut the enemy and take credit.

  The secret order also records in detail the possible future attack time, battle location, and distribution of forces, even accurate to the leader's assessment of the strength, what kind of exercises he has practiced, what are the ultimate moves, and the fatal weaknesses.

The recent crisis of Sect of Ten Thousand Tribulations has also been heard by the **** dog. It is said that in the battle to encircle and suppress the mysterious man of Blood Sword, Sect of Ten Thousand Tribulations joined two Supreme Elders. The leader himself was also seriously injured and his strength was greatly reduced. After this incident, many small forces that attached to the Ten Thousand Tribulation Sect left one after another, and the neighboring Great Sects were even more eye-catching and ready to move.

   Therefore, Wan Jie Jiao has been acting very high-profile recently. No matter what task it performs, even if it is an inspection, hundreds of people will come out at every turn, as if to stand up and deter the evil Xiao Xiao from all directions.

This can also be seen from the previous battle of Fallen Immortal Ridge, the losing power of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Cult Tianjiao was actually equipped with two Ten Thousand Tribulations elders to protect him, not to mention that after his accident, Qin Lao led the huge Team, this is enough to clean up a medium-sized force!

  The last record in the secret order is that Ye Fan will go to the Northern Ice Field in the near future. At that time, the Yaoguang Saint Child will lead the Tianjiao League to besiege Ye Fan, and ask the Ten Thousand Tribulation Cult Tianjiao to rush to help.

   But apparently, this has already happened.

   "Who on earth is this person who can learn so much information..."

After reading it, the **** dog frowned: "Tianjiao Tianjiao of Ten Thousand Tribulations was clearly instructed by this person, and he was willing to do things for him under the circumstances of the other party's promise of great benefits. The Yaoguang Shengzi and Tianjiao League were obviously also involved. This is a huge conspiracy! So what is the purpose of this person? His posture is obviously aimed at Ye Fan, and you have not even let go of the "life and death unknown"!"

   Lin Feng's eyes flickered, he suddenly withdrew the secret order, and said lightly: "This is exactly what we need to investigate, and now we are in the game."

   "You mean... the blood sword mysterious person who issued the secret order?"

The **** dog was slightly startled: "Speaking of it, the riots in the Eastern Desolation were too sudden, and the attitudes of the major holy sites are also worth pondering. All this happened after the war, as if we circumvented it no matter what. Don't open the mysterious man with the blood sword!"


   Lin Feng's face was calm, his eyes were always deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking, he seemed a little absent-minded.

   The **** dog is the other way around, and his expression is worried: "Then, what shall we do next?"

   "Save people first."

Lin Feng calmly said: "No matter what the behind-the-scenes planners are thinking, his purpose is already clear. What we have to do is to prevent him from doing what he wants, then he will naturally come to us. All threats will be understood."

"However, people who can calculate the entire Eastern Desolation with courage, the strength is also strong and boundless! In addition, Ye Fan is blocked by the Shaking Son and the others, if we rush to help...I am afraid it will be weak. Can't handle it! Maybe we should go to Jiang's family for help first!" Big Black Dog suggested cautiously.

   "It's too late."

Lin Feng shook his head: "Don't expect the Old God King to help out. Since those people of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Cult have vowed to say that he is insecure, we go, I am afraid that the result will be the same. The top priority is to go to the Northern Territory to rescue Ye Zi. About I'll talk about it later."

Seeing Lin Feng’s resolute attitude, the **** dog couldn’t say more, so he could only describe the transmission pattern first: "If you rush to the northern region from here, the journey is far, and across an unknown distance, my transmission pattern is prone to problems. If even one link is missed in the middle, you will have to toss and toss, reconfirm the coordinates, and build the road pattern. It will take time. In the best case, I am afraid that it will take us at least two days to arrive smoothly!"

Lin Feng frowned and said: "No, if it takes a day to shake the light, they will be able to kill the leaf four or five times, so the transmission pattern can't make a mistake once, so that we can arrive in half an hour. On the battlefield, make sure the leaves are safe."

   "Half an hour? No mistake? That's impossible, you might as well kill me!" the **** dog cried.

   Lin Feng smiled faintly, suddenly stretched out his hand, and lightly added a few strokes on the half-finished Dao pattern of the **** dog.


   A light gate suddenly appeared in front of a person and a dog.

   The breath exhaled in it was gentle and stable. It was obviously more than a hundred times better than the conveying pattern drawn by the **** dog in the past.

   "Damn!" The **** dog was startled: "How did you do it?!"

   Lin Feng smiled without answering, and walked into the portal first, the words drifting in the wind:

   "Let's go, save... No, killing is important!"

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