Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 283: The intent to fight is not extinguished, the old enemy fights to the death!

thump! thump! thump! "

A three-channel sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded abruptly on the edge of the battlefield.

See also three heads flying in the air.

But it was not Lin Feng's hand.

But it was the three young monks who were panicked to the extreme and wanted to escape.

Everyone looked in with horrified eyes, but saw that Shengzi Yaoguang had a cold face, and the long sword in his hand still had a trace of violent divine power.

All the arrogances were suppressed, and the young monks who had been in a daze were also standing on the spot in a daze.

"Who will tell me, what is the third rule of the Tianjiao League?" Yaoguang Shengzihu said.

The gaze of Saint Dayan next to him trembled slightly, and then bowed his head and said: "The escaper...slash!"

Everyone's hearts are stunned!

But Yao Guang had already stood up, pointed at Lin Feng, and asked indifferently: "Are you afraid of him?"

"..." In the young monk's camp, no one answered.

But in the camp of the holy son Tianjiao, there was silence for a while, but there was a deafening roar: "Don't be afraid!"

Their eyes are full of high morale and indelible belief in invincibility.

This is the posture that the saint son of one party should have!

"very good."

Shengzi Yaoguang put away the long sword, and walked slowly in the direction of Lin Feng: "Then, I will fight him."


The black gold cauldron with a dragon pattern suddenly rushed forward and landed behind the son of Yaoguang. It was spinning round and round. At the same time, it emitted a dazzling divine light, which filled the sky and covered the vast snowy field, which would shake the son of light. Set off like a god, about to rush to the battlefield of gods and demons!

All the young monks were dumbfounded.

They even forgot the horror and horror they felt when the Son of Ten Thousand Chu was killed.

"Follow me, kill Ye Fan and the smelly Taoist priest, and come to the Alliance Master to plead!" Dayan Shengzi took out the magic weapon and suddenly said.

"What is our sin?" someone asked cautiously.

"The crime of cowardice, the crime of fearing the enemy, the crime of discarding the invincible faith, the crime is punishable!" The Zifu Shengzi answered him indifferently.

Afterwards, the Saints Tianjiao took out the magic weapon without saying a word, set off to fly, and turned into divine shadows, rushing towards Ye Fan and Duan De who were equally astonished.

A blazing heat flow suddenly poured into everyone's heart.

It was an unspeakable atmosphere.

In an instant, the fear of witnessing the death of the Son of Eternity was broken.

The fighting spirit is burning.

A group of young monks were confused by the so-called sin theory, but after recalling their cowardice, they were ashamed and courageous. They blended into this inexplicably rising enthusiasm, just like a wild beast awakening and roaring. With a sound, followed the steps of the Saints Tianjiao and rushed into the battlefield below!

"Ma Ye, this Tianjiao League is not a cult. How did you shake the boy out with a few words and bring the whole situation back? Make everyone crazy?!" Duan De looked at the roaring gods and swallowed his mouth fiercely. saliva.

"He is definitely not inferior to Brother Lin. He threatens to kill and takes the lead. He can turn the tide and easily reverse the morale of the decadence." Ye Fan recalled the mother of all things, stood up, and faced the aggressive enemies. Looks fearless and fearless: "We should be so too."

Duan De heard the words, but had not reacted, but saw that Ye Fan had already turned into a meteor that rushed into the sky. He attacked without hesitation and slammed into the frantic wave of divine power. The meaning is transformed into a raging flame, burning the sky, full of pride!

The power of the Eucharist, overwhelming the audience!

The battlefield was divided into two parts, but the sealed snow ape was no longer noticed.

Only endless chaos, blood and killing are what they really want at the moment!

"I waited for this day for a long time."

Shaoguang Shengzi looked at Lin Feng, the always indifferent expression, at this moment has become extremely excited, like a dead well all year round, and now the most violent fountain is gushing out!

"Really?" Lin Feng answered indifferently.

"The scenes of the Undead Mountain appear in my dreams every day." Shaoguang Shengzi's eyes showed a fierce fighting spirit: "It was the failure you gave me. It lashed my groping forward and stimulated me. Constantly practicing desperately, I don't want to see you all the time."

"Sounds really nauseous." Lin Feng smiled.

"I want to crush you by myself!"

This sound was like the sound of the sky, shaking everywhere!

Yaoguang Shengzi finished speaking with a low roar, but his body suddenly disappeared, exploding a frantic air current in the same place, overturning the sky of wind and snow!

The violent divine power suddenly swept the audience, provoke the **** dog waiting in front of him, and suddenly his hair exploded:

"He's here, so fast!"

Lin Feng's eyes flickered, he wanted to take out the rust sword, but suddenly he sensed something, his eyes turned suddenly, and he looked at the howling black gold cauldron with dragon patterns.

Diwei conquer the world!

But the **** dog's voice had not yet fallen, the next moment, a huge fist, already wrapped in endless power, tore the space, and suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng!

"Hey." A sigh quietly fell, and Lin Feng raised his hand slightly.


Lin Feng didn't dodge or dodge, he was actually blasted out by this punch!

At the same time, the black gold tripod with dragon patterns, for some reason, was actually stagnating in place, with the whole body dazzling with divine light, seeming to be fighting against something.

"Lin Feng!!!" The **** dog roared, and with a movement, he sprinted in the direction of Lin Feng's upside-down flight. At the same time, he frantically waved the dog's paws to outline defensive Dao patterns, and wanted to give Lin Feng a blessing!

Only he knew that the young man who had existed with a physical body to shake the mighty existence is now very weak!

Persevering with a powerful punch? !


With another sturdy punch, Lin Feng spouted a mouthful of blood, his figure suddenly flying backwards in the opposite direction.

A faint black shadow flashed in the void, and once again punched him into the air, and then banged and banged uninterruptedly, Lin Feng was actually like a sandbag, flying backwards and forwards in mid-air, his figure seemed to be broken. The kite swayed in the strong wind, out of control.

The **** dog saw that his eyes were cracked, he saw the black shadow passing by with his own eyes, and the son of Yaoguang shot out with a punch, with lightning speed, no trace to be found!

"Hide! Why don't you hide?!" The **** dog was furious, and he couldn't figure it out. Lin Feng obviously possessed unfathomable strength, but why didn't he resist?


There was a sudden explosion, and there was a broken ancient pot in the center of Lin Feng and Yaoguang Shengzi. It was also after the appearance of the broken pot that Emperor Wei was released for a while, which made Lin Feng stabilized and did not suffer any further attacks. And that Yaoguang Shengzi flew back to the rear, guarding beside the dragon-patterned black gold cauldron.

"I originally had the mentality to try."

Shengzi Yaoguang grinned and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you would really give up resisting in order to save this black dog's life."

The **** dog was startled: "Your target is me?!"

" Shaoguang said with a cold smile, and suddenly patted the dragon pattern black gold tripod.

In an instant, the **** dog exploded all over again, and an extremely dangerous aura surged in, as terrifying as before!

It turned out that it wasn't the death warning brought by Yaoguang Shengzi!

The **** dog instantly understood that his aura had already been locked by this extreme weapon, and with that vast momentum, he had no doubt that he would die with just one blow from this imperial weapon!

"Leave here and help Ye Fan, I will protect you well." Lin Feng's calm voice came.

The **** dog heard the sound and saw it, but saw Lin Feng was covered in blood. He didn't know how many bombardments he had hit, but there was still a careless expression on his face.

He suddenly felt sore in his nose.

(End of this chapter)

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