Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 299: How to save the East Desolation? Stop killing by killing!

Remember in one second【】

The appearance of the major holy masters did not surprise everyone in the slightest.

If you want to come, why do you only send a group of representatives to the holy places if they want to put pressure on them?

If they really wanted to force Jiang Taixu to come forward, these elder-level figures alone would not be enough!

The Jiang family leader, who was used as a spearman, was already hiding in panic for not knowing how far.

But still unable to escape the coercion of the old **** king, together with a group of monks who hated the **** king's line, they were fixed on the spot, unable to move.

As for the representatives of those holy places, the old **** king didn't bother to take care of them.

Let them make a fuss and perform secret techniques, fleeing to their respective holy masters, showing a look of fear.

With the appearance of the great saints, the situation became tense.

But the old **** king didn't show up, and with just a few words, everyone was horrified and lost.

But it also brought extremely shocking pressure to the Holy Masters!

"He wants to protect the supreme body in a word, how can there be such a cheap thing!"

"With such power, he really hasn't healed from a serious injury?!"

"At the meeting that day, his breath was obviously abnormally weak!"

"He was severely injured by the **** Daoist before, and then he defeated the **** Daoist violently. Shouldn't his cultivation base fall?!"

"The ancestor once said that Jiang Taixu has little life span. Will he be deceiving me now?"

The inner activities of the saints do not stop.

This disagreement is the rhythm of the battle in the Holy Land!

No one dared to move rashly.

No one dared to be a bird.

The union between the holy places is extremely fragile no matter how you look at it.

But at this moment, Jiang Yun and Jiang Yifei and the others moved.

They walked into the yard without looking back, no longer blocking the entrance.

Occasionally looking back at the expression of the Holy Lord, it is also full of mockery and disdain!

The courtyard door was so generously opened.

No one stopped.

Anyone can enter.

But the great saints looked at each other, but they didn't move, and they looked suspicious and speculated.

Is this playing an empty game?

Combining Jiang Taixu's previous words with his current behavior, he is undoubtedly saying: "The door is here, and those who are not afraid of death will come in!"

The forces of the sacred land that had been aggressive at the moment were all embarrassed, staying outside, not daring to take a step.

Going in is to violate the majesty of the old **** king, and work against him!

Who can guarantee that he won't suffer the fiercest revenge from the old king after entering?

Which holy land’s holy lord is confident that he can make a move under the unfathomable old **** king?

The **** Daoist who made the entire Donghuang feel helpless, but was found and killed by the old **** king alone!

The old immortals in the king realm of the holy land are all jealous of him!

If you really go in... just thinking about it will make your scalp numb!

Finally, the Lord Shaking the Light spoke up: "Old God King's wrist, Shaking the Holy Land has learned, what happened today will be doubled back in the next day!"

After putting this cruel sentence, he turned around and left without looking back!

Even the corpse represented by the shaking light didn't converge.

In fact, that one is more like a warning.

Lessons from the past.

Upon seeing this, the saint masters completely lost the courage and courage to continue to push on.

"Old God King, your old man is strong and powerful, I can't provoke you, goodbye!"

"Since the old **** king wants to maintain his supreme body again, then I have nothing to say, see you later!"

"I also hope that the old **** king will also be mentally prepared this time, but don't lose the generality at the end!"

A cry of cold words fell, and the holy masters had already withdrawn one after another.

The coercion of the old **** king is still on the spot.

"Come out." Jiang Taixu said suddenly, with a slightly weak tone.

Everyone was stunned: "Could there be anyone in ambush?!"

But seeing a void crack outside the courtyard, people walked out.

Headed by Lin Feng after the **** battle in the Northern Ice Sheet!

"Old God King, how are you doing these days?" Lin Feng smiled faintly.

The suppressed family chief Jiang and other monks screamed in shock when they saw Lin Feng, pale in shock!

Isn't this a place to be found without breaking through the iron shoes? !

The supreme body they have been looking for has been under their noses, and they have finished watching this farce!

The Jiang family thinks and is terrified!

Of course, this was due to the old **** king deliberately protecting him, but it was more of Lin Feng's infinite power of reincarnation.

If he didn't want to reveal his trace, even Jiang Taixu would never want to discover his existence!

"Since you have seen my situation, why bother to ask."

Two figures appeared in the courtyard, but Fairy Caiyun and Old God King.

He finally came out, still tall and straight.

However, the dead air lingering between his eyebrows, and Fairy Caiyun's sad expression, could not be concealed at a high level.

"It seems that the **** man hurt you not lightly." Lin Feng said.

"It's because the gangsters are watching, so I have to keep one everywhere." Jiang Taixu seemed to remember something, and a deep killing intent appeared in his eyes: "Otherwise, no matter how strong the blood is, it will not be a quick side-by-side approach, except for the same method. , The vulture technique."

As he said, his expression was flat and not surprised, as if it were just a trivial matter.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Little things.

"Come in and talk." Jiang Taixu invited Lin Feng into the hospital.

"Old ancestor, what do you do with these guys who eat inside and out?" Jiang Yun asked suddenly.

"Don't slaughter it, keep it for the New Year?"

When these words came out, the faces of the family chief Jiang and the others turned pale!

This sound was not what Jiang Taixu said, because he didn't even bother to look at those tribesmen who were deliberately intent, let alone deal with it.

It was Lin Feng's words that came out: "Leaf, the dragon needs a lot of accumulation, they are yours."

The expressions of Ye Fan and others suddenly showed killing intent.

With the assistance of Jiang Yun and Jiang Yifei and others, Ye Fan rushed into the crowd and started the massacre.

After the previous battle in the Northern Ice Field, Lin Feng's strength gave him great excitement.

Murdering and surpassing goods can no longer satisfy his desire to be powerful. At this moment, the swallowing magic power is operating at full capacity, and he has no scruples!

"Ah!!!" The screams echoed outside the courtyard.

However, the old **** king and Lin Feng were both at a loss, their voices sighing from the past.

When talking about the current situation of the Eastern Famine, Jiang Taixu is very worried: "There are many disasters hidden behind the **** chaos. I suspect that it comes from a force that has recently emerged in the continent. Most of the strong people in the Eastern Famine are stupid, and they are all caused by the blood. I am fascinated by the power of, forgetting about it, but I don't understand that in the two years since you left, the Primordial Creatures are all about to move, and that is the most terrifying danger!"

Lin Feng nodded: "Blood Daoist is just a pawn. From Yaoguang Shengzi, I have obtained many unknown secrets. They actually came for me and Ye Fan, and the misfortune is just a cover. But even so, today's Eastern Famine is also in a critical moment of survival."

When Jiang Taixu heard the words, his eyes shone brightly: "A secret... It seems that you got the supreme transformation in Fallen Immortal Mountain, I can't see through you anymore."

"It's not a bad Lin Feng and Jiang Taixu looked at each other and smiled, like old friends from a thousand miles away.

This silence lasted for a while.

"do you have any plans?"

Jiang Taixu still got up in awe, straight to the point: "I can fully support you unconditionally, as long as it can solve the crisis of the Eastern Famine."

Lin Feng’s eyes are as bright as electricity: "The Eastern Desolation needs a major cleansing. I want to kill all the way, until the sky is dark, until the sun and the moon are dark, until no one dares to touch the Eastern Desolation, and then solve the internal affairs. Those Primordial creatures who tried to restore it should also die."

"Let's start with shaking the light." Jiang Taixu rarely smiled: "Although I don't have much life, I also want to be wonderful before I fall."

"Not always."

Lin Feng smiled, but suddenly came out, slamming Jiang Taixu's eyebrows with a palm...

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