Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 304: Ruthless refining, perfect breakthrough!

All the people in the Jiang family were protected by Jiang Taixu, floating in the blood overseas, all of them were shocked, with unbelievable expressions.

Lin Feng's strength obviously exceeded their expectations.

Prior to this, no one could have imagined that Lin Feng could suppress the five king-level powerhouses with one person's strength.

Among them, there are even two elders whose aura is so powerful that they are shocking, they are like kings, half of them stepped into the ranks of saints.

That blood waterfall mad sea made everyone feel the fear in the bottom of their hearts.

The power of the blood path was displayed so lightly by Lin Feng, and even the king of the three immortal swords had only one way to escape!

The expressions of the five elders at the moment were shocked. They looked at the young man who caused a sea of ​​blood to scream, but they saw a phantom that destroyed the end of the world.

He stepped on the top of the **** wave, looking at the world with an expression of indifference to the extreme. The five elders were like air. Even though they worked together to exude an astonishing coercion and stirred up tsunamis, they couldn’t get into his deep and boundless eyes. .

It seems that in his eyes, these heavens and myriad worlds are just insignificant dust, raising his hand to wave away, and stepping back to the ruins!

Such an invincible posture made the five old men who sensed the inexplicable heart palpitations tremble:

"Is there no room for change in this matter?"

"Jiang Taixu has broken through the great sage, even if we join forces, it is nothing to him, perhaps escape is the only way out..."

"I'm not reconciled. It's clear that it's just an ant in the Dragon Transformation Realm. Why can it have such a terrifying power?"

"Do we really have to abandon this tens of millions of years of foundation and run away like a dog?!"

"No, I can't accept it, obviously there is only the last step left in the casting of the blood path... Killing Lin Feng, as long as he seizes his origin, it may not be impossible to turn defeat into victory!"

They were whispering, but seeing Jiang Taixu, who was suppressing the power of the Holy Land by the sky, and Lin Feng, whose strength was unfathomable in front of them, they all felt extremely uncomfortable in their mouths.

For many years, no one has driven them into such an embarrassing situation!


Without any signs, an old man could no longer bear this repressive and desperate atmosphere, and suddenly rushed out to take Lin Feng!

The four elders were panic and had not yet reacted, but saw that the elder had already broken through the blood wave, surging with divine power, and added to the rules of the road, brandishing a giant hammer magic weapon, and smashing it down at Lin Feng severely.


A violent explosion sounded, but there was no scene where they expected Lin Feng to be hit by a sneak attack.

A cloud of blood suddenly appeared, mixed with a smell of fishy heat, broken into dots of magic artifact residues, flying in front of Lin Feng.

It was the old man, who was less than ten feet away from Lin Feng, as if he had crashed into an impenetrable mountain.

Together with that indestructible heavy weapon, the hammer exploded under the violent shock!

Everyone was suppressed.

The eyes of the four old men were almost out of their sockets.

Seeing that Lin Feng seemed to realize it at this moment, he glanced indifferently, waved his hand lightly, and immediately behind him appeared an indomitable oven, exuding thrilling fluctuations, and trembling slightly, he took away all the essence of the dead old man. Absorb, spit out a warm light.

And Lin Feng's breath also changed from Hualong, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, it skyrocketed step by step to the level of six transformations.

And there are no side effects!

This is the power of the reincarnation oven, refining everything and turning it into the purest power of reincarnation, feeding back to Lin Feng!

"Sorcery! This is even more evil than the devil power of swallowing the sky!" An old man screamed in shock when he saw this scene.

As everyone knows, the blood path they cultivated themselves, in order to promote, in order to extend their life, the slaughtered creatures have long been countless.

It's just that Lin Feng's ability to instantly refine all the essence of the human body and transform it into strength on the spot made them feel terrified.

If this continues, aren't the monks in this world all his Lin Feng's blood? !

And watching the ascension process without any side effects, the four elders felt extreme and fear from the bottom of their hearts.

If he is really allowed to swallow it like this, I am afraid that this declining barren ancient generation will once again have a peerless immortal emperor!

"Jiang Taixu, have you seen it?!" An old man exclaimed in excitement: "The Supreme Body is a evil calamity at all. Even though I'm guilty of shaking the Holy Land, I can't compare to his sporadic things. You can't I can't see the threat to the entire Donghuang by allowing him to grow up!"

Another old man immediately reacted upon hearing this, and said to help: "Yes, if you help him, it is tantamount to digging your own grave! We are gone, and the next one is yours Jiang family's turn? Are you really? I want to see the destruction of all the Holy Land forces, so that this Eastern Desolation, and even the entire cultivator world, will be destroyed and swallowed by him, Lin Feng!"

The sound of words came out, and everyone who had seen Lin Feng's weird breakthrough scene was shocked.

What he said in an extremely desperate situation, even though it meant to provoke discord nakedly, but also pointed out the hidden dangers sharply!

For a moment, everyone turned their gazes to Lin Feng, and the meaning contained therein was no lack of fear, suspicion, tremor, and even killing intent!

Only Ye Fan and other people who had had many adventures with Lin Feng still contained unconditional trust and firmness in their eyes.

The most obvious is that Jiang is too empty.

The four elders filled his ears with warnings and hints, but they did not move his indifferent expression.

He only slowly said: "If his will is to destroy, I am willing to obey."

When these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at Jiang Taixu suddenly, a bright light flashed in the latter's eyes.

He saw that it was an inexplicable eagerness. Jiang Taixu saw what he was carrying, and in speechlessness, he had already realized the reason for the drastic changes in Lin Feng's temperament and behavior.

"Crazy, crazy!" The four elders heard Jiang Taixu's answer, and their tongues almost snapped.

They moved closer together, their blood rushing freely like a mad dragon, soaring upward, piercing the **** sky, like tearing open a hideous wound.

"No one can stop our **** way of winning the destiny of life!"

"Lin Jiang Taixu, you want our life, then don't think about it!"

"What about burning jade and stone?!"

The elders teamed up to strike a strong blow, not against Lin Feng and Jiang Taixu, but those from the Jiang family who came with the battle and were far away from the battlefield.

Jiang Taixu let the four elders take a chance to take refuge at will. They all used their strength to break the shackles of the sea of ​​blood and spread the frantic **** breath to the outside world.

Suddenly, the entire Eastern Wilderness was shocked.

The war that took place in the Shaking Light Holy Land was finally known to all the Holy Land forces.

At the same time, the old monsters involved in the blood path were all shocked. They sensed the fear and signal of help from the Shaoguang old monsters, and they rushed towards the Shaoguang Holy Land in unison...

   Please remember the domain name of the first publication of this book:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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