Sign In From the Sky

Chapter 308: The bells of Zishan ring, the blood of the ancients cries!

Remember in one second【】

Shaking the Holy Land was destroyed.

Under the blood-stained Nagano, the Jiang family is excitedly cleaning up the battlefield.

After sensing the death of their old monsters, the major sects of the Eastern Desolation, the major sacred places, all silently named themselves and contracted their strength with all their strength.

Their behavior is undoubtedly sending a signal: their holy land is autistic and will no longer participate in any battles in the Eastern Desolation.

For the Jiang family, it was a great meeting for strengthening power.

Unhindered, countless lands that produce rare resources can be occupied, and countless secret realms containing precious auras can monopolize exploration.

The Jiang family is invincible anymore in this Eastern Desolation, which is full of powers!

But Jiang Yifei couldn't be happy.

He looked at Jiang Taixu, who had been meditating on the summit for a long time and still had a complicated expression, and his heart couldn't calm down.

When did the old God King, who is indifferent to everything and everything, ever behaved like this?

In the final analysis, Lin Feng left without saying goodbye to the fairy tale, which made the old **** king feel unstoppable loss.

The little moon of the Ji family just now came, Yan Ruyu and Qin Yao also came, and even An Miaoyi arrived at the end, but they had never seen the person they wanted to meet.

There are no exceptions to their goals, perhaps for personal reasons, or perhaps due to the persecution of their own family, they have to come, superficial attitude.

Under Lin Feng’s leadership, the Jiang family destroyed the Shaking Light Holy Land and stifled the spread of the blood path in the Eastern Wilderness. However, the seeds of the blood path have been sown. There are so many people who practice the blood path. Will the Jiang family continue to attack? ? Or kill the rest of the holy land?

No one can guarantee that he is not the next target at gunpoint.

Even if Lin Feng is gone, Jiang Taixu, who is the Great Sage's cultivation base, already possesses the crushing-level strength to wipe out the Eastern Desolation.

In the end, Jiang Taixu issued a death order with the eager gazes of the people from all walks of life.

The Eastern Desolation does not allow the blood path to exist, and any forces that are contaminated with the blood path will either abolish the blood path cultivation for themselves or pay the price of their lives.

The Jiang family led the formation of the Anti-Blood Law Enforcement Alliance, which will cleanse the blood puppet forces that exist in the Eastern Famine.

This is undoubtedly a time-consuming operation.

Jiang Taixu left with a lack of interest.

The most surprising thing is that Ye Fan also decided to leave, but instead of leaving this chaotic vortex, he left the Eastern Wilderness directly.

Da Hei Gou and Duan De asked him the reason, but he replied with confused eyes: "I can feel that the world is undergoing drastic changes, and Brother Lin is carrying our unimaginable fate, and I can vaguely perceive his existence. It's fading step by step, and I...same too!"

But at this moment, Lin Fengzhen walked alone on the vast ground between heaven and man.

Behind him, the reincarnation oven was in the world of resistance, exuding shocking waves, spreading to all directions.

Seems to be searching for something.

"Who is it that dare to disturb our sleep?!" A low roar that shook the world suddenly sounded.

Lin Feng stopped, his indifferent gaze pierced Tianyu, and he went straight down to uncover a mysterious area that was huge and terrifying in front of the mountains.

This is the Purple Mountain where countless relics of Wu Shi the Great are left behind, and the Purple Mountain where countless unknown secrets are hidden.

That low growl that made Da Neng's mind feel hesitant, came from the deepest part of Zishan.

Lin Feng took another step.

"Get out, or die!" The growling master uttered again, this time full of supreme majesty.

It's like the mighty ancient bell from the ancient times!

Lin Feng was still expressionless, and only said, "Where is Taikoo Ancestor King?"

"The mere ants of the human race dare to call the title of the ancestor king?!" A disdainful sneer came from the depths of the purple mountain.

After that, several huge monsters, with terrifying aura, broke out of the source, indifferently overlooking the tiny creatures under their feet.

This is a group of primitive creatures!

"It seems to be another greedy human who knows nothing about the heights of the world!"

"I can feel the stench remaining on him!"

"That is definitely the unique smell of those humans who practice dirty blood!"

"He wants to seize our great and ancient noble blood!"

"kill him!"

A dull low roar spread, and the Primordial creatures rushed out, causing a huge movement of the earth and the mountains, crushing Lin Feng to death, in order to defend the former glory of the Primordial family.

However, Lin Feng did not even lift his eyelids, and the majestic power of the whole body surged out, and the situation changed drastically. The rules of the road lowered the punishment, forming a few strong thunder and lightning straight down, calling those hapless ancient creatures. After the storm turned into ashes, no scum was left.

"Bold!!!" The strong will in the depths of Zishan was furious.

Boom boom boom!

Countless Primordial creatures broke out of the ground, and their huge bodies obscured the mountains and plains, forming a terrifying shadow, covering Lin Feng.

"Human, you will pay for your ignorance and greed!"

The roar echoed above the empty wilderness, and the sound wave stirred up ripples and the roar of the mountain wind.

In the next moment, all the Primordial creatures were swarming, and the violent power drowned all the things that were visible in front of the Primordial creatures.

Even if the Holy Master's power level is high here, I am afraid that he can only scream wailing, and then die miserably.

But standing in the center of this world is Lin Feng, who has already stepped into the realm of Immortal Slash Dao.

not any

^0^Remember in one second【】

The sign was that the huge shadow, along with the huge bodies of countless Primordial creatures, burst into blood clots in the sky.

The reincarnation oven trembled violently, exuding incomparable suction power, exhaling shining brilliance, inhaling all the flesh and blood, turning it into pure power, and feeding it back to Lin Feng.

Until then, the strong will in the depths of the purple mountain recovered from this shocking scene. He sensed the terrifying power clamoring between the heavens and the earth, and he roared in horror: "Who are you?!"

Lin Feng stood on the spot indifferently and shook his head: "Since you don't want to, then I can only do it myself."

At the moment when the words fell, Lin Feng opened his eyes, as if a ray of light appeared in the earth that day, and it was brilliant.

The flame of burning the world also burst out at this moment, turning into a huge blade that soars the sky, and swept away towards Zishan.

Boom boom boom!

This blow cut everything along the way, caused the space to burst, and the sound of the wind died down.

This huge and continuous purple mountain was completely razed to the ground under the bombardment of this unmatched force!

The Primordial creatures lurking in the depths, even the Primordial royal family, have sealed their own gods for countless years here, staring blankly at all this happening, shocked that they don't know how to speak.

At this moment, only when looking at that tiny human being, the tremor and fear of the soul were truly transmitted to the flesh, and finally turned into an unstoppable tremor...

:. :

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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