Xiao Yi walked back to his computer and received the video sent by Anyue.

In the video, a huge creature that looks very much like a crocodile appears, but where the four legs should have been, they have fins instead!

It also drags a club-shaped tail behind it.

"Neptosaurus (SSS+ level): A strengthened prehistoric giant beast with enhanced strength, be careful when dealing with it..."

Seeing the system prompts, Xiao Yi immediately understood that these were the other tests that were enhanced in the island monument prompts!

Xiao Yi took out his mobile phone and called Anyue and said, "Be careful when encountering prehistoric beasts in the future. These are enhanced versions, which are the enhanced other tests mentioned on the island monument."

"No wonder I feel that this prehistoric beast is particularly difficult to deal with!" An Yue suddenly realized.

Xiao Yi continued: "If you feel that it is difficult, then let Jiang Yuntian build a few more submarines."

"It's enough for the time being, but this time I was caught off guard by it!" An Yue replied, "We won't let the giant beast have the opportunity to hurt our submarine again in the future!"

"Well, there is no need to consider savings in terms of safety. Only after ensuring safety can we develop better!" Xiao Yi warned.

"Understood!" Anyue responded.

At this time, the giant domain was brightly lit.

"The electric light provided by the island owner is really bright!" The giants exclaimed one after another.

Mis nodded and said: "Yes, in the tribe before, we could only rely on bonfires for lighting at night, but now it seems that we don't need it anymore!"

Everyone nodded.

"Lord Mis, I see there are a lot of woods nearby. When will we start reclaiming them?" asked a giant from the logistics department.

"This needs to be reported to Territory Master An!" Mis replied.

"Do you need to report to the superiors after planting the land?" the giant asked doubtfully.

Mis nodded and replied: "The land on this island is different from the land over there, so we still need to ask!"

Everyone nodded.

Having said this, Misi thought for a moment, and then called Anyue with a large mobile phone specially made for the giants.

"Ms. Mis, do you have any business calling me now?" Anyue asked with a smile.

Misi replied: "Lord An, I would like to ask if we can directly reclaim the land in those woods?"

Anyue was startled for a moment, then replied: "No."

Misty was stunned for a moment.

"Because you can't plant it now if you reclaim it." An Yue explained without waiting for Misi to ask.

"Why?" Misi was confused. Since the woods are so lush, why can't crops be grown?

"Because the soil of the Keystone Island just after expansion is sandy soil, which is not suitable for the growth of crops!" Anyue continued to explain.

"But those woods and grass?" Mis was still confused.

"Those are newly developed plants that are suitable for growing on sandy soil. It will take a period of evolution before the soil in the woods is suitable for planting!" An Yue continued.

Mis nodded and asked, "How long will this take?"

"It used to take a week for the island to turn the sandy land into land suitable for planting, but now we're not sure!" Anyue replied.

"Could this time interval still change?" Mis was a little confused.

"As the area of ​​Keystone Island continues to expand, the refresh and evolution speed of resources will be affected, so it will take some time to observe!" Anyue explained.

Mis nodded slightly, and then said: "I understand, that means we can't grow food nearby right now, right?"

"Well, wait a few days, it shouldn't take long!" An Yue said.

"Okay!" Mis responded, "Then can we go to the farmer to help?"

"Of course, I believe the farmer also hopes that you will come and help!" An Yue replied.

"Okay, then I'll contact Mr. Nong again!" Misi said, hung up the phone, and then called Nong Bihong again.

After expressing her willingness to help Nong Bihong, Nong Bihong immediately said: "You are very welcome to come and help. After all, these giant plants are too big."

"Okay, let's go there early tomorrow morning!" Mis said immediately.

"Well, see you tomorrow morning!" Nong Bihong responded.

At this time, Nong Bihong is in the laboratory, trying to transfer the giant genes of those giant crops to other crops!

"Theoretically, there should be no problem!" Nong Bihong muttered as he looked at the plant in front of him that had completed gene splicing.

"Farmer, what are we going to do next?" asked the apprentice on the side.

"Send the plants that have completed gene splicing to the manor for experimental cultivation!" Nong Bihong said.


Nong Bihong took off his white coat, looked at everyone's tired expressions, and said, "Everyone, please go back and have a good rest for two days. You are on vacation!"

"Long live and thank you, Mr. Farmer!"

"Great, I'm going to the resort to rest!"

"I go too. Every time I go to the resort, I feel like I am completely recharged!"

The apprentices left while discussing.

What they don’t know is that this is exactly the architectural nature of the resort.

Plants completely spliced ​​with giant genes were quickly delivered to the manor, and the robot agricultural assistant immediately planted all the plants.

Xiao Yi was lying on the bed looking at his phone.

"Those undead won't attack us at night, right?"

"That's not certain. In the beginning, our alliance was attacked more strongly at night by the undead."

"Isn't this not letting people rest!"

"It's okay, just arrange for the soldiers on duty to wake everyone up as soon as they are discovered. They are not as fast as we thought!"

"That's right. Let's stop talking. Before those undead people attack, I have to get some sleep!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi also turned off the phone and lay down.

Xiao Yi originally thought that the undead would attack around midnight, but to his surprise, Xiao Yi slept until five in the morning.

He immediately came to the island monument and asked about the situation on the front line.

"Brother Jiang, didn't the undead attack last night?" Xiao Yi asked on the island monument.

Jiang Yuntian immediately replied: "No, there is not even harassment from a small group of troops. The soldiers on the front line have all taken turns to rest!"

"It seems they are planning a big move again!" Xiao Yi said, "Why don't you come back and take a rest."

"No, I'm already resting in the bedroom in the transport plane!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Okay, I'll go there later!" Xiao Yi responded, then hung up the phone and started practicing in the morning.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi finished practicing, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then secretly said: "System, sign in!"

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