Xiao Yi felt like he was getting a headache again.

"Forget it, I don't want to anymore, let the team continue to explore this world, I want to see how many cornerstone islands there are in this world without island monuments!" Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then conveyed Xiao Yi's order.

Xiao Yi used the return stone and returned directly to the villa. Seeing that Su Wan was still watching the live broadcast, he asked: "Hasn't the Iron-Blooded Alliance won the alliance from the One Tube Kingdom yet?"

"Yeah!" Su Wan responded, "That alliance has a very advanced ship that can definitely deal with armored battleships!"

Xiao Yi was shocked when he heard Amelia Su's words.

"It seems that I have underestimated the heroes of the world!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Not only that, it seems that the Yiguo Alliance has more advanced artillery. The artillery fire speed is very fast, which is simply not what the existing artillery of the Iron-Blooded Alliance can compete with!" Su Wan continued.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then said: "Is there a video of their live broadcast?"

"Yes!" Su Wan responded, "I will send it to you later!"

"Okay!" Xiao Yi returned to his bedroom and turned on the computer.

Amelia Su had already sent the video, and Xiao Yi immediately opened it and watched it carefully.

"Yamato-class cruiser (SSS class): speed up to one hundred kilometers per hour..."

"Automatic artillery (SSS level): an artillery that can continuously fire twenty shells, powerful..."


Looking at the opponent's ships and weapons, the system kept sending out prompts.

"The ship weapons of this country are so powerful!" Xiao Yi was a little surprised. Some of these weapons are comparable to the weapons rewarded by the system!

The last battle with the undead was basically on land, and the battle in the water was just under the water, so the Yitong Kingdom did not show its advantage in combat power.

Now the survivors of the Xia Kingdom wanted to attack the Yitong Kingdom's alliance, and finally met a powerful opponent!

At this time, the live broadcast of the Iron-Blooded Alliance has ended. They did not attack the island of the Yitong Alliance and returned home in disgrace.

The group has already started talking about this matter.

"What's going on with the Iron-Blooded Alliance? They haven't fought against the Yitong Kingdom's alliance?"

"Yes, I heard that the Iron-Blooded Alliance was not established by the special forces of the previous world? After living here for 121 days, its strength has declined?"

"You two upstairs, can you take a look at what's happening on the battlefield and comment?"

"What else can happen on the battlefield? It must be a battle. If you fail, it means you are not strong enough!"

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to you!"

At this time, the leader of the Iron-Blooded Alliance said: "It is true that we are not strong enough. I will develop well. We will definitely attack them again!"

"Actually, it goes without saying. I watched the live broadcast and found out that the battle was lost just because our ships were not as advanced as the other's!"

"Yes, the opponent's ships are so fast, and those cannons can fire continuously. Who can stand this?"

"Yes, it is estimated that only the machine cannons on the big brother's fighter jets can rival it!"

"What are you talking about? Is there any ship faster than the boss's armored battleship?"

"No way, the boss is already at the top of the world, who can surpass him?"

"Please watch the replay of the live broadcast yourself. Don't rest on your laurels here. In the previous world, our Xia Kingdom has suffered such losses. Don't let history repeat itself!"

"I just feel incredible. What is the situation with the artillery that you are talking about that can continuously fire shells? It seems that the big guys don't have such artillery!"

"Probably not. When we fought the undead last time, the boss didn't even bring it out, which means it probably doesn't exist!"

"Wancao, this Yitong Kingdom, which is living a good life, actually has such high-end weapons?"

"Wouldn't it be dangerous for our Xia Kingdom's alliance to be in this way?"

"Yes, with such a powerful ship and continuous artillery fire, wouldn't it be difficult for us to defend against them if they came over?"

"What are you thinking about? What's so difficult about this? Everyone needs to know that things are different on a ship and on land!"

When everyone saw this sentence, they immediately understood what he meant.

The space on the ship is limited, and artillery can only be installed in the weapon position. Generally speaking, for ships of the same size, the weapon position is certain!

An artillery piece that can fire continuously can completely occupy the advantage in firepower.

Just imagine, you have fired one cannonball, and others have already fired five. This is impossible to fight!

It's completely different on land. The defending side can set up several artillery positions.

If you have continuous fire, I can also do continuous fire. I just need to buy a few more artillery pieces!

Seeing this, Xiao Yi said: "The ships and weapons of the Yitong Kingdom alliance are indeed very high-end. You still have to be careful. If your armored warships need to be upgraded, you can send them over for upgrades, and I will turn on the steam turbines here. If you have any questions about the sale of boats, please contact the Trade Department of our alliance directly!”

"The boss finally showed up. Did he watch the live broadcast?"

"No, I just went out for something, but I watched the video. I can't blame the Iron-Blooded Alliance this time. Just like in the previous world, when the gap in technological strength is obvious, it cannot be filled by manpower! We will update Weapons and equipment, you can continue fighting!" Xiao Yi replied, "Failure is the mother of success!"

"Thank you for your comfort, boss. We are summarizing our experience and we will definitely capture them next time we go out!" the leader of the Iron-Blooded Alliance responded immediately.

"The boss's evaluation is very pertinent, it doesn't matter, we have updated the equipment, I don't believe we can't win the country!"

"Our alliance has upgraded all its armored warships and purchased steam turbine ships! They are all SSS-class. I feel that with these two ships, we can completely roam the sea!"

"Don't worry, a prehistoric monster can destroy your ship and kill everyone!"

"I'm just describing the power of the two ships provided by the boss. Is this an exaggerated rhetoric, okay?"

Xiao Yi watched everyone's discussion, pondered for a moment, and immediately called An Yue and said, "Uncle An, put the machine guns on the shelves. Although they don't have fighter jets, let them be installed on vehicles and ships. You can figure out a way for yourself!"

"Yes!" Anyue responded.

Anyue quickly announced in the group and mounted the machine gun.

All the survivors in Xia Kingdom immediately became excited.

"Hahaha, the boss is so awesome. Seeing that we were bullied by the Yitong Kingdom, he upgraded the armored warships and provided new ships. Now he has taken out the machine guns. It is obvious that he wants us to fight back!"

"That's right, we should fight back! You're welcome to Yitongguo!"

"Made, they are coming!"

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