When the other party saw that Zhu Wu had taken out a C-level water purifier, he became confused.

He feels that his upgrade card is very important, but he really can't use it now, and he won't be able to use it for a long time in the future.

And the other party is a high-level water purifier!

Not everyone has a lot of high-level items like Xiao Yi. The instruments these survivors obtained at the beginning were basically ordinary-level items!

So now that he saw Zhu Wu taking out a C-level water purifier, he was really moved.

But he always felt that what Zhu Wu brought out was still too little!

"Brother Pig, add another thousand liters of oxygen and 20% more fuel! If you think it's okay, then trade it. If not, then I'll keep it for myself!" The man finally weighed it and said.

Seeing that the other party had agreed, Zhu Wu naturally would not give up this opportunity. After waiting for a while, he said in the public channel: "You are asking for too much. I can't explain it to the boss. After all, these The resources are all given by the boss!”

"I feel the same way. You want too many things. You can't use this upgrade card now, but the C-level water purifier can be used, so I think you still make money."

"That's right, if you exchange something you don't need for something you need urgently, you'll make a lot of money!"

"Brother Pig, let's forget it. If you encounter such a big talker, just let the upgrade get stuck in his own hands!"

Zhu Wu looked at the discussion and said with a smile: "You can't say that. This upgrade card is still a very important material. It is a material necessary for our development, so it is understandable that he wants more things! "

"Brother Pig, you are so honest. You are discussing business now, and you actually put in a good word for his things. It's really rare!"

“I’ve never seen anyone doing business like this before, and it’s the first time I’ve seen it!”

"Brother, Brother Pig has spoken for you like this, are you embarrassed to ask for so many things?"

The other party pondered for a moment, and then immediately said: "C-class water purifier, 500 liters of oxygen, plus 20% fuel. This is my bottom line. Brother Zhu, look at it. Business cannot be done without mercy."

"Since you have already made concessions, I can't push any further!" Zhu Wu replied, "If I suffer a little loss, it can be regarded as making a friend. You can initiate a transaction!"

When the other party saw that Zhu Wu had agreed to the transaction, he secretly said YES, and then immediately initiated the transaction!

"[Escape Cabin Upgrade Card]*1 transaction [Water Purifier] (C-level), [Oxygen]*500L, [Fuel]*20%."

When Zhu Wu saw the other party, he immediately initiated the transaction, smiled slightly, waited for a while, and then agreed!

"It's a pleasure to cooperate. If there are any good things next time, you can send me a private message!" Zhu Wu continued to say in the public channel.

"Okay, thank you Brother Pig!" the other party said with a smile.

"I'm so envious of you. I have obtained so many resources. It will be much easier to develop in the early stage!"

"Yes, one step ahead, every step ahead!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to grab the supply box too, but today's supply box is so far away from me!"

"It feels like the supply box is so difficult to grab. Not only does it consume fuel, but it also consumes electricity. It would be great if it could receive the light of the star! The escape capsule can produce some electricity on its own. If it is on the dark side of the planet, it will have to wait to die! "

"Yeah, it would be great if we had fishing nets. We could just throw them out and pull them back. No fuel is needed at all!"

"There is no fishing net here, but there is this! [Space Hook]*1."

"Wancao, can you still prescribe this?"

"The manufacturing diagram has just been drawn up, and it took more than half of the oxygen resources to get the raw materials together!"

"With this, you no longer have to worry about losing your grip on the supply box!"

At this time, Zhu Wu was talking in a small group of three people.

"Haha, I made a lot of money this time. I used this little thing to get an escape cabin upgrade card! It's so cool!" Zhu Wu said with a laugh.

"Well, don't forget to trade it to the island owner when the time comes!" Jiang Yuntian reminded.

"Don't worry, I will never forget it! Moreover, the boss has promised me that when I go back this time, I will also have an upgrade card!" Zhu Wu replied.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and asked, "You should be able to stay in this galaxy for 24 hours!"

"According to the situation the first time I came here, it was indeed 24 hours, but not necessarily this time!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Not necessarily?" Jiang Yuntian said doubtfully, "The quality you collected with the collector shouldn't have such a big impact, right?"

"This is not because of my collection, but because of the rules of the world!" Zhu Wu said, "Of course, this is just my guess!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded, and then traded all the secret gold in his hand to Zhu Wu!

"[Dark Gold] * 100,000 transactions are nil."

"This is the dark gold obtained from the recent transaction. Let's trade it to the island owner together when the time comes!" Jiang Yuntian said.

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You actually got so much dark gold here, you must be frugal and frugal!"

"Isn't that true? Our life now is very good. It's not frugal at all!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Ergou also echoed: "Indeed, since you, Alliance Leader, supported us with those things, our luck has improved a lot. Now Brother Jiang and I should be the two most comfortable survivors in this galaxy! "

After saying that, Ergou also traded some dark gold: "[Dark Gold] * 30,000, no transaction."

"That's all I have here!" Ergou said helplessly.

"You two should keep some of it on hand, otherwise you will be short of raw materials when repairing the escape capsule or spaceship!" Zhu Wu immediately reminded.

"Don't worry, we have already reserved some for ourselves. After all, we can't guarantee that our spaceship will not be damaged!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

"I also kept some! It will definitely be enough!" Ergou replied.

"Okay, since you all kept some, I will accept these!" Zhu Wu nodded and agreed to the deal between the two.

After accepting the secret gold from the two of them, Zhu Wu floated to a nearby warehouse and was about to find something to eat. At this time, he suddenly discovered that there were three laser pistols in the warehouse!

"It seems that the boss asked me to give too many things to Brother Jiang, and I even forgot this thing!" Zhu Wu muttered, picked up a bag of bread from the side, and then floated back to the island monument.

"I forgot to trade you something just now!" Zhu Wu said as he placed the laser pistol in the small group of three people.

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