"I believe in our engineers. Besides, if you go, the people on earth may think that we are not sincerely loyal!" Wang Yang said in a deep voice, "That's it. You go and let the stationmaster Gong explain it to the people on earth in advance. !”

"This, yes!" the deputy responded helplessly, and then walked out.

"Others can do what they should do. If they truly join the people on Earth, there is a high probability that the organizational structure will be adjusted. Whether you can still be in your position depends on what the people on Earth think!" Wang Yang said helplessly as he looked at everyone. .

When you attach yourself to others, you won’t have the final say on many things!

Everyone sighed silently, stood up and walked out. They all understood that since they had joined the Earthlings, the management staff would definitely be replaced by Earthlings.

At this time, Xiao Yi had received the attachment message from Gong Tian.

"Dear Earthlings, on behalf of all humans on Chaos Star, we, the Lord of Chaos Star, express our surrender and allegiance to you. I hope you can accept it!"

"Our star master will come over the next time the spacecraft is launched and surrender to you in person!"

Seeing this information, Xiao Yi was stunned.

"What's going on? Are you surrendering now? I don't seem to have shown my personal charm yet!" Xiao Yi muttered.

But he quickly figured out that Chaos Star was in very bad shape now, so he should be treated as a life-saving straw.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly. Everyone knew about his family affairs, even though he was now a representative of advanced civilization in the eyes of Chaos Star.

In fact, the only rewards I received from the sign-in system were templates for advanced items, and there were no basic technologies for other advanced civilizations.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and said: "Perhaps I am not as powerful as you think, and my civilization level is not high enough. Are you sure you want to join me?"

After sending this message, Xiao Yi waited for a while before receiving news from Gong Tian.

"We're sure!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "There is no problem in surrendering to me, but Star Master needs to complete the contract with me!"


"Yes, if you are sincerely loyal, this contract will have no impact on you at all. If you are not sincerely loyal, this contract may kill the Star Master!" Xiao Yi is used to saying ugly things first.

Gong Tian frowned when he saw Xiao Yi's words, and then immediately returned the message to the ground.

When Wang Yang's deputy saw the news, his first reaction was not to cooperate with the people on earth.

But Wang Yang said calmly: "Since we sincerely surrender to the people of Earth, and this contract has no impact on me, why don't we surrender?"

"What if the people on Earth lied to us?" the deputy said with a frown.

"If he wants to lie to us, he can definitely say that the contract is equal!" Wang Yang said with a smile.

The deputy was startled for a moment, then nodded: "So, what the Earthling said should be true."

"Well, and it's understandable that the other party does this. We just say that we belong to them, but in fact, he doesn't know what we think!" Wang Yang continued, "This contract should be a means to restrict us."

"Well, indeed!"

"Let Webmaster Gong reply to the people on earth, I agree with his request!" Wang Yang replied.


Gong Tian was stunned for a moment after receiving the order from the ground, and then replied to Xiao Yi truthfully.

"Dear Earthlings, our star master agrees to your request."

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Okay, let you star masters wait on the Chaos Star. After I have manufactured your parts here, I will go to your planet!"

"Okay, I will inform our star master right now that there is water on the Chaos Star, and the launch of the spacecraft is indeed affected. Thank you for your understanding!" Gong Tian replied gratefully.

The miniature spaceships of Chaos Star are all assembled in space, so they cannot take off and land freely.

Only after reaching the small spaceship can it take off and land freely.

When Gong Tian conveyed Xiao Yi's words to the ground, Wang Yang and others were stunned.

"People from Earth actually want to come here in person?"

"It seems they are not worried about us threatening them at all!"

"Yes, Star Lord, what should we do now? Should we take advantage of this opportunity..."

"Are you sure that our planet's weapons will cause damage to Earth's spaceships?"

"Well, forget it then and just surrender honestly!"

Wang Yang coughed twice, and the conference room immediately became quiet, and then he said: "Okay, everyone, don't have any other small thoughts in your mind. Since you have decided to join, don't use your brains. Wait for all the aircraft to arrive." Don’t even get close to Earthlings’ spaceships!”


Two hours passed quickly. Xiao Yi had processed all the parts that needed to be processed in the space station and handed them over to Gong Tian.

"Thank you, sir. Our star master is ready. He is waiting for you at this location!" Gong Tian sent a message, along with a map of the Chaos Star.

"Okay!" Xiao Yi responded, and then ordered Space One, "Land on Chaos Star!"

"Yes!" Space One responded, "For safety reasons, please put on the space suit in the cabin!"

"Okay!" Xiao Yi immediately put on the spacesuit inside the cabin.

Space One drove a medium-sized spaceship and landed on the Chaos Star.

After passing through the atmosphere, Xiao Yi saw the endless sea, and felt inexplicably familiar at this moment.

"About ten minutes later, we landed on the Chaos Star Sea." Space One prompted.

As the spacecraft slowed down, Xiao Yi finally felt gravity!

After wandering in the universe for nearly 21 days, we finally arrived on the ground!

The spacecraft landed smoothly on the sea, and Xiao Yi couldn't wait to take off the spacesuit in the cabin.

At this time, Xiao Yi felt that his steps were unsteady. No wonder the astronauts in the previous world had to be carried by others after the spacecraft landed.

The weightless environment in space is completely different from that on the ground. Every astronaut returning from space must adjust slowly.

In addition, in an environment without gravity, the human body cannot get effective exercise, and muscle atrophy and osteoporosis will occur.

Therefore, after astronauts return, they need to undergo a series of examinations and undergo recovery training before returning to normal life.

Xiao Yi now has an SSS-level physique, which is much stronger than ordinary people. He feels that he is a little unsteady when walking, let alone those astronauts whose physiques are still within the range of ordinary people.

After a little adaptation, Xiao Yi finally recovered.

"Finally I don't have to float around anymore, it feels so good!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

"Island owner, an amphibious vehicle is approaching us!" Space One suddenly reminded.

"How many are there?"

"Only one!"

"Let it come over here, No. 2, prepare the laser weapon!"


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