"Don't worry, there will be no problem with food. We will continue to collect some soil and slowly expand our field area!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

More importantly, Wang Yang and the others didn't know the situation of quadruple harvest, but Xiao Yi was still very confident in triggering his quadruple state.

Fruits and vegetables take up part of the farm space, and the food produced by a farm is indeed a bit stretched, but after quadrupling the status, things are completely different.

In addition, they can indeed collect soil from other planets or meteorites, so Xiao Yi really does not worry about food problems.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Wang Yang still frowned and said uncertainly: "If it wasn't a planet suitable for us to live on, it would be difficult to find soil suitable for growing crops!"

"That's true, but grade food must be put on the agenda." Xiao Yi said without doubt.

Wang Yang could only respond helplessly.

"According to the current situation in our fleet, there are 8 micro-spaceships, which just merge into one large spaceship." Xiao Yi took out a piece of paper and said while writing.

These eight miniature spaceships were all brought over by Jiang Yuntian and the others. Among them, Ergou's miniature spaceship was destroyed four times.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and continued: "There are 38 small spaceships. According to this fusion method, 9 large spaceships can be fused, and one more."

"So, can't we upgrade the large spaceship to a higher-level spacecraft?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"Well, we'll know after we try it out!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let's merge all the spaceships into a large spaceship first."

Everyone nodded.

"Wang Yang, I need your cooperation to transfer all the people on the spacecraft." Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes, Island Master, I am fully cooperating with you!" Wang Yang stood up and responded.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, stood up and said, "Then get moving! Postpone the recruitment test for another day!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian and Ergou responded in unison.

Xiao Yi put on his extravehicular spacesuit and walked out of the spacecraft.

First, merge all the micro spaceships to get one large spaceship.

During the fusion, the super fusion device naturally prompted whether to retain other substances in the cabin.

Xiao Yi chose to keep them all. If there are intelligent creatures inside, the fusion cannot be completed.

After merging a large spaceship, Xiao Yi asked Wang Yang to transfer all the people on the four small spaceships, and then merge the four small spaceships into a large one.

When the people on the Chaos Star were informed of the transfer of the spacecraft, they all started talking.

"Didn't this just adjust the population? Why does it need to be transferred again?"

"Yeah, it doesn't mean we need space to build other things, and we have to squeeze in together, right?"

"It's very possible, but it's good to be alive now. What more space do you want?"

"I feel like the island owner won't let us crowd together."

"I hope so!"

When they arrived inside the large spaceship, they were all stunned.

"When did we get another large spaceship?"

"Yes, it seems that we have not encountered an enemy. The harvest from the last battle was only ten medium-sized spaceships."

"Then what's going on?"

"You have time to discuss it here, why not just go to the window and have a look."

"You'll know just by looking at it? What happened outside?"

Everyone on Chaos Star crowded to the window of the large spaceship and looked outside.

Because there is no gravity, it looks like human-shaped flowers blooming near the window, with human heads in the stamens!

The window area was limited, so it was naturally impossible for everyone to see outside. The people behind shouted.

"If you see it in front, move around quickly and let others see it too!"

"Yeah, if that doesn't work, at least tell me what you saw!"

At this time, those Chaos Stars who saw the situation outside the spacecraft were completely dumbfounded.

I saw an astronaut wearing an extravehicular spacesuit floating next to Xiao Yi's spacecraft. There was a small instrument on his wrist, which emitted a light curtain to wrap up the two small spacecraft. The next moment, a medium-sized spacecraft appeared. appear before their eyes.

"This must be a magical method, right?"

"Yes, no wonder we have to move. In the future, it will be difficult for our fleet to find low-level spaceships!"

"Either you go away or tell us what you saw. Chatting like this is just to whet our appetite!"

"You are trying to kill us, we are going to take action!"

"Pay attention to order. Anyone who dares to make a move will be sent to prison immediately!" the soldiers on the side shouted in a deep voice.

Wang Yang did not say that they were not allowed to watch, so the soldiers maintaining order would not stop them from watching, but if there was a riot, it was absolutely not allowed!

"Yes, we are just talking about it, how could we do it!"

"Yes, yes, we are negotiating amicably."

The soldier nodded slightly and said, "Don't cause trouble for yourself!"

After saying that, the soldier floated away.

"We can't fight, but we can pull them apart. Let's do it together!"

"That's right, after watching it for so long, it's time for us to see the island owner's magical power!"

I didn't see that there were still a lot of people outside, and the people lying in front were quickly pulled away.

People from behind crowded the window again.

"Is this man in a space suit the island owner?"

"Definitely, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, only the island owner has such a magical ability!"

"Look carefully, the island owner should be able to upgrade the spacecraft by relying on the machine on his wrist!"

"In any case, there is nothing wrong with following the island owner! At least the survival rate is much higher than our own adventure in space!"

Amid everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi completed the integration of all spaceships!

Xiao Yi's fleet became 18 large spaceships and 1 medium spaceship.

Among them, Xiao Yi's large spaceship also had three farms the size of a large spaceship hanging on it.

Xiao Yi didn't even go back, but directly ordered through the intercom: "Everyone on the spaceship and the farm must be moved out."

"Island owner, why not test it with other large spaceships before integrating ours?" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and replied: "Let's get it right at once. I've already gone out, so there's no need to go back."

"Okay, I'll organize people to go to other large spaceships!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

"Well, I'll wait for your news!" Xiao Yi responded.

Jiang Yuntian immediately conveyed Xiao Yi's order.

"Attention everyone, please leave the spaceship and farm within ten minutes! Repeat..."

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